A majority of Kentuckians support full legalization of marijuana...

#1 - polls usually mean very little. While I'm sure that there is a large population of Ky residents that would support legalization, I feel very confident that it is NOT 90%.

#2 - As far as voting is concerned. While I support legalization and I am a stock investor, this issue is down the list of items on a candidate's platform. I imagine others feel the same.

#3 - It will be legal at some point.......and I agree with 80 Proof that I think they'll legalize it federally before Ky changes.

#4 - The longer it takes to legalize at the federal or state levels, the more time I have to invest more.
Gatewood Galbraith (RIP) says “hello”
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Paducah is the new Amsterdam. A couple of buds from Richmond and I got a hotel room in downtown Paducah a few months ago for a Friday night. We left Richmond early afternoon and drove straight to the dispensary in Metropolis, IL, about a 5 hour drive. We maxed out our allowable purchase, which is 15g of flower, 250 mg of edibles. Then we went and checked in the hotel. It is about 10 minutes from Metropolis to downtown Paducah. We were able to discreetly smoke out while watching the Ohio River flow by. Then we ate at Doe's Eat Place, which was featured on a Anthony Bourdain "No Reservations" episode. There is enough to do in Paducah to keep you busy for a night, several bars, restaurants, a couple of brewpubs. Metropolis has a casino, but that's about it, and all those bells and whistles are a buzz kill. The next morning we hit Thrive Metropolis again, which has a great selection, probably even better than the ones in Amsterdam, and maxed out again, then drove back to Richmond, closely obeying all traffic laws.

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I went to a dispensary in Illinois a couple of months ago. I was a noob and had never smoked or used an edible before. I was rather disappointed. I guess they were still doing covid restrictions because I just stood in line and when i got to the front they asked me what I wanted. I had no idea. I was hoping I could talk to someone who could help me pick something out for a first time. Instead she was just like "oh uh how high do you want to get?" and I had NO IDEA because I'd never been high before. She ended up picking some gummies and flower out for me but I didn't really think it was anything special or worth the drive to do that again.

I say covid restrictions because there was plenty of room in the building for displays and what not. Instead everything was roped off to keep us all in line. The displays they did have were all for rolling papers and books and stuff.
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I went to a dispensary in Illinois a couple of months ago. I was a noob and had never smoked or used an edible before. I was rather disappointed. I guess they were still doing covid restrictions because I just stood in line and when i got to the front they asked me what I wanted. I had no idea. I was hoping I could talk to someone who could help me pick something out for a first time. Instead she was just like "oh uh how high do you want to get?" and I had NO IDEA because I'd never been high before. She ended up picking some gummies and flower out for me but I didn't really think it was anything special or worth the drive to do that again.

I say covid restrictions because there was plenty of room in the building for displays and what not. Instead everything was roped off to keep us all in line. The displays they did have were all for rolling papers and books and stuff.
Yes, you really need to order online before you go. That is one thing that was better about Amsterdam. In Amsterdam, you could just walk in off the street and it was under a glass, like in a jewelry store, and you just pick out what you want. The only other place I've ever bought legally in the US was a trip to Colorado we went on a few years ago. Metropolis was better than the one we went to in CO, because of the selection. I'm surprised they didn't help you out more. We did an online order with a set pickup time.
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Also there were 2 lines. 1 for people that ordered online and the other for those that didn't. There were a bunch of people behind me and I didn't want to make them wait due to me being ignorant. And I really didn't want to let people in front of me because God knows how long that would have made my trip last.
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Just went to first dispensary in LA over Summer and it was a trip. Started when my friend called to see if place was open, only to have place text him and ask for location of delivery. Guy literally brought us pot while eating outside.

Friend bought a pen and some other stuff. Smoked it on street, which your instinct in prohibition land is to hide and not let anyone know... except no one cared, which is almost hard to get used to.

But what’s ridiculous now is that weed is basically decriminalized in Louisville anyways. So, now people just drive to IL or MI then resell it. Functionally, all the prohibition laws are doing are causing people to drive to another state and come back.
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Paducah is the new Amsterdam. A couple of buds from Richmond and I got a hotel room in downtown Paducah a few months ago for a Friday night. We left Richmond early afternoon and drove straight to the dispensary in Metropolis, IL, about a 5 hour drive. We maxed out our allowable purchase, which is 15g of flower, 250 mg of edibles. Then we went and checked in the hotel. It is about 10 minutes from Metropolis to downtown Paducah. We were able to discreetly smoke out while watching the Ohio River flow by. Then we ate at Doe's Eat Place, which was featured on a Anthony Bourdain "No Reservations" episode. There is enough to do in Paducah to keep you busy for a night, several bars, restaurants, a couple of brewpubs. Metropolis has a casino, but that's about it, and all those bells and whistles are a buzz kill. The next morning we hit Thrive Metropolis again, which has a great selection, probably even better than the ones in Amsterdam, and maxed out again, then drove back to Richmond, closely obeying all traffic laws.

I got a helluva ribeye at Doe’s earlier this year and reasonably priced Bourbon pours. Didn’t realize that was going on in Metropolis.
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the dispensary I went to was just across the border from Indiana. I went to Indy and decided to take a detour before I headed home. Like literally as soon as you cross the border into Illinois there it was. And from what I've been told it is the same in Michigan. Just taking money from other states that seemingly don't want it.

Same with casinos. Cincinnati has 2 that are just across the river. Caesars in Indiana would be a lot closer if it could be.
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Been to close to a dozen dispensaries in WA & CO. Always helpful and the staff can pick out whatever you want for your needs.

Hell you can buy shrooms in CA now.
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I acknowledge the medical benefit of cannabis. But the desire of most for legalization of pot, I suspect, is basically for recreational use. Thus my question is (since I have never felt any desire to be "stoned" or "high") "What am I missing?"

Everyone is different. If you drink alcohol I would say it’s very similar to the buzz you feel after a couple beers. Just a mellow kinda numb kinda happy.
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watched on some news channel that cannabis was going to be an entry in the California state fair next year. Hope the Same people judging the cannabis don’t judge the pies after. “These are so good, I can’t pick a winner”!
I don’t care to change anyone’s mind about pot. But what I do disagree with is that it’s just a fringe issue that shouldn’t be prioritized.

Thousands of Kentuckians are imprisoned annually for possession of a natural plant.

Hundreds of thousands can benefit medically.

Economic impact is huge in an agriculturally rich state. See what Oklahoma has done since allowing medical marijuana.

And all these more objective reasons don’t even address the philosophical reasoning that citizens should have a right to choose what they put in their body with out bureaucrat telling them it’s ok.

In terms of impact to Kentucky, it’s arguably one of the highest, if not, THE highest measures Kentucky can make that directly impacts the actual people. Pun intended
Andy said he'd do it and we are....

There isn’t enough support in the Republican-led Senate. Kentucky Governors can’t do much without support from the General Assembly.

The Kentucky House passed a medical bill in 2019 with bipartisan support (it was the most restrictive bill in the nation, and pretty weak, but you’ve gotta start somewhere) but it died in the prudish senate.
Friend bought a pen and some other stuff. Smoked it on street, which your instinct in prohibition land is to hide and not let anyone know... except no one cared, which is almost hard to get used to.
This reminds me of the time I went to Vegas in 2020 just before COVID hit. We hit a couple dispensaries and got some edibles, wax, pre-rolls and some flower.

We were smoking a joint walking down the strip when we saw a cop. My buddy scrambled to put it out. The cop ran over to us. I thought we were going to jail.

Instead, he said “Don’t put that out like that. It makes it harder to re-light.”

Totally surreal moment for someone living in the land of illegal possession of plant matter.
I support it as long as real Kentucky farmers can grow it. Tobacco and pot are both easy to grow because they are both weeds. Kentucky has already missed the boat on hemp growing so let’s fill them weed infested fields with pot. Low grade, any grade, reopen all the closed down tobacco barns and sales facilities and start pot auctions were the common man can buy 100 pounds cheap.
This reminds me of the time I went to Vegas in 2020 just before COVID hit. We hit a couple dispensaries and got some edibles, wax, pre-rolls and some flower.

We were smoking a joint walking down the strip when we saw a cop. My buddy scrambled to put it out. The cop ran over to us. I thought we were going to jail.

Instead, he said “Don’t put that out like that. It makes it harder to re-light.”

Totally surreal moment for someone living in the land of illegal possession of plant matter.
Yeah it's pretty surreal out west when you've lived in KY your entire life. I went to both California and Vegas this year, and it's even crazier in Cali as they've had much longer to normalize it.

I was smoking a cig in front of the hotel in San Francisco when a lady walked out and lit up a joint and sat and chatted with me for a few minutes. Several people walked by and nobody even took a second glance. In San Diego people smoke it so much on the beach that I had to explain to the kids what they were smelling. Wild stuff.

It's pretty awesome, honestly. A bunch of adults having the freedom to enjoy themselves in whatever way they see fit while also minding their own business and not bothering anyone.
I have not been to the one in Metropolis but have been to the one in Fairview Heights, IL, about 115 miles or less to the St. Louis. I drove there on a Sat. morning, bought what I could being from out of state. It was 4th of July weekend, so they were giving a discount if you spent a certain amount of $$$. I was able to get 3 different kinds or strain and was very pleased with the purchase. They do not have the bud on display as they keep it in a vault. Quick service, was in and out in 15 minutes.

I have purchased it legally in Vegas and Colorado, the stores in both states are incredible. We were in Vegas 3 years ago and I hit up a store less than an hour after checking into the hotel. I have been an avid smoker since I was 16 and I am 64 now. The fact the state of KY will not even allow it to be on the ballot, sucks to high heaven for me. Kentucky is so far behind others states, with weed and legal gambling, they will never catch up. Yet they want to complain about the lack of revenue for the state. If Churchill downs wants it, we will get it. Them and the bourbon industry to run the state.
If Jim Beam came out with CannaBourbon we’d be all right. But 100% the bourbon industry does not want cannabis to be legal. They fear it will affect the bottom line but anyone I know that smokes and enjoys bourbon are doing it now so…? And since the bourbon folks are in the politician pockets we really need the bourbon folks to somehow get on board.
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Two bills were introduced in the House today.

One bill is to add a Constitutional amendment to allow adults over 21 to possess, use, buy or sell up to an ounce without criminal penalties. If passed it will go on the ballot in Nov. If it gets on the ballot it will pass overwhelmingly IMO.

The other bill is simply to decriminalize marijuana and expunge certain records.

Apparently both bills have a lot of support, but no Rs have signed on yet. With the medical marijuana bill introduced last year, there's now three bills in the House. I think they'll have to take action on something soon.
^^^^great to hear, but I have lost nearly all hope in the KY legislature ever passing a law that actually helps the state of KY. Sports betting and casino gaming, legalizing pot, eliminating state income tax, eliminating state pension programs vs traditional retirement plans etc. , criminal justice reform

ky may actually THE most inept legislature in America sadly
Two bills were introduced in the House today.

One bill is to add a Constitutional amendment to allow adults over 21 to possess, use, buy or sell up to an ounce without criminal penalties. If passed it will go on the ballot in Nov. If it gets on the ballot it will pass overwhelmingly IMO.

The other bill is simply to decriminalize marijuana and expunge certain records.

Apparently both bills have a lot of support, but no Rs have signed on yet. With the medical marijuana bill introduced last year, there's now three bills in the House. I think they'll have to take action on something soon.
I fully intend to compile a list of all politicians opposing legalization in Kentucky for next election and attempt to disseminate on internet. Probably won’t change a damn thing but opposition must feel pressure.
^^^^great to hear, but I have lost nearly all hope in the KY legislature ever passing a law that actually helps the state of KY. Sports betting and casino gaming, legalizing pot, eliminating state income tax, eliminating state pension programs vs traditional retirement plans etc. , criminal justice reform

ky may actually THE most inept legislature in America sadly
Republican led
Wasn't attempting to make a "party" statement with my post. Simply suggesting that if the KY legislature is against those things I listed----I am against them, regardless of Party.
I just stated the facts. The things you mentioned the republicans are against. It’s just facts.
Medical marijuana will become like a handicap parking tag, browbeat your doctor enough and they'll write you a prescription.

Legalize it all.

That said, I will beat the drum of allowing any entity, not just a chosen few, to profit. Same with gambling.
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Because the 2 party system sucks and is completely unresponsive to a majority of the people. In it, you either have to completely invalidate yourself by voting 3rd party or by giving in to either party and their evil doctrines.
Hey I agree with Glenn. The 2 parties blow.
Yeah, and if another non-establishment outsider ever gets elected (unlikely) and starts enacting policies good for the country while hindering the corruption, all you pussies on both sides will do all you can to destroy him too. Then go back to throwing up your hands complaining.
Serious question. And skip any morality aspects of any answers please.

I have never smoked pot nor have I sampled any illegal drug. Therefore I know nothing about what any of their effects on me would be. I am nearly 78 years old and I was an adult before drugs became a thing.

Pot usage and making it legal seems to be a pretty important issue with a lot of people. And clearly for the vast majority of users it has nothing to do with medical issues.

Here is the serious question. What have I missed or what am I missing by not using pot?
Pot is just a very chill buzz. The first time you do it you might get a little anxious and paranoid so being somewhere low key where you can relax and learn to ride the buzz is important.

As for the buzz it's like your senses are all turned up and you're aware of a lot of things all at once. The first time a lot of things will occur to you that you never considered and you will notice things you never noticed before. The mind goes into overdrive while the body slows down and numbs a bit. It's a very interesting experience.
Yeah, and if another non-establishment outsider ever gets elected (unlikely) and starts enacting policies good for the country while hindering the corruption, all you pussies on both sides will do all you can to destroy him too. Then go back to throwing up your hands complaining.
You are so angry. I bet the people in your life are miserable.