You have no F-ing clue.Section 8 is a whole, new level. You have rentals—then that subset
You have no F-ing clue.Section 8 is a whole, new level. You have rentals—then that subset
That's the proper expectation. What is F-ed Up is drivers thinking they have the ROW or not thinking/looking.People who cross store parking lots and don't even look. Like they just expect your car to stop.
You have no F-ing clue.
Girl Scout parents who camp at the entrances of stores and throw their pitch at you on behalf of their kids. The dads doing it suck. Moms I understand..sort of.
Just keep your damn mouth shut and let your kid do her pitch. More than likely I’ll buy cookies.
Hell I guess aggressive solicitors in front of any business like restaurants etc.
Gotta love those kids for pitching their product boldly.Luckily the troops where I live weren’t doing that. I bought some cookies and the mom was doing the money part but the kids were the ones actually selling it. Same yesterday. Visiting my parents and we went to Kroger in Owensboro and there were some Boy Scouts selling things. Not a parent to be seen. And those kids were damn hustlers too. They were doing a heck of a lot better than I did selling Trails End popcorn
I agree. I have been involved in politics most of my adult life (either representing different level of governments in legal matters or actually being a councilman in a local community). Now, I drink coffee at the Hardees with the local mayor every morning and we talk about what is going on. But, people that define themselves based solely on their political affiliation or beliefs, and then have to infuse those politics into every discussion can't enjoy life. No matter what, you are always going to be miserable because nationally it is always a pretty even split. You are going to lose 1/2 of the time and be pissed. Then you win the other 1/2 of the time and you just try to figure out how to tell the other 1/2 how stupid they are because they lost. Vote, send your senators and representatives letters and emails and let them know what you think so they can take that in to account when they vote. But leave your family, friends, neighbors and people on this board alone with your beliefs. Nobody else cares. The whole point of politics is for them to write and enforce laws that make us be able to live happily. So, live happily and quit bitching all of the time about people that disagree with you. None of that matters.Just now seeing this.
1) Politics is important. It just shouldn't define your online persona and take your life over, unless you're actually involved in it in your real life. Know anyone who obsesses over politics, particularly national politics, who comes across as a happy and positive person? I don't.
2) Our country has problems. It has always had problems. It will always have problems. As will every other country on this globe. I wish more people were engaged in various issues, esp. on a local level, but sorry, America isn't on the "brink of collapse." We've been hearing that for decades and it's sold millions of red and blue books but we're not on the brink of anything disastrous, just like we're not at the brink of civil war. I don't care how many politically obsessed online personas scream it into the void. So I stand by my initial point - if your answer in a thread about what pisses you off the most is liberals or conservatives or a certain politician or a random 24 hr news're doing life wrong.
Were this true, I agree. But that's not what is happening anymore at least. IMO, many laws are being to written to coerce us & laws are being selectively enforced.The whole point of politics is for them to write and enforce laws that make us be able to live happily.