Why doest Kentucky get the best players in the state

Wow didn’t think anyone was still on the tired line of “you just hate Cal” lol.

Calipari was losing at historic rates at UK. In ways we’ve never seen before. Kentucky fans would not approve and want to maintain a coach who’s losing in record fashion. Anyone who supported him and didn’t want him out is a Calipari fan because most UK fans wouldn’t support him to the detriment of the program.

We talk about him because he just left and took much of our team, to a rival, and we will now play against him. 15 years sir. If you don’t understand that I have no idea what you’re talking about. All of our coaches are talked about constantly. Calipari isn’t special.

Tell me what you think Calipari’s approval rating was in 2015? If I told you there was a poll I could cite with 400 replies and 96% approval what would you say?

Cal is disliked because he became incredibly stupid toward the program and lost at record numbers. It’s not about anything other than that. There’s a few that like to pretend Cal was just simply hated and that’s a lie they tell themselves so they don’t have to accept how wrong they are and we’re. That simple.
Calipari is gone but still dominates the thoughts of Kentucky fans, not because he lost at record numbers even though he had a higher winning percentage than Joe B Hall, Sutton, Tubby, and Gillispie. It’s because he is hated, y’all openly trash him every day so I’m not sure why you would deny your actions.

You can’t even praise Mark Pope without someone turning it into a Cal thing. Good luck scoring points against UK fans who supported the UK coach. I will be supporting Mark Stoops and Kentucky football this fall, will you guys let me know when that’s a bad thing so I can stop thinking for myself, be a sheep, and join the group.