A majority of Kentuckians support full legalization of marijuana...

Two bills were introduced in the House today.

One bill is to add a Constitutional amendment to allow adults over 21 to possess, use, buy or sell up to an ounce without criminal penalties. If passed it will go on the ballot in Nov. If it gets on the ballot it will pass overwhelmingly IMO.

The other bill is simply to decriminalize marijuana and expunge certain records.

Apparently both bills have a lot of support, but no Rs have signed on yet. With the medical marijuana bill introduced last year, there's now three bills in the House. I think they'll have to take action on something soon.
The GOP will probably do like the Florida GOP did with the voting rights bill for ex-felons that overwhelmingly passed on the ballot the other year ago, which is do everything in their power to completely undermine and nullify it because they clearly don't give a shit what the populace wants.
Let me know when we elect one of those for the first time.
I just did. You chose the corrupt establishment pos currently destroying the country. And why hasn't he done anything to legalize weed yet? You have all 3 branches to do it.
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I just did. You chose the corrupt establishment pos currently destroying the country. And why hasn't he done anything to legalize weed yet? You have all 3 branches to do it.
All 3 branches? What are those 3 branches of the government?
I just did. You chose the corrupt establishment pos currently destroying the country. And why hasn't he done anything to legalize weed yet? You have all 3 branches to do it.
Sounds like you need to do some learning.
This is the downfall of the commonwealth style of government. Our state constitution stipulates measures such as legal cannabis must be passed by the state legislature rather than through ballot initiatives like other states have.

If left to a vote of the people, legal MJ would pass overwhelmingly. But instead we elect politicians who are beholden to opponents of legal cannabis, mainly big pharma and the bourbon industry because legal pot could greatly curtail profits for both.
Well weed is far better than any bourbon so unfortunately I don’t see it ever being passed if our state is being held hostage by dudes who only have their own interests at heart.
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I acknowledge the medical benefit of cannabis. But the desire of most for legalization of pot, I suspect, is basically for recreational use. Thus my question is (since I have never felt any desire to be "stoned" or "high") "What am I missing?"
We all suffer from some shit. I struggle with anxiety and adhd and have my entire life. Smoking weed negated all of those issues and allowed me to function. Anyone who’s ever smoked weed knows that you’re far more capable of carrying on your daily lives while being stoned than if you’re drunk or high off some other substance.
You come on so strong with hate in every post you make. Sad really.

And it’s always framed in evil left vs beautiful right no matter the topic. It has to be exhausting looking at literally everything through a hyper partisan lens.
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And it’s always framed in evil left vs beautiful right no matter the topic. It has to be exhausting looking at literally everything through a hyper partisan lens.
For whatever reason, Ida wants to be that caterwauling toddler in the room. FWIW, I've never believed that he buys in to more than a fraction of his schtick, and instead just likes to see the reactions he can get.
It just wasn’t. Two entirely different things to me. Not saying it is a gateway drug for everyone but it was to me and my friends.
I would make an educated guess that over 99% of people who did/do marijuana or other illegal drugs had their first experience with an addictive substance (other than prescribed medications) in the form of alcohol.
I would make an educated guess that over 99% of people who did/do marijuana or other illegal drugs had their first experience with an addictive substance (other than prescribed medications) in the form of alcohol.
Yup. And how many people try marijuana and then don’t go on to try/use harder substances?
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I think some people have addictive personalities and particularly in adolescence they are looking for any escape from being a miserable teenager. Those two things kind of compliment each other. Pot being illegal clearly hasn’t prevented its use though and at least when I was a kid, it was actually easier to get pot than alcohol.
It just wasn’t. Two entirely different things to me. Not saying it is a gateway drug for everyone but it was to me and my friends.
That makes no sense whatsoever. What did you get hooked on? Meth? Well that's a totally different thing than marijuana.

It's no different than blaming the gun when a person is shot. Addiction, just like pulling a trigger, is a result of personal choices. IMO
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That makes no sense whatsoever. What did you get hooked on? Meth? Well that's a totally different thing than marijuana.

It's no different than blaming the gun when a person is shot. Addiction, just like pulling a trigger, is a result of personal choices. IMO
Was never hooked on anything. Sure did a lot of experimenting though. Others things were just next step. Never went so far as the needle but had friends that started out smoking that did. Not sure why saying gateway drug ticks people off. People want to smoke have at it.
Was never hooked on anything. Sure did a lot of experimenting though. Others things were just next step. Never went so far as the needle but had friends that started out smoking that did. Not sure why saying gateway drug ticks people off. People want to smoke have at it.
Doesnt tick me off. Just never believed in the concept as it is presented as a whole.
Was never hooked on anything. Sure did a lot of experimenting though. Others things were just next step. Never went so far as the needle but had friends that started out smoking that did. Not sure why saying gateway drug ticks people off. People want to smoke have at it.
Because "gateway drug" is a bullshit phrase created by the drunks who run our government.

I was in the same position as you then. I had friends who started shooting coke back in the 80's and even had a couple make fun of me because I wouldn't do it. I made the decision that sticking a needle in my arm and injecting something that I have no idea what it really is, was not the way to go.

If we say that pot is a gateway drug, then what is the gateway drug for pot? As someone said earlier, there would be very few people who didn't drink alcohol before they ever smoked weed.
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Because "gateway drug" is a bullshit phrase created by the drunks who run our government.

I was in the same position as you then. I had friends who started shooting coke back in the 80's and even had a couple make fun of me because I wouldn't do it. I made the decision that sticking a needle in my arm and injecting something that I have no idea what it really is, was not the way to go.

If we say that pot is a gateway drug, then what is the gateway drug for pot? As someone said earlier, there would be very few people who didn't drink alcohol before they ever smoked weed.

for some reason I randomly remembered an episode of Arli$$ where Coolio played a big time pot dealer for NBA players. One of the characters calls him a drug dealer and Coolio goes "I don't sell drugs". The guy goes "9 out of 10 heroin users started with marijuana!" and Coolio shoots back "and 10 out of 10 started with milk!"
The gateway drug lingo is just a bunch of hooey. Just because there is correlation does not mean causation. Addicts are addicts. Yeah many addicts smoked weed before they did whatever they got addicted to, but millions of people have smoked weed and never even tried anything else. For me to consider it a gateway I don't want to know how many addicts also smoked weed. I want to know how what % of weed smokers become addicts of harder drugs.
The Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria
At the gym and was literally listening to Sleep Now In The Fire when I read this 😂.

It just wasn’t. Two entirely different things to me. Not saying it is a gateway drug for everyone but it was to me and my friends.
Yeah and tell me who was offered coke, heroin acid, Molly or meth before pot? No one, that’s the reason why it’s called a gateway, which is dumb, because of course you’re going to try weed at 14-17 before chopping lines or bending a gd spoon to shoot up.

The large majority of people are trying booze first as well but no one says that was your gateway to weed. These same people likely tried weed or blow for the first while drinking.
How the term originated.
Everyone cited in that is from anti-marijuana type organizations so of course they’re blaming marijuana, it’s what they get paid for, silly. I never did blow while my friends did for years until I got day drunk in college and did some lines, never once tried it using weed.

And of course weed is used by people doing other drugs. People high on most anything like to use weed as well while they’re high.

They also say it’s due to the use of one psychoactive drug before using another so they purposely made it to where the wording didn’t allow alcohol to be included as it’s not “psychoactive”.

Stop blaming your drug experimentation on weed, you chose to do something, weed didn’t make you.

Tell me you’d rather your kids be full on drunks than stoners…
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The gateway drug lingo is just a bunch of hooey. Just because there is correlation does not mean causation. Addicts are addicts. Yeah many addicts smoked weed before they did whatever they got addicted to, but millions of people have smoked weed and never even tried anything else. For me to consider it a gateway I don't want to know how many addicts also smoked weed. I want to know how what % of weed smokers become addicts of harder drugs.
My question would be not how many became addicts of harder drugs it’s simply how many tried harder drugs.