Granted, this is a First World problem, but PO'ed this AM.
I have YouTube TV. I almost always go to bed early and get up early, so as I have done many times before I watched the first half of the Georgia game on ABC and DVR'ed the game, expecting to watch the 2nd half first thing Saturday AM. But turns out there was a slight problem. When I got up this AM, only version I could watch was ESPNU, which had several problems. First, it was a shortened version of the game (skipped much of a long GT drive in the 3rd quarter), which made it hard to follow the action, but second, and much worse, it was apparently aired after midnight, because the final scores were being scrolled across the bottom of the screen, including the game I was watching. 😧 😫
In YouTube TV, there is an option to choose the version you are watching, and so I found the ABC version, which stated "ABC has limited the use of this version" and so I could not watch ABC telecast, only the abbreviated ESPNU version.
I assume this is a new thing to stop guys like me from taping live events, and then skipping through all the commercials? If so, I may have to adjust my habits, which sucks personally, but I understand they need to sell ads to stay in business. Today, for example, I am DVR UK and Ohio State games, being played at same time, and will watch them simultaneously, by rewinding to the last play I watched every time I switch stations, but hell, this may not work either, because I have recently noticed during live events, it sometimes will not give me the option to start from the last time I watched and rewind the action while the game is still going on.
Anybody else notice this or other similar issues?