If Kamala runs and hides from the debate, Trump should simply show up for it anyway and force CNN to give him 90 minutes of undivided air time where he can answer the debate questions, and make his own statements how his positions are better for America than Kamala’s using the time she would have otherwise used answering questions.

Trump can open up the evening by pointing to the empty podium next to him on stage and informing the American people his opponent has chosen to permanently mute her own microphone for the remainder of the campaign, but he is here to answer any questions and lay out his vision for the next 4 years.
They wouldn't let him in, but nonetheless he should show up at their front door & film about Harris not showing. Good commercial.
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Did Hairston Play?

I just noticed this morning that he was not listed in the box score. He didn’t have a single registered stat.

I’m guessing teams will throw away from him and attack our other corners. (That’s a good thing for a corner.)

Just surprised he didn’t even get in on a single tackle. That’s an odd statistic, but … he just played one half of a game.


Did I say they were the only voting bloc? No. You can’t import millions upon millions of people who vote nearly 70% Democrat and think that’s not going to change elections. California is a perfect example of what demographics mean.

You think Omar is in Congress without Somalians there to vote for her? Nope.

Demographics matter.
People imported in the last 10 years aren't voters unless illegal ones. The Hispanic voters are second+ generation natives, not imports.


Bash is just like all of them. No no, let's not talk about the despicable behavior on our side, let's stay on our only topic of conversation: DJT. This woman is repulsive.

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So Tulsi clearly states the Trump campaign got APPROVAL to film. That means there are rules/laws controlling such.

Now hmt5000 wants me to apologize for saying there are rules when he says there are none. LMAO. Who you going to believe, Tulsi or 5000? NET, he just enjoys throwing sh!t out about me. Well continue on, JA.

The Jet Sweep pass/run plays

Agreed. Jet sweep and designed qb runs are gonna get somebody killed
I can't recall ever seeing a UK team run that many jet sweeps in a game. Hell we probably ran it more yesterday than we have in the last several years combined. If we are gonna run it we need to throw in some fake jet sweeps too and pass it.

I'm ok with the QB runs if Brock learns to slide. He took a few pretty good shots last night.


Florida is solidly red state despite there being many Hispanic people here. Decades ago it was solidly blue when there were far fewer Hispanics here. You accuse democrats of race baiting but that is exactly what you are doing here. Claiming that the “white” states should secede. Just total stupidity.
You may not know this, but Hispanics are not a monolith. They originate from many places. The ones that swim from Mehico and Venezuela, are not actually good swimmers and don't make it. Cubans build rafts and get here much more easily.
