I was never implying that you thought Camby sucked, although I can see why you would read it that way. I was implying that you don't consider him in the conversation because of his dealings with agents.
You're getting deep with the integrity talk here!
I just go where I'm led. You led me to integrity.
I'm going to expound on an item you brought up which is far more important than Camby. If somebody says you aren't the best. They aren't saying, implying or otherwise suggesting that you suck. Camby is a formidable basketball player. His problem is that Cal has a freaking unbelievable stable of formidable players. Saying one of those formidable players is below a line, particularly such a poorly described line and idiotic line as this one, does not imply they suck. Why is it that people interpret this as such?
Here is where this becomes important. You give a kid a C these days and they quit in the classroom. If they don't get an A, they think they suck. This attitude is killing us for STEM degrees because kids quit rather than tough out the degree. Its more common among the younger generation. It really bothers me.
So, bthaunert, I'm gonna tell you two things. In this one respect, your attitude sucks. Second thing, and I really wish this wasn't true, you are in the majority. I'm afraid a lot of folks would interpret any statement I made where I didn't swear that Camby wasn't Gods gift to basketball as Camby sucks. And that is a real problem.
So, the bottom line is that Camby is not one of Cal's top ten players unless one contrives some really stilted and stupid measure such as sitting three years against one. Further, I stand by my assertion that Camby cheated, as Mr Webster's defines the word, and that is disqualifying on ethical grounds alone. Mr. Camby does NOT suck. Further, he's grown into enough of a man that he realizes that less than first does not equal failure and that some debts can't be repaid. An important lesson, don't you think?
Oh, and one other thing, your answering faster than I can type, so let me answer another post you made. The penalty, was in fact, assessed against UMASS. The penalty was paid by UMASS. Camby paid UMASS money he did not owe to ease his conscience. That doesn't negate who was fined and who paid. Its rather like if you get a speeding ticket. (No, I'm not saying Camby got a speeding ticket.) You pay the ticket. Then your daddy pays you back because you can do no wrong or whatever other reason. That doesn't transfer the fine to him or the infraction to him. Its still your ticket. Its still your fine. In this case Camby did the crime, UMASS did the fine. That is just the facts.
And Camby did take something and broke a rule in doing so. Then he covered it up for a time, aka lied. Camby himself has admitted to all the criteria outlined by the definition. He cheated, by the very definition you posted. I use my words. I know what they mean. You should know that by now.