
The first INT had a lot of people get Leary flashbacks. But he settled down after that and his only other bad throw was the near pick 6. But I place some blame on BB for dropping the gimme pass right before that. That should’ve been 1st and 10. Stuff happens though.

He made some very accurate and tough throws tonight. He’s an SEC QB. We’re in good hands.
After the long delay I’m not gonna fault either team from coming out to a rough start. Defense started out a little dicey too, but both settled in after a couple of drives and played good ball. That’s what’s important. Being able to adjust and overcome a shaky start.

We should best SC by at least two scores next week. If it’s closer than that I’ll be a bit disappointed.



Florida is solidly red state despite there being many Hispanic people here. Decades ago it was solidly blue when there were far fewer Hispanics here. You accuse democrats of race baiting but that is exactly what you are doing here. Claiming that the “white” states should secede. Just total stupidity.

Florida is solidly red for 2 main reasons.

When DeSantis barely won, he cleaned up the corruption in Miami Dade and Broward county elections, and the mass exodus of red voters moving there during covid.

Louisville writer Rick Bozich a huge homer, said L should be in the top 25 after beating hapless Austin Peay 62-0

But why is it considered a murderers schedule when you play Florida, Vandy, South Carolina, Mississippi State, Arkansas……? It’s not like teams play every good sec team yearly.
I’m actually curious now if any SEC teams play all the perceived worst SEC teams with the new schedule format. I feel like I remember people saying Mizzou got a favorable schedule this year and they only play 4 of those teams you listed with the others being Oklahoma, @Alabama, Auburn, @A&M. Is that the easiest schedule in the SEC?


You not knowing that .08 is the limit for every state.

Also, how much pot can you smoke in a day, and then not smoke for a solid week so that you don't test over?

We all know the body weight comparative ovi charts, from middle school on...

No one knows with weed though.

Just be careful if you're a smoker not to to give them any reason to test for that at a stop.
Dude, apparently you're the one who doesn't know what you're talking about. It's 5 nanograms per ml blood, not urine. That's why they have to do the blood tests, because it measures active THC in bloodstream that inebriates you, not metabolites in urine that last weeks after you've smoked. You're completely uninformed on the topic while calling others out. Classic.

Louisville writer Rick Bozich a huge homer, said L should be in the top 25 after beating hapless Austin Peay 62-0

But why is it considered a murderers schedule when you play Florida, Vandy, South Carolina, Mississippi State, Arkansas……? It’s not like teams play every good sec team yearly.
Notice you left out UGA and UT plus we now play Texas there.

You truly have no clue what you’re blabbering about.
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