Why Stoops is on the hot seat?

Even pent up anger doesn't explain the lack of self control that makes your views look like a spoiled three year old's breath holding, hair pulling tantrum.

Maybe watching a few soccer games will bore you back to reality.

your post doesn't change the fact that everything I said was true.

You just don't like if someone doesn't pump false sunshine every post.

I notice you didn't even address our pathetic "barely beating" ULL and EKU.

That little fact seems to have slipped your post. Instead , you call someone names, showing your real maturity level.

Pot, meet kettle.
OP should be on the hot seat for another stupid thread.

Unless you've been living under a rock, Stoops buyout alone makes him not on the hot seat.
My rebuttle to this is my recent post in the other thread responding to yours about point systems. You called OP's post a dumb post and by that I felt like you meant stoops has done way too well for him to be on the hot seat regardless of the buyout. Well at least you agree he hasn't performed well enough to deserve not being on the hot seat and that the buyout forces him here. I'm petty sure (could be wrong) the OP was saying that on a performance basis not really taking stupid contracts that force him here no matter what into consideration. Since obviously everyone knows he'll be here no matter what due to the horribly favorable contract. Glad you agree that his performance thus far sure as hell ain't the reason for him not being on the hot seat and that its all due to terrible contract negotiating by ours truly barny, and without the horrible contract he would be on the hot seat. We agreed on something for once lol.
Excuse me Stoops recruited well. Excuse me so did took many years under Brooks too turn a negative into a positive....So when Stoops get's the team to a bowl somewhere and you and girlfriend/wife/buddies are WHOOPing it up!...please, please do me a favor......send Barnhart, a recommendation too remove him as hc!
your post doesn't change the fact that everything I said was true.

You just don't like if someone doesn't pump false sunshine every post.

I notice you didn't even address our pathetic "barely beating" ULL and EKU.

That little fact seems to have slipped your post. Instead , you call someone names, showing your real maturity level.

Pot, meet kettle.
Nice....and you can't respond correctly

Brooks was a dismal 9-25, first three seasons....enough said. Rest history....ty come again
Andrel...I know you get ticked with, here me remind me and my younger brother griping abt his beloved NYJ and My hated NE pats!....difference is, we love the same University.....(he's UCLA)....I don't bother
Andrel...I know you get ticked with, here me remind me and my younger brother griping abt his beloved NYJ and My hated NE pats!....difference is, we love the same University.....(he's UCLA)....I don't bother
Of my younger bro
Southern Miss upsetting UK is a real possibility. In Stoops 4th season that shouldn't be a real possibility. If Southern Miss does upset UK then winning only 4 games is a real possibility. Winning 4 games in your 4th season equates to coach YHATZEE being on the hot seat. Unless you live under a rock or don't give a s*it about college football
Bring back the 70's and Sonny Collins, Art Still, Richard Jaffe, Jim Kovach, "Disco" Dallas Owens, Frank Lemaster, Derrick Ramsey, Felix "The Cat" Wilson...........etc
your post doesn't change the fact that everything I said was true.

You just don't like if someone doesn't pump false sunshine every post.

I notice you didn't even address our pathetic "barely beating" ULL and EKU.

That little fact seems to have slipped your post. Instead , you call someone names, showing your real maturity level.

Pot, meet kettle.

Didn't address any of your "facts" or "truths" as you so generously term them. Just your childish tantrum which invalidated anything you had to say. Even those few "facts" that might have been half way accurate.

So keep on kicking and screaming if you think that will make what you say true.
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What a BS post. Almost every real fan on here expects us to win six or seven this year, read the posts, the trolls are the ones predicting four or five.
There's that "real fan" bullcrap. Can't debate the merits, so you call names. You're welcome to tell me where those six wins are coming from. I'll wait.
your post doesn't change the fact that everything I said was true.

You just don't like if someone doesn't pump false sunshine every post.

I notice you didn't even address our pathetic "barely beating" ULL and EKU.

That little fact seems to have slipped your post. Instead , you call someone names, showing your real maturity level.

Pot, meet kettle.

Has nothing to do with the validity of your posts.

You are obviously not intelligent enough to convey your thoughts and opinions in a manner that doesn't represent a 6 year old throwing a tantrum
Let's be very clear and upfront. Crawling into a pizza bowl is not success! True success will be measured by how competitive we are against the Alabama's of the world.

For example, last year we got embarrassed by UT and others. My hopes are that Stoops team is at the level that shows real success.

Go Cats!
You really messed your post up in so many ways...
Why is the OP allowed to still post after everyone knows he's a troll? two time outs isnt good enough for him... he still wants to push his luck for this coming season too
The real question is why did you give yourself 3000 post, instead of 4000?
Has nothing to do with the validity of your posts.

You are obviously not intelligent enough to convey your thoughts and opinions in a manner that doesn't represent a 6 year old throwing a tantrum

oh, it's you again, the little guy who spends his days and nights following certain posters he deems "unworthy" and follows them around to post against them.

I see you have an active career to spend day and night here with nothing better to do....Not much has changed from last season with you?
2 more full seasons based on what exactly?
Keyser.... I'm thinking two at the very least but probably more... I really think Stoops has more backing than CJP from a donor OV (Couch being #1), has had more invested, in facilities, during his tenure than anyone other than John Ray (maybe?)... But most of all I think that Barnhart has really tied his legacy to Stoops... So this being MB's 3rd selection as a HFC @ UK, I think he's likely to give CMS full measure of opportunity.... For those reasons based purely on opinion I say at least two, but probably more than two....

CJP was an anomaly as a UK HFC.... Most Head Football Coaches at UK have been given plenty of time to be mediocre... so think Stoops will also. But if the buying public keeps its money in the pocket then things get dicey...
Dicey for all involved I'd have to think.... This isn't the same buying public as in the past...

When I see only 49K for an opener..... hummmm.... I go. I never took notes but 10K seems short to me and the stadium already has been reduced in comparison to the good ole days..... Perhaps they manage to entice fans with freebies?
oh, it's you again, the little guy who spends his days and nights following certain posters he deems "unworthy" and follows them around to post against them.

I see you have an active career to spend day and night here with nothing better to do....Not much has changed from last season with you?

You are absolutely worthless. You obviously do not know me so I will take the little guy remark as a compliment.

Why would you think anyone here would follow you around?

Again, your problem is not your opinion, sometimes we actually agree. You simply cannot post without making yourself look immature and childish.
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There's that "real fan" bullcrap. Can't debate the merits, so you call names. You're welcome to tell me where those six wins are coming from. I'll wait.
I'll answer it

New Mexico State
Austin Peay

Then 3 out of this group of 5

USC (home game)
Vandy (home game)
Miss. State (home game)
Missouri (new HC and they just aren't good)
UL (unpredictable rivalry game)

Anyone saying we absolutely can't win 3 of those 5 is clueless and probably enjoys the misery of our losses more than the joy of our wins. Yes, I'm pointing at you MF.
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There is simply no way to spin a loss Saturday, despite UK having one of the more robust spin programs active in sports media today. It's a huge game, to keep both fans and recruits in the fold. Lose by one or lose by 25, and the sun starts to set on the Stoops era. Win Saturday against the tepidness of a CUSA foe, and we shall see what the future holds.
I'll answer it

New Mexico State
Austin Peay

Then 3 out of this group of 5

USC (home game)
Vandy (home game)
Miss. State (home game)
Missouri (new HC and they just aren't good)
UL (unpredictable rivalry game)

Anyone saying we absolutely can't win 3 of those 5 is clueless and probably enjoys the misery of our losses more than the joy of our wins. Yes, I'm pointing at you MF.
You've pointed at me before, so I consider the source with a grain of salt. But I notice that you still won't call the wins and losses. There's little difference between saying, "Our schedule has six wins in it" and what you did.

Way to go out on a limb, brave boy.
I think Stoops in on the solid core UK football fans hot seat but probably not on the UK athletic department's hot seat. Fans who pay to get into games or fans who have climbed out of the wagon have a different standard than the administration making the hires or spending the money. The coach does not get on their hot seat until the program starts losing money or the seats become empty.
I think Stoops in on the solid core UK football fans hot seat but probably not on the UK athletic department's hot seat. Fans who pay to get into games or fans who have climbed out of the wagon have a different standard than the administration making the hires or spending the money. The coach does not get on their hot seat until the program starts losing money or the seats become empty.
I agree, which by the way is a tacit admission that the administration's goals are not aligned perfectly with the goals of the fans.
You've pointed at me before, so I consider the source with a grain of salt. But I notice that you still won't call the wins and losses. There's little difference between saying, "Our schedule has six wins in it" and what you did.

Way to go out on a limb, brave boy.
You are such a child. I called 3 then 3 of 5. If you want my opinion, which you dont, all you really want is to wallow in misery, I say we beat USC, Vandy and Missouri. Miss. St. and UL are coin tosses. Now go ahead and explain how that can't possibly happen.
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It's always personal with you, isn't it? Can't discuss anything without name calling. I don't have to explain a straw man that you constructed. You claimed to answer my question, and you didn't. And now you're whinging about it. If you don't like talking to me, don't. But don't piss and moan when you get called out for your errors. I suggest you just stop making them.
Virtually every college football magazine/website that I've read this year says Stoops is on the hot seat. That list includes Sports Illustrated, Athlon, College Football News, USA Today, Fox Sports, Campus Rush, The Big Lead, Bleacher Report, and

Every single one says Mark Stoops is on the hot seat. They also say that because of the ridiculous buyout he probably won't get fired. So do you know why he's on all these lists? It's because he should be on the hot seat. His arse would be boiling hot at a school that took this game seriously.
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It's time to bring it for an EPIC 2016 UK Football season !!!! Big Blue Nation has been waiting a turn-around winning season for a LONG TIME. This is it, son, it's now or never for SToops and his new crew. He will lead the team to getting it done.....or else!!!
I agree, which by the way is a tacit admission that the administration's goals are not aligned perfectly with the goals of the fans.
Simply daft. The fans goals and expectations don't align, they are all over the place. How and why would the administration try to align their goals with a particular subset of fans?
It's always personal with you, isn't it? Can't discuss anything without name calling. I don't have to explain a straw man that you constructed. You claimed to answer my question, and you didn't. And now you're whinging about it. If you don't like talking to me, don't. But don't piss and moan when you get called out for your errors. I suggest you just stop making them.
It wasn't an error and I made you happy in the next post. Personal? You're one of the least liked posters on this site. As I stated before, you enjoy nothing more than strife. You seem to thrive on being a contrarian. People were calling for Brooks head after 3 years too. Things worked out pretty well. Thankfully our administration didn't try to align their goals with those who wanted him gone.
This thread asks the wrong question.

The right question is, "Should Barnhart be on the hot seat for giving Stoops a ludicrous buy-out after he had produced very, very little which makes it impossible to get rid of him for a couple more years, even if it becomes abundantly clear he's over his head?"

I look at Maryland as an example. No football powerhouse by a long shot. But they hired Randy Edsall, a guy coming off real success as a HEAD COACH at UConn to the point he got a serious look from ND. But when Edsall wasn't getting it done early in his fifth year -- that'd be next October for Stoops -- they cut him loose and were out only $500,000.

Why could Maryland hire a much more attractive coach with HC experience without being anchored to a ruinous buyout? I've been to several of their games -- they have nothing on Kentucky in facilities or fan base and not much more tradition. They apparently have a smarter, more capable AD.
That is a valid question. They really should have waited unless they were put in a position to act. I doubt seriously that Mitch was the sole decision maker on that.
After reading all this,
It's always personal with you, isn't it? Can't discuss anything without name calling. I don't have to explain a straw man that you constructed. You claimed to answer my question, and you didn't. And now you're whinging about it. If you don't like talking to me, don't. But don't piss and moan when you get called out for your errors. I suggest you just stop making them.

I think that post was made for me :chairshot:
I'm not sure I follow. Can you clarify? I doubt Stoops was going to get a better offer based on his first couple mediocre years at UK, so I don't see why there was a stampede to lock him in. And if giving Stoops an enormous buy-out wasn't primarily Mitch's call, why even have a guy drawing his salary? Sure, someone up the food chain had to okay it. But who else would have pushed for that?
I agree, I was just making an allowance for things we're not privy to. Mitch is a middle manager, in reality. The real decisions are made by others but with him. AD's have very important roles, but they are not autonomous, certainly not at this level. He clearly would have been a cheerleader for the buy-out though.
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I agree, I was just making an allowance for things we're not privy to. Mitch is a middle manager, in reality. The real decisions are made by others but with him. AD's have very important roles, but they are not autonomous, certainly not at this level. He clearly would have been a cheerleader for the buy-out though.
I think middle manager is a good description of Mitch. I can see him pushing the product along at a Wendy's or even a Kroger's, as long as creative thinking wasn't called for.

I know you're being facetious Prime, but that screenshot should end any and all discussion about how long it takes a coach to build a contender at an historically terrible SEC East school. But it won't.

Look at Vandy's record the two years prior to Franklin. Then look at the two years after Franklin. If Derek Mason gives Vandy a better record this year than Mark Stoops does here, Stoops should immediately be chased off the campus a la Clyde, and our endless search should begin anew.
The answer is not yet another search for a new coach and starting from scratch.And putting Mark Stoops in the same sentence with Billy Clyde.
It wasn't an error and I made you happy in the next post. Personal? You're one of the least liked posters on this site. As I stated before, you enjoy nothing more than strife. You seem to thrive on being a contrarian. People were calling for Brooks head after 3 years too. Things worked out pretty well. Thankfully our administration didn't try to align their goals with those who wanted him gone.
Yes, I remember the glory days of that one single season where we went 4-4 in the SEC. Keep trying to gaslight me about what a "success" our program has been.

And newsflash, skippy, I don't give two hot craps whether or not anybody likes me. I'm here because I'm entitled to be here, and I can speak the truth and you have no authority to ban me. So if you don't like what I post, you have two choices: You can respond like a child or you can ignore my posts and move on. So far I see you're choosing door number one. Either way, I could not possibly care less whether or not you like me.
Yes, I remember the glory days of that one single season where we went 4-4 in the SEC. Keep trying to gaslight me about what a "success" our program has been.

And newsflash, skippy, I don't give two hot craps whether or not anybody likes me. I'm here because I'm entitled to be here, and I can speak the truth and you have no authority to ban me. So if you don't like what I post, you have two choices: You can respond like a child or you can ignore my posts and move on. So far I see you're choosing door number one. Either way, I could not possibly care less whether or not you like me.
Clearly. Most people aren't intentional jerks. I don't want you banned, I enjoy your nonsense, it's so ridiculous it's funny. Btw, how did you know my name was skippy? You're a baaaad man. Do you have a Magic 8 Ball or something?

Now I see who you really are a little better though. You wont be happy until we become the UK basketball of college football. I'm going to sit back and enjoy your misery and appreciate a return to relevance.
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