What about those Kings!

I love what the Kings are doing.

They're jacking the pace up to an astronomical rate, but then surrounding their stud athletes (Fox, WCS, Bagley) with shooters. So their offense is in large part transition plays and 3's.

We'll see if the energy level lasts. The reason NBA teams often avoid a "run, run, run some more" style is simply that it's a long, long season, and playing that fast over the course of 82 games is tiring. But Sacramento is almost nothing but young legs, and the results they've gotten so far are way, way beyond what anyone would have predicted. There were a lot of 25-30 win projections for them, and they're over halfway there a 3rd of the way into the season.

Another interesting note is that their most common starting 5 has a combined salary cap hit of under 28 million, less than a supermax contract. 3 of those contracts are still under rookie restrictions, so some decisions are going to have to be made, but they clearly have a lot of leeway (if they can get anyone to come to Sacramento).
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Do you ? Would that be less of a burden on you little eyes??? You didn’t even read anything on it did you??? Just saw the title, and got tore all to pieces with excitement!!!! Saw it it said, “Ohhhh yes, here’s my chance to shine “,but the problem is, you Just can’t shine a turd!
Is it really that hard on you to see something about our ex players? I had to go back several pages to even find this , and wanted to post on it , instead of starting a new one so I wouldn’t upset somebody who may actually bittch over it. Lmao. Isn’t that hilarious that someone would bitchh? I know right???!!!!! Anyway just move along next time if it causes you a problem. Thanks so very much, and I hope it hasn’t caused you too much stress! Hahahaha.

Jason is spelled with an O . carry on your manure throwing Jaysun .
Jason is spelled with an O . carry on your manure throwing Jaysun .
Yes Sir it is. I made an account a few years before I made this one and used Jason74. But like a dumbass I forgot my password. Lol. I was way too hard on you saying what I said and I’m sorry about that. I was taking a years worth of crap out on you. I shouldn’t have and I apologize. I just love supporting our players, new and old, and everyone should be able to discuss whatever they want about them, without jumping in on it. I still acted stupid about it and wish I wouldn’t have. hope it’s cool. Don’t mean I’m going to quit talking about our players though, Ex or. Not. Thanks and I really am sorry for going off on you.
Yes Sir it is. I made an account a few years before I made this one and used Jason74. But like a dumbass I forgot my password. Lol. I was way too hard on you saying what I said and I’m sorry about that. I was taking a years worth of crap out on you. I shouldn’t have and I apologize. I just love supporting our players, new and old, and everyone should be able to discuss whatever they want about them, without jumping in on it. I still acted stupid about it and wish I wouldn’t have. hope it’s cool. Don’t mean I’m going to quit talking about our players though, Ex or. Not. Thanks and I really am sorry for going off on you.

No problem , here lately everyone is on edge , me included . I trust Cal , I've not done that in the past and he usually gets stuff right. Man i wish he would hurry up .
No problem , here lately everyone is on edge , me included . I trust Cal , I've not done that in the past and he usually gets stuff right. Man i wish he would hurry up .
. Thank you Manitou Dan! Yes I sure wish he would to buddy. I still believe we will get on track and make a run, but it definitely has taken a little longer with this new group. We’ll see a difference this weekend I believe because I’d say Cal has killed them all week. Lol. We have a few problems this year but nothing that can’t be fixed with a switch and a belt. Hahaha. When I look at our History and the last ten years at happy I’ve been, I’ve just got to smile and think I’m overreacting. We are the luckiest bunch of fans in the world being KY fans. Anyway, thank you again. Kinda embarrassed I let myself act like that. Lol. Live and learn I guess.
Oh... and Saric's soul is in my prayers this morning.


Not many people know this, but WCS played tight end in high school...
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We already have an NBA farm team n Lexington.

And we have a AAA team in Loserville. My point is that we bring a major league team back to KY and the NBA is our only real chance seeing as how the Reds/Bengals already cover the LOU/LEX areas.
I love what the Kings are doing.

They're jacking the pace up to an astronomical rate, but then surrounding their stud athletes (Fox, WCS, Bagley) with shooters. So their offense is in large part transition plays and 3's.

We'll see if the energy level lasts. The reason NBA teams often avoid a "run, run, run some more" style is simply that it's a long, long season, and playing that fast over the course of 82 games is tiring. But Sacramento is almost nothing but young legs, and the results they've gotten so far are way, way beyond what anyone would have predicted. There were a lot of 25-30 win projections for them, and they're over halfway there a 3rd of the way into the season.

Another interesting note is that their most common starting 5 has a combined salary cap hit of under 28 million, less than a supermax contract. 3 of those contracts are still under rookie restrictions, so some decisions are going to have to be made, but they clearly have a lot of leeway (if they can get anyone to come to Sacramento).
If i was the Kings, I would do whatever I needed to do, to keep the top ten or so players on the team, and keep them happy!!
They have a legitimate chance to be a future Championship Contender, and i don’t think they need anyone else. It would be great, to get a max guy, if they had to win in two years, but they need to build, of course Draft, and stay with this group!! It’s special I believe
I love tho Old announcer that at least once a game say, “ IF YOU DONT LIKE THAT, YOU DONT LIKE KINGS BASKETBALL “!!! Lmao. He gets so excited and love them soo much. I’m as happy for him as I am anyone in the organization.

Mj2k10, I loved your post!! It was just awesome, every bit of it. Lol. Thanks. Also, today is my birthday and NBA LEAGUE PASS IS FREE FOR A FEW DAYS. I Already have it , but if you know some people who don’t, and if you want to, let them know. Kings play the Warriors tonight and I have no idea what’s going to happen but I’m tickled to death about it. Hahahaha. Thanks buddy.
Lost tonight 130-125. Played great though and was a heck of a game. They’re getting there. The Champs were just too much in the final minute. Fox and Willie both, had great games and are improving at a very high rate every game. All the others played pretty damn great also. Love that team. Lol.
Refs helped out the Warriors quite a bit at the end of that game, called a bogus foul on WCS and let the Warriors hammer Hield twice with no call. Kerr finally put Draymond Green on Fox because he was sick of Fox beating their brains in.