Big Z will be at UK.

Would love to get my hands on this test UK is insisting on passing
Media leaked study guide

Considering Cal has done this over 100 kids, he probably figured there was no issue. Or maybe he was told "Hey, we will get this through no problem." And went off that. Even experts hit snags. We scheduled maintenance one night for something that should've taken 30 minutes. Routine. Told our clients that. We hit a major issue that then took nearly 5 hours to correct. We of course let our clients know with timed communication, etc. Point being, we never would've dreamed we'd hit that issue. Are we at fault? I'd say no. Sometimes crap happens, no matter what planning you do. Cal went off their word perhaps. Now, the reason everyone is a tizzy is because there's a piece of paper and a signature that could fix this in a heartbeat. And yet here we are going on nearly two months.
If this was Cal's first time doing this, I would understand the position that maybe something unexpected went wrong. However, didn't anything go wrong other than Cal threw the fanbase a bone to chase so they would get off his back for a while. He knew releasing the news of a big man signing would have fans dreaming about the season like a kid dreaming about Christmas gifts.
I think this is all a coordinated ruse to enable Ivisic to spend as little time here as possible.
I totally agree here. I mean I still can’t get over my daughter is about to hit fall break in college and this dude ain’t even in a class yet but will still be eligible by some partial semester logic….crazy stuff but I hope it works out
If this was Cal's first time doing this, I would understand the position that maybe something unexpected went wrong. However, didn't anything go wrong other than Cal threw the fanbase a bone to chase so they would get off his back for a while. He knew releasing the news of a big man signing would have fans dreaming about the season like a kid dreaming about Christmas gifts.
Utter nonsense. Outside of this board, and it's only a very small number at this board, the fans are not on Cal's back. You hear stories, (here), about boosters being against Cal when nothing is further from the truth.

There was nothing calculated about signing Z. And nothing sinister about a small roadblock before he plays here.

Cal does his job to the best of abilities and the chips fall where they fall. Z is a 5 minute or less per game player.

Cal is supported by the vast majority of UK fans as he should be. Every fanbase has irrational and over the top fans that give the rest a bad name. Seems most of those for UK has chosen to gather at this one site. Even then it's less than 50 of them. Same posters posting the same hate over and over and over. No one single fact among them all. Just a commonality of hatred. They have nothing to base their hatred on so they just make it personal.
Occam's razor principle, aka, the law of economy: The simplest of competing theories is generally the right one. This isn't a case of admitting a graduating high school senior from New Jersey. This is a Croatian FIBA player. Right? It could hardly be more obvious that Cal did not coordinate this unusual admission with the Admissions Office. If he had worked with the Admissions Office, this would not be playing out like it is. Like many other people who post here, you seem to want the blame to fall on the shoulders of the Admissions Office. What is that about? The Admissions Office simply administers standard criteria for enrollment set by the University Senate Committee on Admissions and Academic Standards to comply with state and federal law. If you don't believe me, you can contact Leslie Vincent, the committee chair, directly.

Admissions are not something that gets "fixed". You should know that before you offer this kind of comment on Ivisic's situation, but you don't. There are criteria for admission. The criteria apply to each and every application. Do some schools cheat? Sure, some do. Is that what you want for Kentucky? When schools violate their own criteria to admit athletes, people get in trouble, people get fired, and people even get investigated and prosecuted. That may not matter to you or to those who just want their 7 footer all else be damned. But it matters a lot to the school and to the people who are directly affected.

No news is - literally - no news. In the absence of actual news, people revert to their own thought preferences. But there is literally nothing here.

But we can probably make reasonable inferences. Because there is no news, we can infer either that Ivisic cannot get admitted anywhere, or else he is singularly committed to seeing it through with Kentucky one way or the other. Or both.

Travis Branham recently said getting Ivisic admitted to Kentucky is a longshot. That isn't exactly news, but it falls under the category of analysis. I heard Branham's statement, but I could not tell if he actually knew something, or whether he was just guessing like everyone else.

Since Kentucky has not issued an announcement, we can infer either that they are still working on his application or else they felt a public announcement of his final status was not appropriate at this time. We have been down this road before. If Cal did to me what he has done to the Admissions Office by not checking with them for admission guidance before offering this scholarship to a Croatian FIBA player, I might be inclined to let him make the announcement himself.
What are we paying our AD over a million for, didn't he know that Cal went overseas to recruit this guy, shouldn't he have asked or found out what was involved?
Utter nonsense. Outside of this board, and it's only a very small number at this board, the fans are not on Cal's back. You hear stories, (here), about boosters being against Cal when nothing is further from the truth.

There was nothing calculated about signing Z. And nothing sinister about a small roadblock before he plays here.

Cal does his job to the best of abilities and the chips fall where they fall. Z is a 5 minute or less per game player.

Cal is supported by the vast majority of UK fans as he should be. Every fanbase has irrational and over the top fans that give the rest a bad name. Seems most of those for UK has chosen to gather at this one site. Even then it's less than 50 of them. Same posters posting the same hate over and over and over. No one single fact among them all. Just a commonality of hatred. They have nothing to base their hatred on so they just make it personal.
5 minute or less per game player?! Lulz nonsense.
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You're 100% right!

The nonsense at Arkansas last year with Nick Smith would have created an absolute meltdown in our fanbase.

Chris Ledlum up and leaving Tennessee this summer for St. Johns.

Alabama with a scandal every other week this season including a murder.

Kansas players being accused of rape/sexual assault/domestic violence every offseason like clockwork, constant eligibility questions, Adidas/NCAA/FBI trouble, sanctions, etc..

Apparently Caleb Love and RJ Davis hating each other all season last year because someone stole someone else's GF which helped tank their season.

Caleb love then not getting into school at Michigan because their admissions department is as bad as ours.

Flowers leaving Louisville for the NBL at a moment's notice last month.

We could go onnnnn and onnnnn about issues and drama in pretty much every single program across college basketball, including most of the coaches that this board would clamor for if we moved on from Cal.

People on this board are clueless sometimes as to what goes on outside of Lexington.
Word...this is the only place I get my news/sports these days. For the past few years actually. Don't have facebook, chatgtp (or whatever it is), X (twitter), Y or Z (if there is one).
Utter nonsense. Outside of this board, and it's only a very small number at this board, the fans are not on Cal's back. You hear stories, (here), about boosters being against Cal when nothing is further from the truth.

There was nothing calculated about signing Z. And nothing sinister about a small roadblock before he plays here.

Cal does his job to the best of abilities and the chips fall where they fall. Z is a 5 minute or less per game player.

Cal is supported by the vast majority of UK fans as he should be. Every fanbase has irrational and over the top fans that give the rest a bad name. Seems most of those for UK has chosen to gather at this one site. Even then it's less than 50 of them. Same posters posting the same hate over and over and over. No one single fact among them all. Just a commonality of hatred. They have nothing to base their hatred on so they just make it personal.
Cue the Cal defender, "X player sucks anyway" LOL
Cue the Cal defender, "X player sucks anyway" LOL
Were you the one that brought in the top class in the nation, PLUS getting our three point shooter back, plus adding some other great talent? Didn't think so.

And now maybe this outstanding talent.
Were you the one that brought in the top class in the nation, PLUS getting our three point shooter back, plus adding some other great talent? Didn't think so.

And now maybe this outstanding talent.
Uh, you might want to check who you're replying to, I'm not the one who said Ivisic sucks.