Who here has done time...

Grew up in Wolverine/Spartan territory in Michigan and now I despise both of those teams because of the ridicule I went through as a youngster during the probation years.

I still live here and enjoyed countless MSU and UM scandals over the last few years.
No scandals we have had measure up to the sickness in place at Spartan pedo U.
I’ve been in Knoxville, spent a LOT of time in Louisville/Kentuckiana, and never encountered a problem. Never wore UK gear those times.

Occasionally someone will ask me university I attended. I’ll tell them, and get a little ribbing, but it’s OK. I carry on after that in a way that gives them no ammunition to act acerbic.
I live in Louisville area and wear UK gear daily.
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...time behind enemy lines as a Kentucky fan? Who has lived outside of the friendlies around Lexington? How did the locals treat you as a UK fan? Friendly? Hostile?

I grew up in central Indy, when Bobby Knight was still a god. As a kid, my IU fan friends were ruthless. Lately, the Hoosiers have been pretty quite. Adult IU fans are still pretty delusional, but a bit more tolerable. Purdue fans have always been hit and miss.

Being stationed in North Carolina, I was surrounded by people from all over. But, in general, sports fans kept the UK 'hate' well within the realm of friendly sports banter.

I lived in Charlottesville, VA for a decade. Those folks didn't pay much attention to any teams outside of VaTech, Duke and UNCheat. UVA fans didn't have any bad blood towards Kentucky.
I’ve been I Florida for 8 years, moved here from Owensboro. A lot of KY fans here. I haven’t had any problems with any rival fans. First of all neither Florida St. or Florida fans care much about basketball. So far this year neither care much about football either😂
Grew up in Owensboro. UK territory for sure. A few contrarians that were UL guys. They were always vocal, of course, but no one paid them any attention.

Lived in Louisville in the 90s. No issue then, Louisville was heavier blue back then and UK ruled during the Pitino years, so I never noticed any hostility. Most people I knew were UK fans or were pretty tame UL fans.

Lived in Louisville again 2013-2015. Different vibe. UL definitely was in an uptick with football and basketball and the natives were aggressive and unfriendly. Still alot of UK fans, but Pitino to UL def moved the scales back then.

Worked in central Indiana for several years. That was the worst. Just an angry bunch living in the past. Could not wear a UK shirt without being harassed. I am not a vocally aggressive UK fan and never engage, but they never ceased to harass.

Lived in Georgia for most of the last 22 years. Never and issue. UGA fans know their place in football and UK in basketball. For the most part a tame and reasonable fan base.
Atlanta also is a melting pot of SEC and ACC fans, tons of transplants, so you don’t get overwhelmed and various fans are everywhere. The worst group in Atlanta is oddly the Bama fans.
I live closer to TN than most of KY down here in Bell County.
For the most part it's UK but some of those orange wearing buttholes seem to cross the border from Harrogate with regularity 🤢
I lived in Valdosta, ga a few months. My best friend worked for the AD over Valdosta st. The ADs dad was AD of Georgia. They liked Kentucky (football). Talked of UK like a little brother. Did not meet a single Georgian that disliked Kentucky. Probably because they didn't feel threatened. This was 1984ish.