The issue for me -- beyond him just ignoring the law -- was Trump's dismissal of the combat deaths that happened during his presidency. In his mind he's only slightly less perfect than God. So, the 65 military deaths -- 46 in action -- never happened. Now you can say he was just white-washing his record, but he never accepts responsibility for anything. He seems to be out of his fracking mind.
I must have missed when Trump stated zero combat deaths happened under his presidency. He has said in the last year and a half or so or his presidency there were zero combat deaths which is indeed true.

Awful ways to die

About 12 years ago, one of my best friends developed ALS. Less than a year later, he was dead. Watching him slowly (or quickly, depending on how you look at it) deteriorate from using a cane to a walker to a wheel chair to being bed ridden and being barely able to speak and move his eyes was gut wrenching. At the end, he couldn't do anything but move his eyes. I can't imagine the horror of knowing your body was continuing to shut down, day by day, piece by piece and function by function.


The issue for me -- beyond him just ignoring the law -- was Trump's dismissal of the combat deaths that happened during his presidency. In his mind he's only slightly less perfect than God. So, the 65 military deaths -- 46 in action -- never happened. Now you can say he was just white-washing his record, but he never accepts responsibility for anything. He seems to be out of his fracking mind.
I fully endorse the lefts continued battle with Gold Star Families. A winning strategy if i’ve ever seen one.


Lots of states have voter ID laws. The nature of the identification is the issue.

The Heritage Foundation (conservative think tank) recently published a study on illegal aliens voting. I can't remember the number exactly, but the study stretched back to the 80s. The total number, across the entire united states, for ~40 years. Less than 1 per year.

So, yeah, illegal voting is a HUGE issue. [sarcasm alert]
Those dreads must cut off the oxygen to your brain.
