Saddest movie ever

My vote goes to My Life. Michael Keaton and Nicole Kidman find out they are going to have a son and then Michael Keaton finds out he's going to die of cancer before the kid is even born. A lot of him trying to connect with his kid through video before he dies. Not sure how much sadder you get than that.
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Miami "NIL King" John Ruiz Company Fails.

'Substantial doubt' over company of Miami booster John Ruiz​

John Ruiz, once dubbed "Miami's NIL king" by ESPN, is struggling to keep his castle intact.

Miami's mega-booster, who has spent millions on NIL deals for Hurricanes athletes in recent years, told investors this week that there is "substantial doubt" that his company, LifeWallet, will stay in business, according to an SEC filing.......

My baby sister's infant son was murdered. She could use some help.

Today is Kira's 21st birthday. Her 2 month old boy was killed by his father a few months ago. He (a man more than 20 years older) groomed her, took her away from her family, and abused her for the last 4 years.

He is in custody. Infuriatingly only charged with assault in spite of an official ruling of homicide.

She is trying to get back on her feet. She is currently staying with friends and working part time. Trying to get back into school. The last few years have taken a toll on her.

She is lifelong BBN as my whole family is. She could use your help.


Note: My own family is doing much better thanks to all of you. I completed chemo and radiation last week. We are on stable enough footing. Money is tight but we are managing. Thank you all again.

Impact of NIL on Gap Between Group of 5 & Power 4 Conferences

Shouldn't be surprising, but WSJ article shows how top players in G5 frequently moving to P4 school exacerbates the quality gap between the two.

"The Wall Street Journal reviewed the 2023 first-team all-conference selections for the five smaller leagues that compete the top tier of Division I. These conferences are the American Athletic, Conference USA, the Mid-American, the Mountain West and the Sun Belt, known collectively as the “Group of Five.”

The impact of the transfer portal is striking: After eliminating those who graduated or departed for the NFL, a whopping 40% of the remaining players with all-conference honors switched to another program. The vast majority of them bolted to a team in the Power Four (the Atlantic Coast, Big 12, Big Ten and Southeastern conferences). Even when adding second- and third-team all-conference picks, 36% wound up transferring.

The data shows the extent to which the balance of power has shifted in college football. The smaller conferences have always had a disadvantage compared with their larger peers. Now, they have effectively become a farm system—developing talented players only to lose them to their wealthier competitors. Competing against the likes of Alabama and Michigan was always hard, even before those juggernauts could just snatch up players like books in the campus library.

“Some of those leagues,” former Texas A&M coach Jimbo Fisher said in a radio interview earlier this year, “they’re becoming glorified junior colleges.”"

