What was the most exciting season of basketball in your life?


Dec 7, 2007
For me, it was 1995.

Michael Jordan returned to the Bulls.
Kentucky landed Mercer and Turner.
All the preseason hype for that 1995-1996 team.
The Arkansas vs. Kentucky games in the winter and spring of 1995.
The SEC Finals game of UK vs. Arkansas might have been the most fun basketball experience I have ever witnessed.
Delk and Rhodes at UK; Iverson at G'Town; Ray Allen at UConn; Kerry Kittles at Villanova.

Easily 1995-1996. Kentucky had its best basketball team in its storied history (and still to this day that stands) and for me it was the first time in my life I saw Kentucky win a national championship (born in 1980). Turns out the Untouchables moniker not only stood for that season but maybe for the rest of time. Still to this day have never seen another college basketball team like that one. That was prime college basketball era in general right there.

On top of that you had Jordan and the Bulls, Jordan back in #23 again and back to being prime Jordan. His return in 1995 was exciting but he was wearing #45 and just wasn't quite Michael Jordan again yet. The 95-96 Bulls were fun to watch.
Its hard to beat watching the 2014-2015 UK season. Watching pure dominance on both ends of the floor and the hype surrounding it. It also is the biggest let down at the end of a season and guaranteed it cut into the passion of the UK fanbase for multiple reasons. That regular reason though was a ride of a lifetime to be a fan.
That mid-90s basketball was as good as it gets. You had Kobe and KG destroying people in high school. MJ returns to the Bulls followed by the greatest NBA team ever with the '96 Bulls. College basketball was at the height of its powers.

Think about some of the names of guys who played in those 1995 and 1996 NCAA tournaments: Wallace/Stackhouse; Duncan; Iverson; Nash; Kittles; Allen; Camby; Marbury; etc.

Anyone remember this dude?

Its hard to beat watching the 2014-2015 UK season. Watching pure dominance on both ends of the floor and the hype surrounding it. It also is the biggest let down at the end of a season and guaranteed it cut into the passion of the UK fanbase for multiple reasons. That regular reason though was a ride of a lifetime to be a fan.
I mean, agreed the regular season was fun. The gut punch at the end took a whole lot of wind out of those sails, though.
That mid-90s basketball was as good as it gets. You had Kobe and KG destroying people in high school. MJ returns to the Bulls followed by the greatest NBA team ever with the '96 Bulls. College basketball was at the height of its powers.

Think about some of the names of guys who played in those 1995 and 1996 NCAA tournaments: Wallace/Stackhouse; Duncan; Iverson; Nash; Kittles; Allen; Camby; Marbury; etc.

Anyone remember this dude?

Gary Trent!
Got to hand it to Pitino. Post-probation, when he lost in the NCAA tourney, he usually went down swinging against teams that had multiple future NBA All-Stars or teams loaded with NBA talent (1994 not withstanding).

Laettner, Hill, Hurley in 1992. OT
Fab Five in 1993. OT
Stackhouse and Wallace in 1995.
Bibby, Dickinson, Terry, and Simon in 1997. OT

It's crazy that he was a few made free throws from beating three of those teams.
If I ever make a hot tub time machine, I'm going back to 1991 and convincing Pitino (using modern footage) to get four guys who were entirely "getable": Trent, Kittles, Iverson, and Ray Allen.
You know, as fun as it would have been to have any of those guys I wouldn't change a thing. What we put together resulted in the best team I have ever seen in my life. The sum of that unit was so much greater than its parts. Who knows how that changes if you alter it even a little. I mean sure, AI was 100x more dynamic than Anthony Epps. But would he have been a better point guard for that team? I'm actually not sure.
For me, it was 1995.

Michael Jordan returned to the Bulls.
Kentucky landed Mercer and Turner.
All the preseason hype for that 1995-1996 team.
The Arkansas vs. Kentucky games in the winter and spring of 1995.
The SEC Finals game of UK vs. Arkansas might have been the most fun basketball experience I have ever witnessed.
Delk and Rhodes at UK; Iverson at G'Town; Ray Allen at UConn; Kerry Kittles at Villanova.

The 1996 season. The 96 team in my opinion is the best college basketball team ever.

And then after that season, my Lakers traded for a HS kid named Kobe Bryant.
You know, as fun as it would have been to have any of those guys I wouldn't change a thing. What we put together resulted in the best team I have ever seen in my life. The sum of that unit was so much greater than its parts. Who knows how that changes if you alter it even a little. I mean sure, AI was 100x more dynamic than Anthony Epps. But would he have been a better point guard for that team? I'm actually not sure.
I see what you're saying. Good thoughts. I don't think there's any way Pitino would have given Iverson the same length of leash that Thompson did at G'Town. I actually think playing under Pitino would have helped Iverson immensely.

Also, Ray Allen was, to me, the "one who got away." A lot of folks think landing him would have cost us Sheppard, but Jeff was recruited as a combo guard, and we only had 12 scholarships in 1993-1994 (counting Pope, who was on redshirt), so it still could have worked. Allen would have cost us Anderson in 1995-1996, but I could live with that. We win it all in 1995 and 1996 instead of 1996 and 1998.

Ray Allen and Tony Delk on the wings? Can you imagine? They'd also have been teammates in 1994. Pitino would have likely put Rhodes at the 4 and gone small. That would have been a fun team to watch.
Can’t argue with 95 & 96, but, for me it was probably 1984. I was only 11 & still at an age when I idolized the players & it all seemed bigger than life. After a nearly two year wait, we finally got Sam Bowie back & the idea of him & Turpin playing together had most of BBN busting at the seams, in anticipation. And, that team lived up to the hype & delivered a FF.

Yes, the 2nd half against Georgetown was a horrible & painful ending to the season. Especially, after controlling the first half & leading by as many as 11 & going into the break, up 7. I’ll always believe that we were the best team in the country that season. And, that loss still bothers me & is a close 2nd to 92 for me, in terms of most devastating UK losses. But, after seeing Bowie’s absence tank the 81 & 82 seasons (and somewhat 83), idk if I’ve ever been more excited for a season than Sam’s long awaited return & the domination that ensued.

The NBA was also in its golden age & the season culminated with the Celtics beating the Lakers in an amazing 7 game series. That’s when the Bird/Magic rivalry really went to another level. And, to this day, that rivalry was as good as anything you’ll ever see in basketball, or, professional sports, for that matter, IMO. And, I’m a Hawks fan who hates both teams. But, the quality of basketball in both college & the NBA was at an all-time high, too, IMO.
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1992 for me. I was in middle school when the probation hit and that's a prime time where you go back and forth with your buddies about your teams. I had nothing. 3 years in a row without an NCAA Tournament appearance. That team was so fun to watch.
I have weirdly great and exciting memories of the early Pitino days/end of probation era year as well. When the games still weren't on live but I would listen to Cawood call the game and shoot hoops on my nerf goal during the game and mimic what Cawood was calling. That was really my formative years of becoming a UK fan as a 9-10 year old kid. I cut out all the newspaper articles from every game and kept them in my trapper keeper. Maybe not the MOST exciting, but some of my absolutely best memories of first becoming a diehard UK kid.
The style of play, Pitino's confident sideline swag, Mashburn, the three point/full court pressure attack, etc. - all of it created an atmosphere of extreme confidence for BBN.

I'm not sure any other coach in America could have done what Pitino did, with the exception of perhaps someone like Pat Riley.

We needed someone who was larger than life from a personality level, and Pitino delivered that.
I was too young in the 90s - 9 years old when we won in 96. I was excited, but didn't have a full understanding of the game yet. So I'm going with 2010. When we come launching out of the doldrums to become the hottest thing in college sports, ranked #1, not just great players but charismatic personalities. Yeah it ended in disappointment but that season was SO much fun.
96 crazy nites in Lexington while I was in college.

I would tie it with 2012 because for the first time I followed the team through the tourney with my dad. Some crazy nights there too.😁

Both were just amazing times with friends and or family and to be a Kentucky fan. The world was our oyster and we slurped that thing down with a little hot sauce.😄
1. 95-96 (I was 12 going on 13 and that's a great time in life you're not quite a kid, but you're not an angsty teen yet and you're getting more responsibility (like staying home by yourself for a bit)
2.2011-2012 (i knew we were going to win the title, and watching AD and the others was and absolute blast)
3. 97-98 (Missed RIck of course, but watching Tubby win us our 2nd title in 3 years was amazing).
4. 2014-2015 (Was a fun as heck year. That behind the back pass to WCS and watching Booker celebrate it was the moment I KNEW we were winning it all. Sadly not to be.)
That 2015 team should get the "Underachievers Award"


Remember espn saying they could compete in the NBA as a team and probably beat several pro teams.

Also "Platoonin" was coined with that team.
1.Runts in 66
2.UK 78
2a. UK 96
3.AD-UK 12
4.UK 70
I'm with you Doc. But for me personally my fav was the 1978 team. The twin towers Robey and Phillips, the Goose, Lee were great and they beat that good Arkansas Sutton team with those almost twins Moncreif (sp) and can't remember the other both about 6'4 and could jump out of the gym but highlite beating Duke for it all.
I can't believe nobody has said this yet;

For me, 09-10 Cats with John Wall, Cousins, Patterson, Bledsoe. They brough us back, Swaggy Cal was here and it looked like we were going to be kings. After the miserable Billy G era, I was just so happy we were good. It was the most fun team to watch ever. Don't get me wrong, my 2nd place is definitely 95-96 untouchables even though i was young I remember how unstoppable they were. I'm 37 now... That said, how Cal and the 09-10 cats brough us back to what we should be, I will always hold a place in my heart for them. I had no expectations is probably part of it. I never thought we would go anywhere with all those 18 and 19 year olds. Never gave them a chance even though we were a 1 seed, so when we lost in the elite 8 that year I didn't think much of it, and was full on partying.
My 3rd team would be the 2014 cats with Julius Randle because the tourny run was so magical and I was recovering from a terrible surgery and could only sit on the couch. It's top 3 in things I would change in my life, to have that team win the title and complete that amazing fairy tale run.
My 4th 5th and so on is a mash of Bogans tubby team and Anthony Davis or Karl Towns teams... those were so good it really wasn't as enjoyable or exciting because of the pressure of We should definitely win, ... but didn't win it all.

I loved Cal first 10 years, Loved him ... now I feel like it's an old marriage that needs to end but I'm hoping and praying to God that therapy can fix it and this year it works itself out with a renewal to the old ways like his first ten years of the relationship. He's a damn good man, i know that.
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