Whats this tucker deal with what appears to be an attempt to absolve hitler of his evil that lead to ww 2?

I didn't watch his interview but saw several of the points made. They basically boil down to - ya hitler was exterminating jews and putting them in camps but England was the aggressor who instigated the war.

Ok and?

I love tucker and love having controversial people on that have no voice but man....this is way out there. Plus its one thing if you just let people talk but quite another to put your stamp of approval on everything they say.

A bridge much too far imo and hurts his credibility to reach moderate folks who might be open to legit conversations about politics in our nation.

Terribly off-base and ignorant, and I don't know what specifically you are referring to, but it likely hearkens back to Patton's "we fought the wron enemy" sentiment.

The enemy was/is socialism, be it nacional (fascist) or international (communist). Both are equally vile and pernicious, completely antithetical and incompatible with our foundational American values premised on freedom, i.e. free-enterprise capitalism.


Facts for fools. Trump doubled Biden's debt numbers period. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

The CBO numbers show otherwise. The CRFB put as much spin on their numbers as Bragg put on trumps allegations to turn them into felonies.
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I would put you on ignore, but I occasionally need a sense of reality that there are people in this world who need help, such as yourself. I would feel ashamed not giving you my attention at times.

I do have a question...are you and Rosie O'Donnell having relations?

The lefitsts here are beyond remediation.

Hope I'm wrong, but I don't think any of them can/will see the light.


Analyze this.

I would put you on ignore, but I occasionally need a sense of reality that there are people in this world who need help, such as yourself. I would feel ashamed not giving you my attention at times.

I do have a question...are you and Rosie O'Donnell having relations?


Is that what you are calling our US military that issued the official rebuke of Trump and his staffers that broke Arlington's rules??? They are propagandists for wanting to enforce the rules at Arlington?
Not surprising coming from the party that supports a felon and riots when they lose an election.
Lawless.... Classless.... Cult

Direct tv issues

It specifically asked me if I wanted to use my directv account or ESPN+ account to watch the game when I selected the game to watch. I knew I could watch with directv so I made a point to try the ESPN + account. Granted it was last year when I did it but I can’t imagine I still won’t have that same option this year.
My point exactly. You had a Direct TV account. And the app knew that. That's why you could watch it. Without that, you couldn't. I'm 100% positive on that.


This is great and something i completely missed somehow. The typical lib will absolutely fight to the death to protect pets and their rights but simultaneously fight to the death over the ability to kill and mutilate children.

Its literally something out of some fiction about an alternate universe.


So over 200 former Trump staffers and his former VP are endorsing Harris over Trump but they are the problem.... Not Trump?
Ok Culty C. Culter. 😂

Strawman. Its always hilarious to watch libs flail about trying to debate issues because they can't actually debate issues on the merits because the merits dictate they lose every single time.

If they thought trump was so bad, they would've never joined him to begin with. That said i am very vocal in here at criticizing trump on his ability to select good fits. So far hes terrible at it. Generally speaking trump is terrible at delegating in general which is not a good quality in a president.

Jmo but his poor delegation skills come from the fact he runs a super small business. Most dont realize how small it actually is because the perception he exudes is hes running this massive company which just isnt true. His business model is genius and he clearly made a vast fortune but its never been large in terms of actual employment.

Who's your all time NBA/ABA starting 5

“Titles are the measuring stick”

Puts a guy who’s been to 10 and won four below guys who have won less.

“I’m very intelligent”
I said titles are a measuring stick, not the only one. Also never said I was intelligent. Before attempting to insult my said intelligence, you may want to actual read what I wrote.

This is what's wrong with people today, don't read/listen to anyone else's ideas. If they disagree make it look good with insults.

I know I have hurt the feelings of the LBJ fan club, but it is ok for people to have an opinion that differs from yours.

I listed 8 NBA greats that I think are better than LeBron. I listed factual reasons for my opinion on them all. Sorry that hurts your agenda.


Sam thinks we are all in a cult yet still believes every single lie the left puts out 😂

The CBO’s projection for 2021, the last fiscal year of the Trump administration, forecast the federal debt to reach about $35.3 trillion by 2031, that is, over the next decade.

Today, 3½ years into the Biden administration, the latest estimates from the CBO project the debt will hit over $42.5 trillion by 2031.

January 2021 and June 2024 CBO forecast graph
The Congressional Budge Office forecasts an increase in debt.
In other words, the CBO now expects the debt to be $7.2 trillion higher than it had projected when Trump left office—all because of Biden’s reckless spending policies.
Facts for fools. Trump doubled Biden's debt numbers period. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

Direct tv issues

Then you were paying for ESPN somewhere else.
It specifically asked me if I wanted to use my directv account or ESPN+ account to watch the game when I selected the game to watch. I knew I could watch with directv so I made a point to try the ESPN + account. Granted it was last year when I did it but I can’t imagine I still won’t have that same option this year.

Louisville writer Rick Bozich a huge homer, said L should be in the top 25 after beating hapless Austin Peay 62-0

They are talking National Championship on their board after the Austin Peay game.
I had to go watch because that did seem like a dominate performance.
Either UL is really, really good or AP was very bad. No other way to put it.
UL ends looked like two Josh Allen’s. OTs for Peay could not get a hand on them speed rushing. Easy sacks
Peay DL looked like WRs out there. The NT at 270 was the biggest. DTs at 245 ooof.
Even in the ACC that’s tiny.
Deone at NT is 345, DT at 330.

QB looked good, WRs made some good catches.
We will know how bad or good each team was by week 4.
GT and ND will prove if UL is good. Or if
Austin Peay was that bad.
I just browsed the Austin Peay roster. The only piece missing on that D line is Smurfette. Pretty certain there's a grad who can stand in for Papa Smurf.

A blocking sled might offer more resistance.
