I am not his spokesperson by no means. I agree that he can be a bit crass, rude and arrogant at times. I don't agree with most of his politics, but that doesn't really matter. What I most don't like is that he uses the sight as a forum for his Political views at times. I like a lot more about Matt and gang than I don't like. I appreciate his honesty and sincerity and think that he is a very good person at heart. He was way ahead of his time by understanding the future of news dissemination and content and the end of paper print. I do believe he has inside information and I have always enjoyed listening to his show when he sticks to UK topics. The Restaurant tournament and all that stuff I can do without, but I get it you have slow news days. I just believe that he loves Kentucky and our sports programs and has done an excellent job marketing that and building it into a very interesting product. I am guilty of most days looking at the sight a few times each days. I guess I see him as an advocate for the team we all love, and he and his team provide some great content. I just see derogatory comments on here by some and wonder what it is about him that rubs folks the wrong way.