What are your honest thoughts on KSR and Matt Jones?

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This thread is great :popcorn:. If Matt wanted to see every caller he's ever hung up on all he has to do is read this thread. Lots of hurt feelings here.

The Show is great and everyone bashing it has some sort of agenda otherwise you would just accept it and be happy that we have something that pulls back the curtain a bit and gives us a peek inside our favorite school.
You don't need an "agenda" to just genuinely dislike someone. I've been on here a while and have seen him back as Magloire52 running around the old Cats Pause with his arrogant self. Once you've sat back and watched him "converse" with fans in his typical, condescending, "you dumb Kentuckians" approach, you realize he's just milking the fans for cash and exposure and thinks of himself as much smarter than those that support his site. Here is where my respect for him goes out the window - he has no true respect for the fanbase that essentially has made this low-talent, dull, goofy guy into what he is.
I met the man at a game last year; he was very polite and did not mind spending the time with my wife and me talking UK basketball. What I do like about him is how he got under the skin of that guy Mark "take the money and run" Frosty Tips.
I have no idea why these two did not get along, but after losing my money on that shit heads web site, I like anyone who gets under ole Frosty's skin.
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It's not black and white. The OP asked for opinions, some are stronger than others, in both directions. People pointed out pros and cons, but apparently some can't tolerate it. Perhaps you should avoid threads where KSR might be criticized.
I guess I just don't get why people that do not like something, insist on going around that thing.

I hate ul. Hate is no where near strong enough to express my feelings for ul. So, I don't watch their games. I sure don't listen to their call in shows. I don't read about them. I don't go to their message boards.

Why? Because I hate them. So, why, if you dislike MJ and KSR, do you listen, read or even take part in threads like this one?
He's a very bright guy and can speak intelligently on a lot of topics, not just sports. Having said that, he reminds me of a bright person that's around less intelligent and less rounded people most of the time and thinks he's a lot smarter than he really is. His sidekicks on the show are so limited, outside of UK sports, it's embarrassing at times. He is usually transparent when inserting his political views into the show and doesn't do it that often. He does do it in subtle ways more than most probably notice.

I do listen to the show a few times a week and usually enjoy it when I do.
LoL . So he's very bright but thinks he's a lot smarter than he is ? He scored off the charts on the LSAT and got a FREE RIDE WITH STIPEN to Duke university and easily aced the BARR exam . Not bad for a boy from the eastern Ky mountains . I'd say he's pretty bright too .
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What's wrong with photos of pretty coeds ? Are you gay or just an old prude ?
It depends. Some of the pics that people had appearing in all of their posts made it look like I was looking at porn, and I'd rather not have that when I check the site in public or when I have family around.
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I guess I just don't get why people that do not like something, insist on going around that thing.

I hate ul. Hate is no where near strong enough to express my feelings for ul. So, I don't watch their games. I sure don't listen to their call in shows. I don't read about them. I don't go to their message boards.

Why? Because I hate them. So, why, if you dislike MJ and KSR, do you listen, read or even take part in threads like this one?
I don't hate or even dislike the show. You don't have to love everything about the show to get some enjoyment from listening to it. I could list pros and cons of any media I consume, but that doesn't mean that I would drop it entirely because there was a part I didn't like.
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You don't need an "agenda" to just genuinely dislike someone. I've been on here a while and have seen him back as Magloire52 running around the old Cats Pause with his arrogant self. Once you've sat back and watched him "converse" with fans in his typical, condescending, "you dumb Kentuckians" approach, you realize he's just milking the fans for cash and exposure and thinks of himself as much smarter than those that support his site. Here is where my respect for him goes out the window - he has no true respect for the fanbase that essentially has made this low-talent, dull, goofy guy into what he is.

I find so much wrong with this post. I've met him, my wife has met him my family has met him. Many of which had no clue about basketball and he was as nice as could be. I've met many other sports talk personalities and Matt was by far was nicest and most down to earth of them all.

Now you may not like his show or his topics or his politics but I call BS on you saying he looks down on the fans. You probably had a run-in with him and you probably made a dumb point and he called you out on it and that's the reason you have such a poor view of him.

That's what Matt does, he gives you enough rope to hang yourself and if you do he doesn't let you off, you have to answer for your opinions and that's what people don't like about his personality. And truthfully I don't want to hear those people talk anyway. I would prefer him to cut those off and hangup on them. In fact I think he lets many of them ramble to long and I have to turn the volume down. It's his show so I don't complain.
I guess I just don't get why people that do not like something, insist on going around that thing.

I hate ul. Hate is no where near strong enough to express my feelings for ul. So, I don't watch their games. I sure don't listen to their call in shows. I don't read about them. I don't go to their message boards.

Why? Because I hate them. So, why, if you dislike MJ and KSR, do you listen, read or even take part in threads like this one?

People like to gripe about things, that's why.
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He may be everything all of you have said. I have no idea. What i would like to see and it seems like some of you. Could benefit from having more then just 1 option.

All of you screaming his praise have nothing to compare it to. Those saying he is arrogant jerk have nothing to compare it to.

Ky should have 10 to 15 personalities who have a radio forum for local sports. Matt has cornered the market. In my opinion he would be eaten up if more competition was available. I think the most talent on his show is his side kicks and guests. Would like to see them get their own slots.
He may be everything all of you have said. I have no idea. What i would like to see and it seems like some of you. Could benefit from having more then just 1 option.

All of you screaming his praise have nothing to compare it to. Those saying he is arrogant jerk have nothing to compare it to.

Ky should have 10 to 15 personalities who have a radio forum for local sports. Matt has cornered the market. In my opinion he would be eaten up if more competition was available. I think the most talent on his show is his side kicks and guests. Would like to see them get their own slots.

Someone behaving like an arrogan
I find so much wrong with this post. I've met him, my wife has met him my family has met him. Many of which had no clue about basketball and he was as nice as could be. I've met many other sports talk personalities and Matt was by far was nicest and most down to earth of them all.

Now you may not like his show or his topics or his politics but I call BS on you saying he looks down on the fans. You probably had a run-in with him and you probably made a dumb point and he called you out on it and that's the reason you have such a poor view of him.

That's what Matt does, he gives you enough rope to hang yourself and if you do he doesn't let you off, you have to answer for your opinions and that's what people don't like about his personality. And truthfully I don't want to hear those people talk anyway. I would prefer him to cut those off and hangup on them. In fact I think he lets many of them ramble to long and I have to turn the volume down. It's his show so I don't complain.
You have no clue what you're talking about. I shared my opinion, have never met the man, and if I had, I'll be damned if I'd ever give that bumbling moron "rope" to ever "hang myself".

I'm also not talking about how he addresses callers - I never listen to the show. I'm talking about how he addressed the fans here on the old Cats Pause, and how he treats his own radio hosts by cutting them off and constantly arguing on air with his own hosts. This is what I've witnessed first-hand during my only experience with having seen his live, pre-game "show", and what I've seen more than 100 times on the old Cats Pause when he was first getting his KSR schtick off the ground.

My opinion is my opinion, and yours is yours. Period.
Someone behaving like an arrogan

You have no clue what you're talking about. I shared my opinion, have never met the man, and if I had, I'll be damned if I'd ever give that bumbling moron "rope" to ever "hang myself".

I'm also not talking about how he addresses callers - I never listen to the show. I'm talking about how he addressed the fans here on the old Cats Pause, and how he treats his own radio hosts by cutting them off and constantly arguing on air with his own hosts. This is what I've witnessed first-hand during my only experience with having seen his live, pre-game "show", and what I've seen more than 100 times on the old Cats Pause when he was first getting his KSR schtick off the ground.

My opinion is my opinion, and yours is yours. Period.
You never listen to his show but you don't like how he cuts off his cohosts? That makes a lot of sense.
KSR is proof that you can fool most of the people all of the time. Their website over there thrives because they have frequent posts. The posters use pen names, and you can be sure that a very small number of people are actually generating all those posts. So the content rotates fast, but it is almost all fluff. They have gotten a popular rap about knowing a lot about basketball but nothing about football. But as far as I can see, they don't know anything about basketball either. Adding Maggard helped a bit with football content, but Maggard is not a football insider as he claims. As for Jones himself, the bloom is off the rose. This guy is another self-promoting, opportunistic attorney who thinks having a sports website and being a sports analyst qualifies him for the United States Congress. That's what this has been about. What a tool. When he didn't run, the public reason he gave was that the time wasn't right for him. That means he knew he would lose. Keep an eye on this act, because he will run when he thinks he can win. The people of our state deserve much better than another opportunistic, narcissistic lawyer in Congress.
So just to cut to the chase , you don't like the KSR because Matt was approached by the Democratic Party to run for congress ( they are in scramble mode because this state is becoming a deep shade of red ,LOL) considered running but declined . Plus he knew he was weak in football coverage so he hires a former Kentucky quarterback to cover football , but he's not enough of an " insider " to suit you . Seems to me you fancy yourself as an " insider ", maybe you should have been hired ? And honestly , is it your job to tell the people of the state what they need ? I agree that Matt has narcissistic tendencies . Have YOU looked in the mirror lately ?
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Matt's fine by me -
Don't listen to the radio show because I just don't listen to the radio anymore - no point turning it on when I'm in the car to/from work less than 4 minutes.
Do read the website - skip past the silliness if I'm not in the mood for it, and read what UK news I want to, because I know I can find it there.
Really enjoyed when KSR did the live chat for games - he was a lot of fun during those.
Where do you work ? Maybe we could organize a big RUPP RAFTERS visit at Bkocats workplace !
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Nice straw man. I never said southern "accents" bother me, I said strong southern drawls irritate me. Southern accents don't bother me at all. His voice is super annoying.
Hate to break it to you , but I'd say kentuckians have about as " strong southern drawl " as there is .
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I met the man at a game last year; he was very polite and did not mind spending the time with my wife and me talking UK basketball. What I do like about him is how he got under the skin of that guy Mark "take the money and run" Frosty Tips.
I have no idea why these two did not get along, but after losing my money on that shit heads web site, I like anyone who gets under ole Frosty's skin.
Reason they didn't get along -

Matt Jones takes himself a bit too seriously, but Frosty Tips has a full-blown shrine to himself in the living room.
I've been to two radio remotes, and Matt personally thanked me for coming both times. One thing I've noticed over time was that Matt would talk down to caller's that asked stupid questions, or sometimes to Ryan. I realize that may turn some people off. But what I also realized by going to two remotes was Matt would smile almost in a joking manner when he would be shooting down the callers. I think some of the people that dislike Matt take what he says way too serious. I'm not here to promote Matt Jones, rather just give my take. Matt does a lot to keep our fanbase intertwined with UK athletics. If I woke up tomorrow and KSR, the website, and everything was gone, I seriously don't know what I would find to do to replace it. It's entertainment. Some people just want a reason to hate everything.
I like what he does for UK, agree that we're lucky to have him. If by being too "smarmy" means calling out people for ridiculous questions and statements then I'm fine with it. Some of these people need to be put in their place.

I don't like his politics but as long as he keeps it to a minimum I'm fine with it.
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He may be everything all of you have said. I have no idea. What i would like to see and it seems like some of you. Could benefit from having more then just 1 option.

All of you screaming his praise have nothing to compare it to. Those saying he is arrogant jerk have nothing to compare it to.

Ky should have 10 to 15 personalities who have a radio forum for local sports. Matt has cornered the market. In my opinion he would be eaten up if more competition was available. I think the most talent on his show is his side kicks and guests. Would like to see them get their own slots.

Do you know how economics works? First off, there are quite a few and have been many other UK-centered sports shows. Many of them failed and others are in various states of success and failure. Matt's success isn't because he's the only option. It's because he's done it far and away the best (based on rankings).
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Hate to break it to you , but I'd say kentuckians have about as " strong southern drawl " as there is .
Depends on what part of Kentucky you're from.

####Also, the politics belong in the Paddock.
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I live in Northern KY, work in Cincinnati and still have people sometimes tell me I have an accent.... I find that odd, but people hear things differently, I guess.
By fixing the Economy and Making the country stronger after that ____head bush lied us int two wars to pad his own bank accounts


Fixing the economy? You mean bailing out the wealthy, setting up a welfare society, putting more debt on the American people than anyone before him, oh and my favorite, creating a 6 hour work day for the average American?

You're a smart one huh?
Hate to break it to you , but I'd say kentuckians have about as " strong southern drawl " as there is .

It's not really a southern drawl that bothers me. It's the way HIS deep southern drawl comes off that I don't like. Like he's talking through a hole in his throat. But I don't have a problem with southern people and the way they talk at all.

For the record, northern loud mouths are the absolute worst. Nose spouting Yankees. Puke.
Matt's fine by me -
Don't listen to the radio show because I just don't listen to the radio anymore - no point turning it on when I'm in the car to/from work less than 4 minutes.
Do read the website - skip past the silliness if I'm not in the mood for it, and read what UK news I want to, because I know I can find it there.
Really enjoyed when KSR did the live chat for games - he was a lot of fun during those.
Where do you work ? Maybe we could organize a big RUPP RAFTERS visit at Bkocats workplace !
I work exactly .9 miles away from my house :D
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