What books would you like to see made into films?


Mar 21, 2008
My D&D group took the night off to watch Marvel's latest comic-to-film adaptation, Black Widow. I passed because I'm taking my niece to see it next week and I doubt I'll want to watch it twice. :b

I recently picked up David Morrell's First Blood and while I haven't read it yet, I skimmed it a little and was surprised to discover that the book's set in Madison, Kentucky, which I assume is Madison County. I'd love to see a First Blood movie that's faithful to the source; I don't recall any specific areas being mentioned, but I like to think that a straight adaptation would pit John Rambo against the Madison County police at the Pinnacles in Berea. :uzi: 💀

Assuming both parts get made, I'm looking forward to Denis Villenueve's adaptation of Frank Herbert's Dune. Dune's probably my favorite fictional novel, and as much as I like David Lynch's movie (I watched it a lot when I was a kid), it sucks as an adaptation. I love the music, the cast, and the overall look, but too many of the characters (especially Paul and Baron Harkonnen) don't closely resemble their book counterparts, and the dialogue and plot are condensed so much that the story's pretty much rendered nonsensical. Denis Villenueve's cast looks great and he's obviously not going to have to cut as much as Lynch did because he's making two films. Also, Blade Runner 2049 showed that Villenueve's great at framing the huge, gorgeous scenes that Dune requires. I'll probably see it at Regal in Hamburg in Lexington on opening weekend.

A movie about Coach Rupp's long overdue too. We all know Coach Rupp was a weird, complex guy, and there's more than enough primary sources to make a great movie about his life that sets the record straight on the various misconceptions about his attitude and opinions. I don't know who could play Coach Rupp, Coach Hall, Coach Lancaster, Coach Reed, Pat Riley, and so on and so on, though.

“There wasn’t any racism in him. There wasn’t. All there was was a guy who wanted to win, who would take the best players, and I think he was judged on this subject harshly because he was a winner, he was a bigger-than-life character. Adolph is totally misrepresented in this whole concept when it comes to being a racist, He was not. I played for him, I know him.” -- Pat Riley

Anyway, what books do you want to see adapted into movies?
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I’m going to count comics/graphic novels as well soooo
  • They Called Us Enemy
  • Maus
  • The Glass Castle
  • Bone (as long as it’s animated, live action would probably be really dumb)
  • My Losing Season
  • Blankets
  • Essex County
  • A Stolen Life
  • Scalped
  • We Stand On Guard
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Blood Meridian
Any of the Gore Vidal historical fiction novels, especially Lincoln
A non-shitty version of The Vampire Lestat
The Bluegrass Conspiracy

With any luck, Cocaine Bear will be easier to follow than Sally Denton's The Bluegrass Conspiracy. Elizabeth Banks's two previous directorial attempts haven't exactly been lauded, so here's hoping this is her breakthrough film.

I’m going to count comics/graphic novels as well soooo
  • They Called Us Enemy
  • Maus
  • The Glass Castle
  • Bone (as long as it’s animated, live action would probably be really dumb)
  • My Losing Season
  • Blankets
  • Essex County
  • A Stolen Life
  • Scalped
  • We Stand On Guard

I'm surprised Maus and Blankets haven't been adapted yet, as long as they've been around.

Netflix is making an animated Bone series. It's been in production for over a year, so hopefully it'll be out soon.

My favorite comic's X-Men, particularly the Bronze Age X-Men (Giant-Size 1 and Uncanny X-Men 94 to Uncanny X-Men 180). With all the experience Kevin Feige's earned with the MCU and all the time he's had to develop the property due to the rights being stuck with Fox for so long, I'm expecting him to absolutely nail it when the X-Universe finally lands in the MCU.
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With any luck, Cocaine Bear will be easier to follow than Sally Denton's The Bluegrass Conspiracy. Elizabeth Banks's two previous directorial attempts haven't exactly been lauded, so here's hoping this is her breakthrough film.

I'm surprised Maus and Blankets haven't been adapted yet, as long as they've been around.

Netflix is making an animated Bone series. It's been in production for over a year, so hopefully it'll be out soon.

My favorite comic's X-Men, particularly the Bronze Age X-Men (Giant-Size 1 and Uncanny X-Men 94 to Uncanny X-Men 180). With all the experience Kevin Feige's earned with the MCU and all the time he's had to develop the property due to the rights being stuck with Fox for so long, I'm expecting him to absolutely nail it when the X-Universe finally lands in the MCU.
Well hot damn hadn’t heard that Bone news yet! Hopefully it gets a better commitment than most Netflix originals which seem to get cancelled after one season. I’m kind of at the point where, unless it’s something I REALLY want to watch, I’m not watching the first season until a second season is announced. Unless it’s intended to be an anthology series, then multiple seasons doesn’t matter.

And yeah pretty surprising about Maus. It’s a literary classic, even amongst the snobby literature folks. Only graphic novel to ever win a Pulitzer, and the award it got - Special Award in Letters - has only been awarded 12 times.

Another one I’d love to see turned into a movie or series is Fun Home.
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I don't recall any specific areas being mentioned, but I like to think that a straight adaptation would pit John Rambo against the Madison County police at the Pinnacles in Berea. :uzi: 💀

Well, I would love to see that movie, but it would be over pretty quick when Madison County’s finest dropped a ton of mustard gas right on Rambo’s head.
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My favorite Dennis Lehane novel, "Darkness Take My Hand".

Some of James Rollins' Sigma Force series of novels.

Phillip Kerr's Bernie Gunthner detective novels.
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Blood Meridian
This is exactly what I came in here to post. They've been trying to make it into a movie for a decade now. Even cast Vincent D'Onofrio as The Judge which I just don't see. To do the book justice it would be unfilmable in today's hyper sensitive whiny culture. The book makes The Wild Bunch look like a Saturday morning cartoon and is a constant stream of racism and stark violence. A beautiful masterwork to read. You can ponder a sentence or two for days. McCarthy critiques violence by putting it front and center as the main attraction then spends considerable time in numerous ways to explain it only to ultimately give up in an almost "because it's there" surrendering and it is all perfectly summed up by one of the most iconic characters in American literature in The Judge. You read Blood Meridian but at the same time Blood Meridian is reading you. You have to exchange something for that book and you don't get all of it back.

The unfilmable ‘Blood Meridian’
Love McCarthy, read all of his books, and actually Blood Meridian is probably my least favorite. Just a ridiculous amount of violence for very little purpose, at least as far as I can see.

And FYI: the “today’s culture” argument is just whiny bs. Quentin Tarantino addressed this on Joe Rogan last week. Said something like “yeah, ‘THEY’ never gave me permission to make my movies, I just did it.”

Maybe Daniel Day Lewis will do it. At any rate, the movie would be insane.
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Never understood the love for No Country. I didn’t even think it was as good as There will be Blood in 2007.

As for my answer- I’d love a Netflix series of Manhunt: The 12 Day Chase for Lincoln’s Killer.

It’s a phenomenal story of John Wilkes Booth’s journey leading to the assassination and what he did afterward (including journal entries) leading to his death. Reads like a thriller.
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Although they wouldn't be ground breaking, life changing stories, I do think the following would be good movie series.

Clive Cussler - Dirk Pitt series - 26 total books
-The only one made to my knowledge was Sahara with Matthew McConaughey and Steve Zahn. There is always a change from book to film, but this was fairly close.

Lee Child - Jack Reacher series - 25 total books
-Sure, Tom Cruise has done 2 thus far, but it's a very different character and feel. Tom is small and is waaay tooo polished. He talks too too nice....way too good of a driver.....and his fighting style is very polished to a particular style.
-Reacher in the books is very big.......and super gritty.....bad driver.....constantly drinks coffee. He is described as being >6'5" and around #250. He looks "like he's been chiseled from stone by a guy who didn't have too much time." He is a great fighter, but he's not polished.....he's more dirty and brutal. He's also less principled.....he'll beat up or kill someone without remorse or regard for law/due process if they are deemed bad enough.
-Lee Child has said that Tom Cruise was a great guy, but the differences were so much from the written character, that he'll no longer allow Cruise to play Reacher.

I also like the Jason Bourne series from Ludlum/Lustbader. And the Tom Clancy Jack Ryan series (which has been butchered by Amazon)
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Would like to see HBO/Netflix/Amazon do justice to...

* The Stand
* The Dark Tower series
* Swan Song by Robert McCammon

....and in multi episode or in the case of The Stand and The Dark Tower, multi year series.
I would love to see Swan Song made into a movie series. One of my favorites.
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Although they wouldn't be ground breaking, life changing stories, I do think the following would be good movie series.

Clive Cussler - Dirk Pitt series - 26 total books
-The only one made to my knowledge was Sahara with Matthew McConaughey....
I love the Dirk Pitt series. Unfortunately, Sahara was one of the biggest box office busts of all time even with a really good cast. I don't think anyone in Hollywood has the guts to try again.
I love the Dirk Pitt series. Unfortunately, Sahara was one of the biggest box office busts of all time even with a really good cast. I don't think anyone in Hollywood has the guts to try again.
I’m not sure why it flopped. It’s certainly not an Oscar winner but it wasn’t too bad.....and the TBS/TNTs of the world seem to love playing it now.
Y'all are making me want to reread Blood Meridian, I read it 5 or 6 years ago. Only a few of his left I haven't read, he's great but after one of his books it's a while before I want to pick up another. Might be about time, but I was thinking of picking up Cities of the Plain or Suttree next.
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