Why is it on here that a lot folks dont like Matt Jones

What's even more weird is these guys on here who come running to a radio hosts defense. Matt Jones is 40 or pushing 40 years old. He doesn't need fellow grown men rushing to his aid like a combat medic.
People on here rush to Stoops’ defense and he’s 56.
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You may not like him, but he is definitely relevant. The guy started a goofy little sports show and turned into an empire and got rich from it.
Please let me correct my statement… He is not relevant to me. He may be relevant to some, but his “scoops” are nauseating to most folks I talk to, particularly me. He is as relevant as Facebook and pulling in the zombies that listen to his banter.
You may not like him, but he is definitely relevant. The guy started a goofy little sports show and turned into an empire and got rich from it.
That's why he's hated by UK fans. "Why couldn't I start a goofy sports show and get rich from it! I know more about sports than him! WAAAAH!"
That's my opinion on it anyway.
Matt is fine for what he is....entertainer. maybe a little true news thrown in.

He comes off as he fancies himself a journalist, but he isn't. He's a guy having fun and making money. That's fine.

I didn't realize until this past year he suffered from epilepsy. I saw him go into a full seizure on film. Hard to watch. I gained some respect for him as a man.

Not as a journalist.
That show was really good, and yes I felt really bad for him seeing that. I suffer from bad seizures and I know how scary they can be. I hope he finds a medication that can prevent that from happening.
Has a hard time keeping a gf 40 yrs old not married and talks about his mom all the time to me something seems not to be right about his character but that is just me
I do find it odd that he hasn’t married yet or at least had a long term relationship. I guess not everyone is cut out for that. He does seem very close to his mom. Maybe he hasn’t found a woman that stacks up to her in his mind or the ones he does get are jealous of their relationship. I’ve seen that before. Even from older women who should be past that. That’s his business though.
For me it’s just that he knows and employs (outside of Freddy) people that know nothing about football. He even used to admit he didn’t give 2 shits about the football program back in the day. His tune only changed when he got access through Marrow.

If it was just his 1 radio show though who cares but he is the post game football show and his disdain for UK football fans shines through in those broadcasts. If he didn’t have the post game show I wouldn’t care what he did at all.
To be fair to him back then it was hard to generate hope or passion for the Football program. Same story every year. Brooks energized the Football side of his site, Stoops rekindled that later.
1.When he first started there was the allegation that he would take info he got from being a member on HOB and broadcast it as if he had the scoop. As a long timer, I can say I believe there most certainly is some truth to this.
2. He's a blatant liberal in a conservative state. Take that as you wish.
3. There is some jealousy involed in the hate if MJ. For some reason in our society, people hate success. MJ took an idea and built what he has today.
4. Yes, he can be an asshole
Matt Jones dedicates his time to UK sports and that is alright by me. His politics don't bother me... I do agree, sometimes he is arrogant and treats some callers unfairly by belittling them... That is a personality trait that is undesirable indeed.
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If you don’t like Matt and still listen to his show you need professional help.

I like Matt. He has done far more for UK sports than he has hurt. He took some chances and built an empire around something he enjoys. That is the American dream.

We all have some strengths and weaknesses. In his position, they are on full display for Billy Joe Wildcat to judge. Not something I envy. One thing that is certain is if you watch the Netflix Documentary Wrestlers you will see a human being that does care about others and is trying to make a difference.
Only thing that bothers me about Matt is he constantly tries to scoop everything even to the point of speculation, our crazy fanbase takes that speculation and runs with it. That just shows he’s a good businessman, I have nothing against him and follow on Twitter but take everything with a grain of salt.
If you don’t like Matt and still listen to his show you need professional help.

I like Matt. He has done far more for UK sports than he has hurt. He took some chances and built an empire around something he enjoys. That is the American dream.

We all have some strengths and weaknesses. In his position, they are on full display for Billy Joe Wildcat to judge. Not something I envy. One thing that is certain is if you watch the Netflix Documentary Wrestlers you will see a human being that does care about others and is trying to make a difference.
great post
I could take or leave him until I ran into him in person in Nashville. He cut line and even after several of us called him out for cutting line he just put his head down and went to the front like he was somebody. Lost all respect for him since. Everything 'small' that has annoyed me since just reinforced my feelings since childhood.... You can never trust a line cutter.
I am not his spokesperson by no means. I agree that he can be a bit crass, rude and arrogant at times. I don't agree with most of his politics, but that doesn't really matter. What I most don't like is that he uses the sight as a forum for his Political views at times. I like a lot more about Matt and gang than I don't like. I appreciate his honesty and sincerity and think that he is a very good person at heart. He was way ahead of his time by understanding the future of news dissemination and content and the end of paper print. I do believe he has inside information and I have always enjoyed listening to his show when he sticks to UK topics. The Restaurant tournament and all that stuff I can do without, but I get it you have slow news days. I just believe that he loves Kentucky and our sports programs and has done an excellent job marketing that and building it into a very interesting product. I am guilty of most days looking at the sight a few times each days. I guess I see him as an advocate for the team we all love, and he and his team provide some great content. I just see derogatory comments on here by some and wonder what it is about him that rubs folks the wrong way.
IMO, Matt has a personality the rubs people the wrong way and IMO, he doesn't care. He likes to laugh "at" people rather than looking for ways to laugh "with" people b/c it seems he enjoys looking down his nose at others. He surrounds himself with those who will willingly agree with his opinions and attitudes. These are just my impressions and I, of course, could be off-base but it's just what I see. Being in the public eye is a tough business to navigate without taking shots occasionally. It's likely Matt is a nice guy if you would get to know him one on one, away from the microphone. He's definitely burned bridges with a large faction of the fanbase by trying to shove his political views in people's faces when they loudly asked to stop and keep it about sports. He flatly said that he would not. Actions have consequences and there is a time and place for all things, and it never hurts to be respectful of others who are listening to what you have to say. I do think he may have mellowed somewhat but I don't listen to him as much as I once did for the reasons I've mentioned.