FWIW, my SIL got a horrendous debilitating cold in Feb or Mar. Blood test said it wasn't COVID, but I understand many people experienced the same thing. Much worse than the usual common cold but not COVID. Was it some other savage virus that simply wasn't as lethal? or did lots of people just have really bad colds around the same time.Everybody who got a cold circa Christmas 2019 thinks they were patient 0 of Covid.
There are lots of virology labs, btw. Everyone who gets sick in the same city or region is going to accuse the local lab of being pernicious or careless.
There have been several steps that kind of guarantee another 1918 Spanish Flu kind of pandemic. First, 1974 and the Swine Flu. Almost everyone got a jab and a mass epidemic never occurred. That good result became a political disaster for the CDC and the fairly pure scientific institution became riddled with political appointees. Second, COVID-19 was much worse with the elderly than with any other cohort. So, once again it became a political nightmare. Now, laws have been passed that will denature any future pandemic response. Instead of 2% mortality we'll have 4% or 5% or worse. People now have the legal right to infect and kill their neighbors.