Reaction(s) From the 34 Yard Line

Someone gave their scouting report on BV and declared him not much of a running threat, tried to tell you guys that just wasn't true. Now I would rather him be sliding instead of leading with his shoulder. But he had a good game and UK's offense looked much improved.

That Georgia boy looked pretty good, Grumpy. He has real foot speed, a good feel for the pocket around him, makes quick decisions, and has a strong arm. Makes me think Georgia High School football is pretty darn good. 😀

As to that head first, bowling ball mentality . . . there were voices in the stadium saying “save that sh!t for Georgia and Texas.”

Pop done good, too.

Any more AA’s and 5 Star players that Kirby has no room for. . . point them up I-75, tell them to hold their nose through Knoxville, and not stop until they’ve seen their third thoroughbred horse grazing next to the Interstate.


(I) The person is under the influence of alcohol, a drug of abuse, or a combination of them, and the person has a concentration of marihuana metabolite in the person's urine of at least fifteen nanograms of marihuana metabolite per milliliter of the person's urine or has a concentration of marihuana metabolite in the person's whole blood or blood serum or plasma of at least five nanograms of marihuana metabolite per milliliter of the person's whole blood or blood serum or plasma

O.R.C. 4511.19

Tell us more, Dion.

(When Google isn't your friend, lol)
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Caves, meh...

You know what separates the men from the boys? Cave DIVING...

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I’ve done horizontal caves, intense vertical caves, tight crawls, wetsuit trips with only inches of airspace, dug my way through fill and breakdown, and one international expedition, but the one form of caving I never had any inclination to try was cave diving. No thanks. If I get hurt in a cave, I’ll pull the garbage bag out of my helmet, slip it on (for warmth) and wait for my team to come help. Gnaw on a candy bar and drink some electrolytes while I’m waiting. What I don’t want to do is look over my shoulder at a gauge that tells me how many minutes till I drown. I respect those who do it well, but have no desire to try it for myself.


They could be teaching bananas to walk.

Reaction(s) From the 34 Yard Line

Doug umpired for me in HS when I headed up little league baseball umpire training & assignments in Kenton Cty.

I have a client working on some business dealings with D. Pelphrey. My client attended the QB Club meeting with me Friday evening.

He had an epiphany at dinner: “Hell, I ought to introduce you guys.” Uuuuh, yeah, that would be cool!!!
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All I'm basically saying about, if you're in a state with legal personal use, while you might be legal driving around with it, you.might well trigger a rambunctious traffic cop, amd even though you.might be stone cold sober, enough could still be in your system to get an ovi, so don't do that.

Listen, or don't. I don't care. I know how I approach it.
Read my posts. THAT'S NOT HOW BLOOD TESTS WORK. You've been wrong about all this from the start, just sticking your nose in with irrelevant, incorrect information.


I haven't gone back and looked, but very possible I did say urine when I meant blood. Trust me, I know that of which I speak.

I apologize if I mis-spoke.
You did say urine, and you didn't just misspeak. THC doesn't stay in your blood for a week. You literally just posted this a few minutes ago:
Also, how much pot can you smoke in a day, and then not smoke for a solid week so that you don't test over?
That has to be a reference to urine(or hair follicle) test. That wouldn't pop someone on a blood test. It would be long gone by then.


Great post over on RIvals Football Sound-Off:

"The NFL needs to move the Eagles-Packers back to the US
Brazil is working hard to ban free speech, which is why they're trying to shut down Twitter/X in their country.

Let's see where the NFL stands on the right to free speech. This game is supposed to be played down there this Friday.

And let's not forget all the people involved with the game (journalists, etc.) who tweet out while the game is being played.

Brazil bans X: Outrage spreads after Elon Musk's social media platform is suspended "
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