"Would you like to buy a piece of Alex Jones?"

No, the issue is the magnitude of what he did, not his political affiliation.

The people he defamed were victims of something awful. Jones chose to intentionally and repeatedly lie about those victims because he knew he could make lots of money telling these lies.

When the victims repeatedly asked Jones to stop, he ignored them. When some of them were subjected to threats of violence because of his lies, he kept on lying because it was good for his business.

When Jones was sued by the people he was defaming, he then obstinately and repeatedly ignored court orders requiring him to cooperate with discovery.

When someone chooses to do awful and illegal things to make themselves rich, and arrogantly ignore court orders along the way, they open themselves up to heavy punishment.

Jones’ behavior was so far beyond the pale that a devastating financial penalty was worth considering. It was Jones’ actions that brought this upon himself, not any political affiliation.
Just curious... Do you think people that spread the #RussiaHoax should all be forced to pay $1billion to Trump? Just curious if your problem is with AJ or the fact he said something wrong.
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So you think the 1st amendment should be abolished I take it.... Bold stance.
Defamation is not protected speech under the first amendment, and never has been. It’s absurd to suggest that someone who believes defamation should be punished is therefore also anti-first amendment.

This is a pretty basic concept we’re talking about here. You cannot intentionally lie about people like that and then expect to hide behind the first amendment. The first amendment has never permitted defamation.
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Defamation is not protected speech under the first amendment, and never has been. It’s absurd to suggest that someone who believes defamation should be punished is therefore also anti-first amendment.

This is a pretty basic concept we’re talking about here. You cannot intentionally lie about people like that and then expect to hide behind the first amendment. The first amendment has never permitted defamation.
But you are assuming he knew he was lying. You are saying that being wrong is punishable by insane monetary fines. It just seems weird how cool you are with this and I haven't heard you say a peep about MuhRussia or people constantly calling people racist. I also think you are overplaying what he did. You make it sound like he said this stuff 100's of times when I can only see a couple times he said it and he actually apologized and said he got bad info.

Just saying... If what AJ did was worth $1billion then there are tons of people in msm and the government that owe Trump billions.
Defamation is not protected speech under the first amendment, and never has been. It’s absurd to suggest that someone who believes defamation should be punished is therefore also anti-first amendment.

This is a pretty basic concept we’re talking about here. You cannot intentionally lie about people like that and then expect to hide behind the first amendment. The first amendment has never permitted defamation.

For instance.... $3billion for aiding cartels to funnel drugs and guns into America resulting in 1000's of deaths..... AJ said he thought there were crisis actors after a school shooting and he got $1billion.... You see the weirdness right?
Yea. Are you that simple?
Apparently I am. Lay it out for me. You’re saying Alex Jones is the victim of “political prosecution” because he’s not a Democrat. You then asked why he wasn’t charged when he criticized George W Bush. Something isn’t adding up here.
Have you gone back and read half the post you made in the political thread? Dude... You could be sued for billions.
Care to give examples? I don't post memes, I don't post far left tweets, I occasionally make predictions on elections, and I ask for proof when folks run their mouths about rigged and stolen elections constantly. That usually ends with me being called names. So again, dude, provide some proof that shows "half my posts" over the years in one thread could result in me being sued for billions.

Or...stop being dramatic to get an occasional like from one of your like-minded political buds. I could stop posting in that thread for six months and a few of you would still try to troll me outside of it in an attempt to find someone to keep arguing with. I put half of you on ignore, read the board when I'm logged out, and you all are still quoting me over and over to get attention lol. So yeah, show all of us here some examples of my posts which could result in me being sued or would put me in the same orbit as some crazed conspiracy theorist.
Do you really not understand what he did wrong?
OK... Please post all the things he said involving this case. I assume you think it's too many to list so just do 10. Show me what he did that is worth losing his 1st amendment right.
Care to give examples? I don't post memes, I don't post far left tweets, I occasionally make predictions on elections, and I ask for proof when folks run their mouths about rigged and stolen elections constantly. That usually ends with me being called names. So again, dude, provide some proof that shows "half my posts" over the years in one thread could result in me being sued for billions.

Or...stop being dramatic to get an occasional like from one of your like-minded political buds. I could stop posting in that thread for six months and a few of you would still try to troll me outside of it in an attempt to find someone to keep arguing with. I put half of you on ignore, read the board when I'm logged out, and you all are still quoting me over and over to get attention lol. So yeah, show all of us here some examples of my posts which could result in me being sued or would put me in the same orbit as some crazed conspiracy theorist.
We troll you because you are so simple in your political views. You try to pretend you are middle of the road moderate and then every post is just one side one side one side.... Sorry you hate being called out so bad. Maybe try to be rational one time instead of just a partisan.
We troll you because you are so simple in your political views. You try to pretend you are middle of the road moderate and then every post is just one side one side one side.... Sorry you hate being called out so bad. Maybe try to be rational one time instead of just a partisan.
And there it is. You just can't help yourself. You quoted me to argue with me and use insults. It's why I have to put half of you on ignore. Why would anyone waste their time discussing anything with anyone who goes straight to insults for attention?

There's a small handful of you who will not stop quoting me to get my attention. Again, I could stop posting in that thread for months and the weird, obsessive trolling will continue outside of it. Be an adult, make sense, have some good takes, and stop being weird like this is personal. I gave you a chance and took you off ignore. My bad I guess lol.

(and you didn't provide proof involving "half my posts." It was a troll job because you're bored and want to argue with another adult online).
But you are assuming he knew he was lying. You are saying that being wrong is punishable by insane monetary fines. It just seems weird how cool you are with this and I haven't heard you say a peep about MuhRussia or people constantly calling people racist. I also think you are overplaying what he did. You make it sound like he said this stuff 100's of times when I can only see a couple times he said it and he actually apologized and said he got bad info.

Just saying... If what AJ did was worth $1billion then there are tons of people in msm and the government that owe Trump billions.
Read the court filings and Jones’ deposition.

Jones made false statements “dozens and dozens” of times over a span of several years. It was significantly more than the “couple of times” you’re alleging in your post. Jones was also stating in 2013 and 2014 that he had done extensive research and had evidence that Sandy Hook was staged. He was lying through his teeth from the start and there can be no argument on that point.

Jones also exhibited contempt for the Sandy Hook families, mocking them on his show on a number of occasions as well as publicly revealing the home address of one of them (exposing that victim to further threats).

Jones also refused to hand over evidence during discovery, was caught attempting to destroy evidence after being sued and was caught lying to the trial judge.

What Jones did to the Sandy Hook families was evil. There is no other word for it. There should be no surprise then when a jury comprised of people from Connecticut decides to hammer him for his vile behavior and defiant lack of remorse.

These people had their children violently murdered and Jones repeatedly spread abhorrent lies about them so that he could line his pockets. He’s getting what he deserves.
And there it is. You just can't help yourself. You quoted me to argue with me and use insults. It's why I have to put half of you on ignore. Why would anyone waste their time discussing anything with anyone who goes straight to insults for attention?

There's a small handful of you who will not stop quoting me to get my attention. Again, I could stop posting in that thread for months and the weird, obsessive trolling will continue outside of it. Be an adult, make sense, have some good takes, and stop being weird like this is personal. I gave you a chance and took you off ignore. My bad I guess lol.

(and you didn't provide proof involving "half my posts." It was a troll job because you're bored and want to argue with another adult online).
Where did I insult you? First thing you said is I insulted you... Point to that insult for me because where I'm from I didn't insult you.
Read the court filings and Jones’ deposition.

Jones made false statements “dozens and dozens” of times over a span of several years. It was significantly more than the “couple of times” you’re alleging in your post. Jones was also stating in 2013 and 2014 that he had done extensive research and had evidence that Sandy Hook was staged. He was lying through his teeth from the start and there can be no argument on that point.

Jones also exhibited contempt for the Sandy Hook families, mocking them on his show on a number of occasions as well as publicly revealing the home address of one of them (exposing that victim to further threats).

Jones also refused to hand over evidence during discovery, was caught attempting to destroy evidence after being sued and was caught lying to the trial judge.

What Jones did to the Sandy Hook families was evil. There is no other word for it. There should be no surprise then when a jury comprised of people from Connecticut decides to hammer him for his vile behavior and defiant lack of remorse.

These people had their children violently murdered and Jones repeatedly spread abhorrent lies about them so that he could line his pockets. He’s getting what he deserves.
So you equate... "staged" with attacking the families? He said Bush and Cheney knew 911 was going to happen and nobody sued him. He said that planes would crash into the twin towers and the government would blame Osama Bin Laden. Wild that he called that out months before 9/11.

You keep using words like "evil".... What did he actually say? Then equate it to what other people say about other people and just see if you see it as "evil".... You still haven't posted a single video of him actually saying this horrible evil stuff you say he said. It should be really easy and then I'd just slink away and apologize for being ill informed.
Apparently I am. Lay it out for me. You’re saying Alex Jones is the victim of “political prosecution” because he’s not a Democrat. You then asked why he wasn’t charged when he criticized George W Bush. Something isn’t adding up here.

This should’ve been “political persecution” btw but @hmt5000 didnt respond anyways
Read the court filings and Jones’ deposition.

Jones made false statements “dozens and dozens” of times over a span of several years. It was significantly more than the “couple of times” you’re alleging in your post. Jones was also stating in 2013 and 2014 that he had done extensive research and had evidence that Sandy Hook was staged. He was lying through his teeth from the start and there can be no argument on that point.

Jones also exhibited contempt for the Sandy Hook families, mocking them on his show on a number of occasions as well as publicly revealing the home address of one of them (exposing that victim to further threats).

Jones also refused to hand over evidence during discovery, was caught attempting to destroy evidence after being sued and was caught lying to the trial judge.

What Jones did to the Sandy Hook families was evil. There is no other word for it. There should be no surprise then when a jury comprised of people from Connecticut decides to hammer him for his vile behavior and defiant lack of remorse.

These people had their children violently murdered and Jones repeatedly spread abhorrent lies about them so that he could line his pockets. He’s getting what he deserves.

For instance. Adam Schiff.... Lying his ass off and accusing Gen Flynn of treason and Trump of treason.... It's just weird you don't throw that evil and lying words around when it's not AJ.....

Sorry if you have actually been offended by all cases of blatant lying for political and/or financial gain and not just one single case.
I'm absolutely not going to waste time, delving into Alex Jones, or the specifics of the case(s), but what did he do that makes him liable in a civil suit? Did he mention specific people, etc? Or was it just horrendous, made up/generalized kookiness?
I'm absolutely not going to waste time, delving into Alex Jones, or the specifics of the case(s), but what did he do that makes him liable in a civil suit? Did he mention specific people, etc? Or was it just horrendous, made up/generalized kookiness?
Same... I do know that one fbi agent that sued him only had his name exposed by filing the lawsuit. It would be like if I went through all the instances of people lying about what I said on this site and filed suit under my name and pretended that they actually attacked my real person and not just some random screen name.
Read the court filings and Jones’ deposition.

Jones made false statements “dozens and dozens” of times over a span of several years. It was significantly more than the “couple of times” you’re alleging in your post. Jones was also stating in 2013 and 2014 that he had done extensive research and had evidence that Sandy Hook was staged. He was lying through his teeth from the start and there can be no argument on that point.

Jones also exhibited contempt for the Sandy Hook families, mocking them on his show on a number of occasions as well as publicly revealing the home address of one of them (exposing that victim to further threats).

Jones also refused to hand over evidence during discovery, was caught attempting to destroy evidence after being sued and was caught lying to the trial judge.

What Jones did to the Sandy Hook families was evil. There is no other word for it. There should be no surprise then when a jury comprised of people from Connecticut decides to hammer him for his vile behavior and defiant lack of remorse.

These people had their children violently murdered and Jones repeatedly spread abhorrent lies about them so that he could line his pockets. He’s getting what he deserves.
I think everything you said is true, but I still don't think that the penalty should have been close to $1B. Frankly, I think he should be put in the stocks for what he did. Probably whipped with like 12 lashings too.
People sure are interesting. There are some with so little human compassion that they would choose to make a fortune by exploiting other people's deepest felt pain. And there are some that would defend the actions of that first person.

Very interesting indeed!
Part of me believes Alex Jones actually believes a lot of the nonsense he is putting out there.

But yes, allegedly 1% of the population are sociopaths. A key characteristic is their lack of empathy towards others. To me, that's the importance of government. We have norms in society that people follow. But that 1% doesn't care about the norms and that's why we need to codify a lot of them.
Part of me believes Alex Jones actually believes a lot of the nonsense he is putting out there.

But yes, allegedly 1% of the population are sociopaths. A key characteristic is their lack of empathy towards others. To me, that's the importance of government. We have norms in society that people follow. But that 1% doesn't care about the norms and that's why we need to codify a lot of them.anybo
Nearly 50% of the population are sociapathic filth. Anybody that votes for a party that is ok with biological men in women's locker rooms or hitting them with boxing gloves, etc. is a sick piece of trash. You can spin it but it won't pass any smell test as it's a black and white fact.
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Nearly 50% of the population are sociapathic filth. Anybody that votes for a party that is ok with biological men in women's locker rooms or hitting them with boxing gloves, etc. is a sick piece of trash. You can spin it but it won't pass any smell test as it's a black and white fact.
I would argue the people who are okay with that have been brainwashed to feel bad for someone "who was born in the wrong body", which of course is flat out insane, but they are doing it out of empathy rather than being a sociopath. Now the people behind that brainwashing are 100% sociopaths.
I would argue the people who are okay with that have been brainwashed to feel bad for someone "who was born in the wrong body", which of course is flat out insane, but they are doing it out of empathy rather than being a sociopath. Now the people behind that brainwashing are 100% sociopaths.
FYI, you're speaking to someone there who rarely does nothing but troll and says extremist shit for attention. Anyone who actually believes half the country is "sociapathic filth" (it's sociopathic btw but I'm using his wording) is in their own little anger bubble and just enjoys lashing out online. I honestly think it's time to stop saying that half of, or a majority of the United States is sociopathic. Outside of little online bubbles here and there, most are good, normal people with empathy for others. The loudest voices are a small minority and I've said this in the past but something like LibsofTikTok isn't real life. It's used to make half the country seem extremist when half the country isn't extremist. And of course, folks who want to be angry about life use it angry about life.
FYI, you're speaking to someone there who rarely does nothing but troll and says extremist shit for attention. Anyone who actually believes half the country is "sociapathic filth" (it's sociopathic btw but I'm using his wording) is in their own little anger bubble and just enjoys lashing out online. I honestly think it's time to stop saying that half of, or a majority of the United States is sociopathic. Outside of little online bubbles here and there, most are good, normal people with empathy for others. The loudest voices are a small minority and I've said this in the past but something like LibsofTikTok isn't real life. It's used to make half the country seem extremist when half the country isn't extremist. And of course, folks who want to be angry about life use it angry about life.
You’re right. I think he’s trolling but also showing his cards while trolling.

The left / right barking is a crutch by large swath on the internet. In actuality, Alex Jones slandering the parents of dead children has little to do with Democrats or Republicans.

But, of course, the argument on why a conspiracy theorist was held responsible for his actions is based on a conspiracy. Around we go…

Mental illness in this country is a problem. It seems to be more one way than the other but I don't remember so many loons running around when I was a kid.

I think Alex Jones definitely is on the spectrum. I think he believes what he says just like tons of other crazy people in our country.

Mental illness in this country is a problem. It seems to be more one way than the other but I don't remember so many loons running around when I was a kid.

I think Alex Jones definitely is on the spectrum. I think he believes what he says just like tons of other crazy people in our country.
Mental health is political!!
You cannot act like a $1B judgment is normal. It's not. That's an activist type judgment.

I'm not an AJ fan but it's rich hearing the "Don't you have a heart?" type stuff from the left as they do not bat an eye that their supported party is intentionally importing rapists and murderers that are killing and hurting Americans. Thousands of Americans are losing their kid to evil savagery because a political party craves power through imported demographics.

Dore, you're so FOS and one of the most pompous pricks on this site.

WTF does this even mean? 😆 🤣
I think everything you said is true, but I still don't think that the penalty should have been close to $1B. Frankly, I think he should be put in the stocks for what he did. Probably whipped with like 12 lashings too.
The $1B judgement is the jury’s way of putting him in the stocks and lashing him. The penalty had to be severe because of Jones’ defiance and utter disregard for the law.

He was consistently defaming the victims for nearly 6 YEARS before they finally sued him, and showed he had no intention of stopping the defamation.

When sued, Jones completely ignored discovery requests, never showed up for court ordered depositions, filed false affidavits, falsely accused the plaintiffs attorney of sending Jones child pornography, and lied to the trial judge. He was essentially throwing up middle fingers to everyone throughout the whole process.

Since Jones was insistent on not fulfilling his legal obligations, the default judgement in favor of the plaintiffs was inevitable. Jones, however, then bizarrely tried to position this as some sort of miscarriage of justice when it was actually the result of Jones’ utter disregard for the rule of law.

The only way to get through to someone that arrogant and divorced from reality is to apply a massive punishment.
The $1B judgement is the jury’s way of putting him in the stocks and lashing him. The penalty had to be severe because of Jones’ defiance and utter disregard for the law.

He was consistently defaming the victims for nearly 6 YEARS before they finally sued him, and showed he had no intention of stopping the defamation.

When sued, Jones completely ignored discovery requests, never showed up for court ordered depositions, filed false affidavits, falsely accused the plaintiffs attorney of sending Jones child pornography, and lied to the trial judge. He was essentially throwing up middle fingers to everyone throughout the whole process.

Since Jones was insistent on not fulfilling his legal obligations, the default judgement in favor of the plaintiffs was inevitable. Jones, however, then bizarrely tried to position this as some sort of miscarriage of justice when it was actually the result of Jones’ utter disregard for the rule of law.

The only way to get through to someone that arrogant and divorced from reality is to apply a massive punishment.
So you are saying he did all that and they didn't lock him up? That doesn't make any sense. I feel like you haven't actually looked at this case and just got talking points from someone who hates AJ. Robert Barnes actually did a breakdown on this case and he's a lawyer who has argued cases in the supreme court. He would disagree with everything you posted.

Also... with respect to 1st amendment issues... the lawyers are hurting AJ's ability to pay the families money because they said they wanted to silence him forever. Can you post some video of AJ saying this stuff? If he was saying it on his radio show for 6 years I'm sure you can link some instances of this pretty easy.
So you are saying he did all that and they didn't lock him up? That doesn't make any sense. I feel like you haven't actually looked at this case and just got talking points from someone who hates AJ. Robert Barnes actually did a breakdown on this case and he's a lawyer who has argued cases in the supreme court. He would disagree with everything you posted.

Also... with respect to 1st amendment issues... the lawyers are hurting AJ's ability to pay the families money because they said they wanted to silence him forever. Can you post some video of AJ saying this stuff? If he was saying it on his radio show for 6 years I'm sure you can link some instances of this pretty easy.
Robert Barnes was briefly Alex Jones’ attorney on the Lewis case. You should also know that Barnes was fired by Jones. In an affidavit submitted by Jones himself in the Lafferty case, Jones informed the court that he fired Barnes because Barnes had, in Jones’ opinion, “botched discovery” in the Lewis case.

Why on earth would you consider Robert Barnes to be a credible person to discuss the Jones case?

Jones consistently refused to comply with discovery requests, and at one point, Jones himself stated that Barnes was part of the problem. But even after firing Barnes, Jones continued to completely ignore discovery requests.

In terms of posting video, most of Jones’ videos were either taken down by the various social media platforms or by Jones’ staff under orders from Jones to delete evidence.

If you want to know what Jones was saying, then I suggest you read the court filings or watch some of the court room testimony. I suggest you also read both the Texas and Connecticut default judgments. The judges make it crystal clear that those decisions were based on Jones’ noncompliance with the discovery process.

When someone stubbornly refuses to fulfill their pre-trial obligations, default judgments are on the table. Jones has no one to blame but himself for that.

Stop letting YouTube videos tell you what to think and start learning how to read up on the facts yourself.
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