After every loss...

I want cal to be our coach. I don’t want to think about who else. At the same time though I want cal to step back and make some big changes which are required of all coaches who want to be some where for life. Cal approaches everything today at UK the same way he did in 2010. Cal continues to coach in game down 5 with 3 to go as he does from the tip. Maybe we need a bad season. A first round exit or even miss the tourney in order for cal to see that he must change radically in order to catch up. I think it’s some major pride getting in the way of cals growth opportunities and hindering our success. Great coaches are constantly adapting. I want cal to be great but at the end of the day none of it matters because he has to want it.
And then the same people (you) get on here and say “who would you get/want”.

Listen, it’s NO surprise that I get on here and take Cal to the woodshed. Why? Because I will never attack teenagers. They aren’t very good...period. It’s Cals job to make them better and HE IS NOT DOING THAT.

So, it’s on him. 100%. He makes a shit ton of money to win and NOT just regular season or SEC Championships. As bad as the SEC has been the last decade, even that’s not a huge accomplishment.

His job is to win NCAA Championships. Period. Just like every coach in EVERY OTHER SPORT.

Jesus. He’s had the talent to win MANY, MANY titles and he has one ONLY ONE and that is not good enough for what he’s had. He’s not getting the ultimate job done. He’s not putting the program first. He’s not concerned with what ANYONE has to say because he’s untouchable with that contract.


So I won’t dodge your question. You asked who do we get?

How about someone, anyone, thats not complacent and will put THIS UNIVERSITY FIRST. FIRST!!!

I say we hire this guy. I like his passion. He'd probably coach for free.
What a great thread. We need a coach who puts Kentucky first and wins championships. The second time he fails we will fire him and get someone who really puts Kentucky first. Kentuckykiddie, you may be an intelligent fan but your posts are dumber than shit.


It’s been ELEVEN YEARS!!! Btw, gfy lol
UK will find a good coach when Cal is finished here. It may not be immediately after but we will. This isn’t the University of Calipari. He didn’t come here to bring prestige to the program, he came because we already had it.
Ah, but to some posters it is all about calipari, and back in the tubby years it was all bout him. For whatever reason they think the coach cannot ever be questioned or scrutinized. Its a real head scratcher cause cal has said many times to put the blame him and not the players. He has gotten was he's asked for as far as I'm concerned.
the same people come on here and blame Cal for coaching poorly. The answer has and will always be: who do you want in his place and who, among those choices, would be willing to take the UK job and the huge pressure that comes with it? The answer is always that things would be worse if Cal left and that's probably right. When Sutton was forced out, how many coaches turned us down. I can recall that PJ Calisimo, Pat Riley, and Lute Olson all said no to UK and those are just the ones I know we offered. So who would you want that would realistically be inclined to accept? Billy Donovan has said no twice.
So, if cal does leave one day, should we just shut down the basketball program? Right now you could replace cal with a cardboard cut out of the late dick fick and the offense wouldn't look much worse
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This is a 100% true story :

Those who have defended Cal for only having one Title (be it roster turnover, refs, etc) are the EXACT same people people that ripped Dean Smith for (on luck) only winning two titles with all of the talent he got at UNC*

This is 100% a true story.

(Note: before the blue tints come out. I’m not even ripping him for having one. I get how hard it is, but you guys have become as unbearable as the “fire Calipari” group and I’ll be honest: there’s a ton more blue tints than there are “fire Cal”goofs, but you all know this is 100% Correct)
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Ah, but to some posters it is all about calipari, and back in the tubby years it was all bout him. For whatever reason they think the coach cannot ever be questioned or scrutinized. Its a real head scratcher cause cal has said many times to put the blame him and not the players. He has gotten was he's asked for as far as I'm concerned.
I’d probably be called a “sunshine pumper” by most. I’d call it being a realist. I don’t expect to win every game or make the final four every year. I like Cal and don’t want anyone else as our coach as of right now. But to act like he’s perfect or is great at everything is ridiculous. He has plenty of room for improvement. The struggles the team is facing now is as much or more his fault than the players.
And then the same people (you) get on here and say “who would you get/want”.

Listen, it’s NO surprise that I get on here and take Cal to the woodshed. Why? Because I will never attack teenagers. They aren’t very good...period. It’s Cals job to make them better and HE IS NOT DOING THAT.

So, it’s on him. 100%. He makes a shit ton of money to win and NOT just regular season or SEC Championships. As bad as the SEC has been the last decade, even that’s not a huge accomplishment.

His job is to win NCAA Championships. Period. Just like every coach in EVERY OTHER SPORT.

Jesus. He’s had the talent to win MANY, MANY titles and he has one ONLY ONE and that is not good enough for what he’s had. He’s not getting the ultimate job done. He’s not putting the program first. He’s not concerned with what ANYONE has to say because he’s untouchable with that contract.


So I won’t dodge your question. You asked who do we get?

How about someone, anyone, thats not complacent and will put THIS UNIVERSITY FIRST. FIRST!!!

Second or first? I must have missed that part.
IF we were to finish poorly this year and next (not making a Final Four) I think my feelings will start to change.

At that point we would be 9 years removed from a title and 6 from FF.

I'd still give another year or two before I'd get really bent because more than likely neither this year or next will finish in something god awful.

We'd then be into like year 14 or 15 at that point....this is when I'd expect Cal to walk anyway in reality.

Also, I think there is a good shot he walks 1 season after if/when he wins another title.

Replacement? No clue. Holtmann seems logical but he hasn't done anything in the tourney. All these NBA guys...doubtful at best, maybe one last run at Billy D. See what John Brannen does at UC....Beard at TTU post FF...Mark Pope at BYU, etc.

Then you have a whole slew of power program guys....Jay, Tony, etc. If all else fails, just bring Pitino back (kidding).

I'll have a better idea in 3-5 years.
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Like who? A former player? Let's say we get Travis Ford or Walter McCarty who puts UK first and they lose 10 games a season and never get past the 2nd weekend. Are we ok with that because they love UK? No. Stupid take.

If you want that then you are okay with being a contender once every 3 or 4 years because that's what happens when you build a program like that. Do you actually think fans will be okay with an NIT year because those players will be a championship contender in a couple of years? Laughable.

I think Cal needs to adjust some things. That's a valid argument. Anyone who thinks we should move on from Cal is a f'ing baby, microwave society idiot who doesn't understand that the grass isn't always greener.
We’re only a contender every few years right now. Atleast with a different coach we would have roster continuity and have players who want to be here again.

And what makes you think we’d go to the NIT? Not like we’d have Gillespie or Calipari on our sidelines...
I’d probably be called a “sunshine pumper” by most. I’d call it being a realist. I don’t expect to win every game or make the final four every year. I like Cal and don’t want anyone else as our coach as of right now. But to act like he’s perfect or is great at everything is ridiculous. He has plenty of room for improvement. The struggles the team is facing now is as much or more his fault than the players.
I'd call you a rationale fan. However I do think alot of people/fans on here would label you a cal hater for even questioning the coach.
It feels like the tubby years are starting again and not just on the basketball court.
We’re only a contender every few years right now. Atleast with a different coach we would have roster continuity and have players who want to be here again.

And what makes you think we’d go to the NIT? Not like we’d have Gillespie or Calipari on our sidelines...

You can't be serious putting Gillespie and Cal in the same sentence.

Just a bit of friendly advice...your life will constantly be filled with bitterness, resentment, and disappointment when your expectations are wildly unrealistic.
You can't be serious putting Gillespie and Cal in the same sentence.

Just a bit of friendly advice...your life will constantly be filled with bitterness, resentment, and disappointment when your expectations are wildly unrealistic.
It was more tongue in cheek but just comparing them off their nits.

And you’re dead on the expectations thing. It’s why I was less upset with Tubby than Cal. I never expected a bunch from Tubbys teams. Expectations are always high with Cal though. So many years of not meeting them is enough to piss you off.
the same people come on here and blame Cal for coaching poorly. The answer has and will always be: who do you want in his place and who, among those choices, would be willing to take the UK job and the huge pressure that comes with it? The answer is always that things would be worse if Cal left and that's probably right. When Sutton was forced out, how many coaches turned us down. I can recall that PJ Calisimo, Pat Riley, and Lute Olson all said no to UK and those are just the ones I know we offered. So who would you want that would realistically be inclined to accept? Billy Donovan has said no twice.

That 86 million dollar contract extension virtually guarantees Cal will be here for a long time to come, so this topic is pretty much futile.

But, just for the sake of discussion, here's the guy who's caught my eye: Chris Holtmann. Did a tremendous job at Butler, is doing the same at Ohio State, his teams always look very well coached, and from what I've seen of him in interviews, he seems to have the right personality and temperament as well. And, to top it all off, he grew up in Nicholasville, damn near the shadow of Rupp Arena.

I doubt we're gonna find a better fit for the UK job than Holtmann.
Good post. Nate did look good. Exceptionally good considering he just returned from injury. The thing I can't understand is why we stopped getting him open and/or feeding him for more 3 point shots! I mean wtf?! Dude was hotter than a $2 pistol and we just flat out went away from the hot hand. The wife and I kept yelling, "get it to Sestina", the whole second half. It just never transpired for whatever reason.

they focused on him defensively and shut it down. We didn’t have anyone else to turn to. Cal keeps saying we have a good shooting team. He’s basing that off of practice. Game and practice are 2 different things. I think we have 3-4 guys capable of being good shooters. But they don’t do the work (on their own time) to master their craft. They’re not “gym rats” as Cal says about certain players.
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That 86 million dollar contract extension virtually guarantees Cal will be here for a long time to come, so this topic is pretty much futile.

But, just for the sake of discussion, here's the guy who's caught my eye: Chris Holtmann. Did a tremendous job at Butler, is doing the same at Ohio State, his teams always look very well coached, and from what I've seen of him in interviews, he seems to have the right personality and temperament as well. And, to top it all off, he grew up in Nicholasville, damn near the shadow of Rupp Arena.

I doubt we're gonna find a better fit for the UK job than Holtmann.

That dammed contract.
UK will find a good coach when Cal is finished here. It may not be immediately after but we will. This isn’t the University of Calipari. He didn’t come here to bring prestige to the program, he came because we already had it.
What is wrong with u, have u ever coached a game or recruited a player? Cal gets paid to coach The team and recruit. If we have a bad yr this year , the next class will compete for championship but this year is not over yet so wait till the hay is in the barn before u complain!
What is wrong with u, have u ever coached a game or recruited a player? Cal gets paid to coach The team and recruit. If we have a bad yr this year , the next class will compete for championship but this year is not over yet so wait till the hay is in the barn before u complain!
I have actually coached many games. Be it that’s it’s wasn’t collegiate but I have coached guys who went on to play in college.

There’s a huge difference between complaining and admitting there are deficiencies in players or coaches. Everyone has them. I haven’t “gave up” on the team. I hope they pull it together and play great basketball the rest of the season. If you think our program began and will end with Cal when he leaves then there’s no sense in talking to you because you’re either delusional or 14 years old.
The greatest trick Cal ever pulled is convincing UK fans he's irreplaceable.

Gillispie has helped Cal make this sell. Because what preceded Cal was so bad some fans seem to presume what comes after him would be too.

Of course, there's an easy way to prevent that, just don't hire an irrational, emotionally-unstable abusive alcoholic. Just because we made the worst possible choice once doesn't mean we'd do so again.

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