What’s all the Christian talk?

I think it's mostly because many think Mitch chose a coach for the wrong reasons. We can all talk about how he did what he did at poor little ole Baylor and UK will somehow make him explode, but Mitch doesn't see that. If he was looking at career resume and not his buddy and personal belief alignment, he'd never had put Drew on his top 5 list.

But alas, Mitch was going for this guy, first and foremost. This was his guy, and he was going to get him. For the WRONG reasons.

I get it. But we've never hired a coach that has won a title. He did it at Baylor. Dude wasn't my 1st, 2nd, or 3rd pick, but i'm sitting here with mind and ears wide open.
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I have absolutely no problem with a person being religious. But it seems like every other comment is saying something about Drew’s religious background.
Has this backed recruits off? Has it been an issue? I just don’t understand why there are so many comments/replies to it.
What if we happen to play on a Sunday in a tournament one day? 😀
its only an issue for basement dwellers on here
What if we happen to play on a Sunday in a tournament one day? 😀
Funny you mention this, because this caused BYU to get dropped a seed this tournament. They were going to be a 5 seed, but where they were seeded would have played their second round game on Sunday. The committee couldn't fit them into any other 5 seed slot, so dropped them down to a 6 so they could avoid the potential Sunday game.
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I have absolutely no problem with a person being religious. But it seems like every other comment is saying something about Drew’s religious background.
Has this backed recruits off? Has it been an issue? I just don’t understand why there are so many comments/replies to it.
What if we happen to play on a Sunday in a tournament one day? 😀
Apparently, we’re hiring Mike Pence.
Probably a Christian Nationalist so all the flag worshippers won’t have to worry about kneeling anymore.
Seems to be a lot of misunderstanding. Witnessing your faith isn’t the same as shoving it down people’s throats. Confident assurance in your faith isn’t synonymous with discriminating (not recruiting players of other faiths? lol). And that’s mostly done by example. From a Christian POV, the best way they can do that is by being open about their faith and demonstrating that in ways that display Christ, with qualities Christians are told to pursue such as love, humility, self-sacrifice, confronting your sin or areas in life you miss the mark, persistence, confidence, victory, strength, steadfastness during trials and tribulations, and on and on and on. That so bad?

How many of those things are directly opposite to complaints BBN has had about the program the past many years? Sacrificing yourself vs playing for yourself and your draft stock alone is an important one.

BBN is full of ppl who love bourbon and horse racing, full of Christians, and full of people who enjoy all the above at the same time. The first miracle Jesus performed was turning water into wine and the subtle detail about that is it was towards the end of the party after they had ran out of all the wine. God loves BBN, nothing wrong for those in BBN to want to love God back.
Unlike some of you pagans on this board, believe it or not, lots of good basketball kids are very religious. It’s probably half the reason Drew has recruited so well at Baylor. I also highly doubt he forces his faith on anyone. It’s his right to share it but you can’t make someone do anything.
Unlike some of you pagans on this board, believe it or not, lots of good basketball kids are very religious. It’s probably half the reason Drew has recruited so well at Baylor. I also highly doubt he forces his faith on anyone. It’s his right to share it but you can’t make someone do anything.
It’s almost like most of these players parents want them to play for….good people….nah.

Even Cal with all his faults went to Mass and was for the most part a decent person (basketball issues aside).

Win lots of games and run the program with intrgroty is all I ask of a UK coach.
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Seems to be a lot of misunderstanding. Witnessing your faith isn’t the same as shoving it down people’s throats. Confident assurance in your faith isn’t synonymous with discriminating (not recruiting players of other faiths? lol). And that’s mostly done by example. From a Christian POV, the best way they can do that is by being open about their faith and demonstrating that in ways that display Christ, with qualities Christians are told to pursue such as love, humility, self-sacrifice, confronting your sin or areas in life you miss the mark, persistence, confidence, victory, strength, steadfastness during trials and tribulations, and on and on and on. That so bad?

How many of those things are directly opposite to complaints BBN has had about the program the past many years? Sacrificing yourself vs playing for yourself and your draft stock alone is an important one.

BBN is full of ppl who love bourbon and horse racing, full of Christians, and full of people who enjoy all the above at the same time. The first miracle Jesus performed was turning water into wine and the subtle detail about that is it was towards the end of the party after they had ran out of all the wine. God loves BBN, nothing wrong for those in BBN to want to love God back.
I think 99% of non-Christians would agree that starting every team activity with a prayer is trying to shove it down your throat. Having your basketball coaching philosophy be JOY (Jesus, Others, Yourself) is shoving it down the team's throat. You can teach the team humility, self-sacrifice, persistence, confidence, etc. all you want, but when you start saying the only way to achieve those things is through Christ, that's where the problem lies.

You can want people love God back all you want, just do it in your own home or at Church or whatever. Don't start getting in front of people and constantly telling them they need to love God back.

Saying "From a Christian POV" means nothing. Plenty of people do crazy stuff all the time in the name of their religion, and from their POV they're doing nothing wrong. So while it might not seem like you're shoving it down other people's throats, it certainly feels like you are to the people you're trying to preach to.
I think 99% of non-Christians would agree that starting every team activity with a prayer is trying to shove it down your throat. Having your basketball coaching philosophy be JOY (Jesus, Others, Yourself) is shoving it down the team's throat. You can teach the team humility, self-sacrifice, persistence, confidence, etc. all you want, but when you start saying the only way to achieve those things is through Christ, that's where the problem lies.

You can want people love God back all you want, just do it in your own home or at Church or whatever. Don't start getting in front of people and constantly telling them they need to love God back.

Saying "From a Christian POV" means nothing. Plenty of people do crazy stuff all the time in the name of their religion, and from their POV they're doing nothing wrong. So while it might not seem like you're shoving it down other people's throats, it certainly feels like you are to the people you're trying to preach to.
a nice politically-correct take. you give this same speech to the quarters in your change bin?
I think 99% of non-Christians would agree that starting every team activity with a prayer is trying to shove it down your throat. Having your basketball coaching philosophy be JOY (Jesus, Others, Yourself) is shoving it down the team's throat. You can teach the team humility, self-sacrifice, persistence, confidence, etc. all you want, but when you start saying the only way to achieve those things is through Christ, that's where the problem lies.

You can want people love God back all you want, just do it in your own home or at Church or whatever. Don't start getting in front of people and constantly telling them they need to love God back.

Saying "From a Christian POV" means nothing. Plenty of people do crazy stuff all the time in the name of their religion, and from their POV they're doing nothing wrong. So while it might not seem like you're shoving it down other people's throats, it certainly feels like you are to the people you're trying to preach to.
I’m sorry, is practicing a faith openly shoving it down peoples throats? I would assume forcing someone to participate in something is shoving it down their throats (which idk but I would assume Drew doesn’t force players to pray bc a devout Christian would know the nonsense in that). When Muslim players or coaches are fasting, which could physically be a detriment to their team, are they seen as shoving it down people’s throats?

Respectfully idk all the ins and outs and daily operations of how Scott Drew operates. That’s why I said “from a Christian perspective” as in from a generalized Christian pov, not Drew’s specifically, though Drew’s likely aligns.

I doubt Drew is doing crazy things in the name of his religion. Guys just probably a genuine Christian. Seems he’s operated successfully in societal life despite of it.

Preaching would be sharing the gospel, which I never mentioned. I literally just said qualities that Christian’s pursue can be found beneficial in a thread that’s discussing the Christian faith of Drew. Sorry for Christians who have hurt you in the past if there are any
It’s almost like most of these players parents want them to play for….good people….nah.

Even Cal with all his faults went to Mass and was for the most part a decent person (basketball issues aside).

Win lots of games and run the program with intrgroty is all I ask of a UK coach.

Yea man sorry, Calipari is not a decent person. And when a lot of the stories start to surface, crazy to me to be, but they will be, shocked.

There isn’t a decent bone in that man’s body.

But I gotta go. Carry on. Angry athiest, the tolerant people, are the worst to listen to. Not you I just noticed it in the thread.
When Muslim players or coaches are fasting, which could physically be a detriment to their team, are they seen as shoving it down people’s throats?
No, because it affects no one else. It's a personal decision and they don't ask anyone else to join in.

The easiest comparison to make here is if Drew were a Muslim coach openly preaching about Allah before every team activity and trying to convince the team that Allah was the way to a good life. I highly doubt anyone would be okay with that. Or what if Drew were an atheist and started every team meeting by telling people there was no God? 100% positive Christians would view that as an attack on their religion.

Bottom line, pray privately. Be as religious as you want to be. Pray every single hour of the day, go to mass seven days a week, do whatever you want as long as you don't try to make it a team activity. We don't share beliefs and that's okay.

Yea man sorry, Calipari is not a decent person. And when a lot of the stories start to surface, crazy to me to be, but they will be, shocked.

There isn’t a decent bone in that man’s body.

But I gotta go. Carry on. Angry athiest, the tolerant people, are the worst to listen to. Not you I just noticed it in the thread.
lol. Not hiding any names this time.
No, because it affects no one else. It's a personal decision and they don't ask anyone else to join in.

The easiest comparison to make here is if Drew were a Muslim coach openly preaching about Allah before every team activity and trying to convince the team that Allah was the way to a good life. I highly doubt anyone would be okay with that. Or what if Drew were an atheist and started every team meeting by telling people there was no God? 100% positive Christians would view that as an attack on their religion.

Bottom line, pray privately. Be as religious as you want to be. Pray every single hour of the day, go to mass seven days a week, do whatever you want as long as you don't try to make it a team activity. We don't share beliefs and that's okay.
And it’s a personal decision the players have still. It seems to me you have issues with specific things Drew does? Do you know that Drew specifically does all those things in that manner and that’s how he operates? Being open about your faith and giving forcible sermons pre-practice are two diff things but like I admitted, idk his daily operations and specifics. My point is having a faith is not a negative quality, and his faith specifically not a negative quality. Same as lack of faith/religion doesn’t have to be a negative quality. I know it’s ok we don’t share beliefs, throughout this entire convo you have legitimately been the only one to have an issue with someone having different beliefs. I’m glad you agree
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I have absolutely no problem with a person being religious. But it seems like every other comment is saying something about Drew’s religious background.
Has this backed recruits off? Has it been an issue? I just don’t understand why there are so many comments/replies to it.
What if we happen to play on a Sunday in a tournament one day? 😀
Baptist school
Some people - and sadly more and more these days - are blindly biased and irrationally negative about religion. It's not cool to be religious these days. It is cool to denigrate religious and religious people. It's very close minded and very small minded.
Public, liberal universities also accept everyone, and the one that Baylor has a loooong history of not accepting is the LGBTQ community. Gonna take a lot of praying to be able to handle Drew walking on campus and seeing dudes making out on campus and rainbow flags flying in dorm windows...

Not true! You just have to be good at basketball for them to accept you. 😉

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There's a chance to get a guy that had to rebuild a program that had the nastiest mess in history (unless you think murder is okay) and built a winner. With a goal of an improved life.

Likely the same crew that doesn't want Pearl because he's Jewish.

This is gone crazy.
Yeah, but it is entertaining to read.
The problem with Drew is that none of that is a priority to him (except the treating the fanbase with respect thing). He's stated that. His #1 priority is to preach the word of Jesus to his team and put them on a road to get into heaven. The actual basketball is secondary.
a “souls first” coach.
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Some people - and sadly more and more these days - are blindly biased and irrationally negative about religion. It's not cool to be religious these days. It is cool to denigrate religious and religious people. It's very close minded and very small minded.
unfortunately, it has never been cool to be religious. That is until a crisis happens. The churches were full after 911, but once that was not the main topic, church attendance shrank.
People complaining about Drew's faith are just looking for a reason to be mad because (1) he isn't their pick/top choice, or (2) aren't going to be happy with anyone or anything because they're just miserable people. There are things to be concerned about with any new hire. A given candidate's personal faith ain't one of them.
Hear me out.....wouldn't it be nice for God to be on our side though?

Maybe we can get some better whistles now. Just sayin'

Jesus loves everybody and God probably isn't running some algorithm to see which basketball team worships them enough/best to cheer for the one over the other.

Horrendous things happen to the finest people and the worst folks can breeze through the world with little to no resistance.

Either it doesn't matter or God isn't ALL THAT enamored with our prospect.