Originally posted by tgh3316:
Damn that is some BS right there. Just sucker punches the hell out of Barker. If I'm UK I have a little something for EKU & Gradffree on Oct 3rd. No way UK players let that stand & happen to one of their QBs.
Wtf is that from? Same night?

Who were his boys there, and why didn't anyone do anything?

PLEASE tell me those weren't teammates that just let him lay there, and casually put his hat back on for him, with ZERO reaction to the punch, or not even LOOKING at the dude who threw? If so, one of you 'insiders' please name names so I can "write this down"

What a bunch of shit.


This post was edited on 4/14 7:58 PM by B.B.d.K.
It seriously looked like Barker was being set up for that punch by everyone in the room. No one even flinched, like they knew it was coming. If those are teammates then...I mean, wft?
Eek. I was commenting on the bar brawl, not the dorm video. Christ.

His boys did give him a hand, btw. They put his hat back on him. That was nice.
^ no shit. Nobody even REACTED, or even looked at the dude. It was like it was some random dude in line, and everyone else was at Tolly Ho waiting for their burger, and couldn't care less.

Pretty disturbing, imo.
Originally posted by B.B.d.K.:

Originally posted by tgh3316:
Damn that is some BS right there. Just sucker punches the hell out of Barker. If I'm UK I have a little something for EKU & Gradffree on Oct 3rd. No way UK players let that stand & happen to one of their QBs.
Wtf is that from? Same night?

Who were his boys there, and why didn't anyone do anything?

PLEASE tell me those weren't teammates that just let him lay there, and casually put his hat back on for him, with ZERO reaction to the punch, or not even LOOKING at the dude who threw? If so, one of you 'insiders' please name names so I can "write this down"

What a bunch of shit.

Can't believe they would all jump in some bar fight over a girl being "disrespected" but then one of their own gets suckerpunched like that and nothing happens?

Don't care what the football staff says publicly, if somebody doesn't knock the crap out of that guy-what a bunch of gafs.

Credit to Barker, most people wouldn't get back up after that. Congrats kid, get used to being a punching bag I guess.

Either everyone hates Barker or they are pussies who give no F's about their teammate... Neither is good
Tymere Dubose is the guy in the phone the whole time and I assume Dorian Baker is the one that helped him up and was told to leave with him. They didn't seem terribly concerned though.
Is that Baker? Sort of looks like he is not leaving with the other two. Dubose was definitely in the corner, no idea what made him decide to ball up. I mean, MAYBE if that wasn't Baker and it was just him and a prone Drew Barker vs 15 EKU players, I could see some self-preservation taking over.
One of the more bizarre videos I've ever seen. Find new friends...errr teammates, Barker. And stay out of Richmond. Those appalacian hags (TM SAE) aren't worth the half hour roadie.
It was 15 against 3, after Drew gets put night night make the UK numbers 2. This ain't Custer last stand.
Originally posted by JHB4UK:
It was 15 against 3, after Drew gets put night night make the UK numbers 2. This ain't Custer last stand.
First off, they didn't even so much as help him up, just tossed his hat back on his head. Second...I'm not saying you go all nuts and just start punching dudes but if your QB gets laid out and you don't even respond with a little jawing, then, that's just a bizarre reaction.
Yeah the first thing I noticed besides the BS sucker punch is that no UK player did anything to be upset or stick up for him. I don't care if it's 15 on 3 and I know I'm going to get my ass beat(had that happen before with similar numbers) I am standing up for my guy & going after someone. That probably tells me more about the whole situation than anything. If I'm any of the other UK players & I see Baker & Dubose not do a damn thing I'd be pissed. That's almost as big a bitch move as the sucker punch.
lol @ Gyero, a bunch of tough guys (many of which have admitted that they have never been in a fight) all ready to throw down while outnumbered 5-to-1.
Really appreciating the banner ad for Duke championship gear atop the site this past week.
Best part of the video is the bitch is wearing an I can't breathe shirt before taking it off.
Originally posted by GYERater:
lol @ Gyero, a bunch of tough guys (many of which have admitted that they have never been in a fight) all ready to throw down while outnumbered 5-to-1.
There is a pretty big gap between being billy badass and showing normal concern and protective instinct for a teammate/friend.
Originally posted by TheShowKiller:
Originally posted by GYERater:
lol @ Gyero, a bunch of tough guys (many of which have admitted that they have never been in a fight) all ready to throw down while outnumbered 5-to-1.
There is a pretty big gap between being billy badass and showing normal concern and protective instinct for a teammate/friend.
^ this, huge difference. On a D1 football team, whether you even get a long with a teammate, you are expected to have each other's back. Doesn't mean trying to fight 10 guys but it means doing *something*... Help him up, get around him and make sure nobody keeps coming, etc.

they just touching watched from a distance.
Originally posted by GYERater:
lol @ Gyero, a bunch of tough guys (many of which have admitted that they have never been in a fight) all ready to throw down while outnumbered 5-to-1.

Navy SEALS would have fought every guy in that room. I've seen one of them take on 30 guys before...granted it didn't end very well for him.

Obviously UK Football has a long way to go.
Fight? I would've been happy with any reaction- a flinch, a WTF, an acknowledgement perhaps. Ha.
Could you imagine if that would've been one of our basketball players, Ulis wouldn't have stopped until 2-3 guys drug him away. Even the twins would've done something
My first reaction to that video is what in the Kentucky Fried Hell is Barker even doing there? I mean, look around. One of these things is not like the other.
I've been saying that today's kids seem *different* and not just in the generational sense.

I mean, I really think they're just genuinely bad/weird people.
Originally posted by Strokin_Bandit:
My first reaction to that video is what in the Kentucky Fried Hell is Barker even doing there? I mean, look around. One of these things is not like the other.
Barker has a lot of Rex Chapman in him, imo
This whole thing is a PR nightmare for the program. People making some really racist comments about the video on the Facebook...Smh.
Based on other incidents and this video, it seems to me that Barker is trying too hard to impress. Maybe he is a little "Rex-ish," but he sure does seem to want some kind of street cred. It's not working out well for him right now.
Originally posted by drxman1:
This whole thing is a PR nightmare for the program. People making some really racist comments about the video on the Facebook...Smh.
oh go soak in your tub

originally this was reported that 3 UK football players f'ed up 1 EKU, including busting his face to pieces with a beer bottle, and that it was the same guys from the pellet gunfight so surely they would be dismissed immediately.

the video proves that they were not guilty and are in good standing as members of the team. Only PR nightmare I see is the coward D linemen who has to approach a little quarterback from behind to sucker punch. I'd be amazed if even EKU kept Graffee on scholarship after this gets such wide viewing.
Originally posted by JHB4UK:

Only PR nightmare I see is the coward D linemen who has to approach a little quarterback from behind to sucker punch. I'd be amazed if even EKU kept Graffee on scholarship after this gets such wide viewing.

I was referring more to our "fanbase" dropping multiple N-bombs in the comments on social media.

Not a great recruiting tool.
-Pretty excited about everyone starting to come around on hating other in-state schools. They're the worst, IMO.

-The last 1/3 of a big water jug brought to practice was always the best. Freezing cold water, the ice was always soft, and you could drink as much as you wanted because practice was usually over.

-I've given it some hell, but seems like this scrub pro soccer club has already established a fervent following. Pretty cool, I guess. May have to go check it out.

-Ate Pizza Hut because it was free at my brother's house last night. Pretty bad. Ended up eating too much of it though because there would be no time between then and after I put the child to sleep to eat again. KIDS.

-I feel like is going to be pretty awesome and will make for a much improved gameday experience. However, I'm still sort of having doubts about the decision to make the stadium smaller. I mean, I get what the trends say and I also understand that these weren't primo seats, but we've all seen that place packed when we 've fielded a winner. Whatever. Maybe it's better that the casual fan will have to work harder for seats during the good years.

-Haven't caught Derby Fever yet. Always do, though.
Originally posted by SAECATFAN:

-I feel like is going to be pretty awesome and will make for a much improved gameday experience. However, I'm still sort of having doubts about the decision to make the stadium smaller. I mean, I get what the trends say and I also understand that these weren't primo seats, but we've all seen that place packed when we 've fielded a winner. Whatever. Maybe it's better that the casual fan will have to work harder for seats during the good years.
Hate the idea of holding less people in an era when most every other stadium is expanding capacity. but the cut in numbers is mostly in the ishy students who couldnt bother to be there for most games anyway. Hell even prime important SEC ones the student section in the lower bowl would be 1/2 empty at kickoff anyway, eventually they would meander in by halftime.

Still, i wish Barnhart would have worked to find a way to keep capacity the same when this was all done. UL will be announcing this year another expansion that isnt needed and won't ever be filled; the transparent unspoken goal of making Papa John hold more seats than Commonwealth.
Well, we learned it will be pretty hard to knock Drew out of a game. Kid can take a beating and still get up. That is a weird ass video. Even Drew when he got up, put his hands back in his pocket and just calmly walked out. He may want to turn his street cred card in with his team mates, with bois like that, I would be scared to go anywhere with them. The whole scene looks like a set up.

Growing up I had a friend who was cool, until he got around a bunch of other friends, then it was like a switch was flipped, kind of looks like what happened here. (That is about as PC as I can say it) Or, maybe they knew Drew had done something and had it coming, maybe. You notice, none of the other EKU guys did anything but stand there, this was after the bar fight, right ? Bitch move by the guy though, push the guy, when he turns around, knub up. Glad the guy transferred, a guy who steals on someone from behind and then runs, cannot be all that of a badass. Bitch actually.

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