FB Recruiting UK TE target Sam Hamilton recaps visit for opener

Has a verbal offer and sounds like he'd love an opportunity to play at UK. 2026'er whose first offer was from UK, has a number of other G5s.

this years team picture

Here’s an interesting team photo. Feels familiar.

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Man…i really think Cal was trying to manipulate draft stock with his decisions to sit certain guys last year. Edwards missed a game in the middle of the season and I don’t think we ever heard why. Then Rob sitting because he had the flu and still being on the bench didn’t add up either. That was probably just to give DJ and others a chance to improve their stock since Rob was basically a lotto lock already.

I’m sure Cal still wanted to win, but it was so obvious it was no longer a priority to him and hadn’t been for years.

Will see if that changes now that we hurt his ego.

Either way i’m glad it’s not our problem anymore. Even if Pope can’t win to our expectations i’m confident he’ll at least accomplish the culture change we’ve been in dire need of for the better part of a decade now and make it easier for the next guy.


Not much on offering Oregon any credit, but at least they decided to stop that madness on that issue. Again and again we see despite terrible consequences the Dems double down on bad policies. Reminded me of the following:

CS Lewis:

“Progress means getting nearer to the place you want to be. And if you have taken a wrong turn, then to go forward does not get you any nearer.​

If you are on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; and in that case the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive man.”​


Why is it racist to call somebody a socialist? The writer doesn't realize how racist he is when he tells black ball players not to go to Auburn. Is he saying the black community supports socialism?
I don't follow college basketball, but I would hire the racist Pearl to be my basketball coach if I was an AD.
Using leftist logic, their criticism of Pearl's opinion must be Ipso facto anti-semitic.
