Direct tv issues

I use it because I have a receiver in another room. I have to stream through a firestick hooked up to the receiver and by doing that I can’t get the same picture that my TV gives and have use fire tv’s picture which is awful compared to my Samsung HDTV. My DTV box is connected thru a CAT5 in the wall that goes to the reciever so the picture is perfect. I’d have to tear up the walls again and run a HDMI cable from the TV to the receiver to get the good TV picture through streaming. May end up doing it as DTV is way too expensive. ($212).
That sounds like a lot. Why can’t you just connect a Roku box to your TV with an HDMI cord and watch YouTubeTV that way? Or if you have a smart TV, just hook it up to your wireless and get YouTubeTV?
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Two things are hard for me to believe about leftists: that they have the audacity to make such incoherent "arguments," and that they are suaded by them.

As a former exclusively dem voter, this inate and perpetual characteristic of their "argumentation" would have been enough to persuade me, never mind the anit-American and unAmerican nonsense, all the woke degeneracy and celebreation of deproudcitve values.


What a fkn psycho with absolutely no reason! Must have held a toke in 4min too long at some point after her 5th Starbucks soy latte...

THIS IDIOT IS JUST ONE REASON why people think we evolved from chimps. Hateful and hypocritical, programmed and illogical, so ignorant that even the professionally ignorant are embarrassed listening to her talk. She's a stepford wanker
This lady makes the exact same arguments that the leftists make on here. And some posters still want to "get along" with them.


Good morning from ATX. Currently 74°F and partly cloudy. Today's high may reach 89°F. We received some rain yesterday while I was away Rainfall always a welcome event for us.

Returned last night around 10:40 pm via Uber. Gent, who gave me a ride, formerly lived nearby. Anyways, all is well.

My luggage still at Heathrow. Hopefully on the way to USA.

Back to work today. I'll begin posting lots of photos daily over next few months.

Happy Hump Day, y'all.

British Airways in-flight meal service is legendary. I remember on flights from Frankfurt, Germany to Orlando, FL via Heathrow and Bermuda, ex-wife and I dined like kings back in 1986. Yesterday was no exception. Seems wine is free on those flights. Love British Airways meal service.

Austin, you have me remembering the lyrics of an old song: “Flew in from Miami Beach BOAC, didn’t get to bed last night…” And yeah, the few times I’ve flown British Airways (What used to be British Overseas Airways Corporation) the food has been tip top. I wish their pubs did as well.

Heading into work. No wine on the subway. No food or drink of any kind, as they try to keep the rats and roaches at bay. It is fairly clean but if you pass through the deep underground stations you will see an occasional rat scurry by. I’m not sure what they eat, though enough kids ignore the food ban that I guess they get by.

Not much going on aside from work. You all have a good day.


If I say that X and Y are something, it's true that I've said that X is something. In the Charlottesville march, Trump said both sides (X and Y) had fine people. So, he said the White Nationalists had some very fine people.

The difference between that and your example of the Gold Star Families? You supplied the "AND Y" in the mocking of the Gold Star family. You are inventing the connection. You could have inserted anything at all because there is no link between Trump's behavior and "Gold Star Families" over Trump's behavior.

As for the reporter, he was to hold the reporter up for ridicule, he used a grotesque version of the disability to do it with.

Don't join in with him. He's a creep and a bully. A criminal. He organized the crowd to interrupt the peaceful transfer of power. And he purposefully took National Defense documents with him to Mar-a-Lago. How many times does he have to betray the country for it to sink in that he isn't just a buffoon? He's a gangster.
You still believe the "fine people on both sides" hoax?!?!?!?! Even snopes finally acknowledged the truth on that one. That makes you look pretty ignorant and the rest of your post look ignorant too.

Biggest game of the Stoops era?

It does say Stoops era…/

But regardless, I can’t see beating a bottom dweller usc team js all that big of a game.

We do need to win it…but we need a few more sec wins more this year to be biggest game of the season
Lose Saturday.... the stadium will be half filled with Georgia fans next weekend and half filled with UK fans the following weekend if we also lose to Ga.
This SC game is absolutely huge for this season based on the schedule and how it is layed out.
A loss to Ga is expected. A loss to SC is devastating to this season.


The statue defenders and white nationalists were the same group. The larger group contains the smaller.
Because the white nationalists were there in support of the statues does not mean every person who was there in support of the statues was a white nationalist. There was a mere few hundred people that were there as part of the white nationalist group.

Biggest game of the Stoops era?

The SEC is fluid, we need to beat the teams we should beat while they’re down. SC and UF will eventually find a P4 level coach and so will Ark, those are teams we should beat when they hit our schedule along with Vandy and Miss St. If Stoops wants to take this program to a higher level we need to beat a legitimate top 10 team and that would the biggest win of the Stoops era. BTW, the last two losses to SC were due to QB play and not having a back-up capable of playing in this conference (you can also throw Coen in there last year along with his love of targeting Brown).
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Media? 😂
Try state propagandists.
Is that what you are calling our US military that issued the official rebuke of Trump and his staffers that broke Arlington's rules??? They are propagandists for wanting to enforce the rules at Arlington?
Not surprising coming from the party that supports a felon and riots when they lose an election.
Lawless.... Classless.... Cult
