What’s all the Christian talk?


Mar 26, 2009
I have absolutely no problem with a person being religious. But it seems like every other comment is saying something about Drew’s religious background.
Has this backed recruits off? Has it been an issue? I just don’t understand why there are so many comments/replies to it.
What if we happen to play on a Sunday in a tournament one day? 😀
There’s also been discussion of Mitch’s devout faith and some insinuations that his dogma has negativemy influenced athletic decisions (ie. Alcohol at football games)
I'm not religious in any sense of the word but I very much believe whatever helps you get through the day is great. As long as he doesn't do something like force Rupp to pray before a game or not recruit someone of a different faith I couldn't care less what he does/believes off the court. If his faith keeps him grounded and build a sense of family for him, by all means pray 5 times a day and then let's go rip the hearts out of every other team that is unfortunate enough to take the court with the cats. Just win baby win.
I have no problem with him being a devout Christian.

But I hope he understands that he may have to tone down talking about it now that he’s at a secular public university instead of a Baptist school. His audience has changed and gotten a lot broader …and now includes a lot more people not interested in hearing that stuff.
Because in today’s society people are more willing to accept a transgender, atheist, racist, anti American, wife beater, or someone who’d help cover up murder involvement over a guy who’s a Christian and speaks about it.
I want someone to come here and WIN. Put the program first and treat the fanbase with respect.
He wouldn't be at a Christian university anymore. All I know is he needs to focus on UK if he's the coach and leave church for Sunday.
Hes coming to coach basketball, not lead a Christian revival. Maybe let the guy make a comment of any kind while representing KY before just speculating nonsense. 60% of Americans are Christian’s so this is much ado about nothing anyway.
I want someone to come here and WIN. Put the program first and treat the fanbase with respect.
The problem with Drew is that none of that is a priority to him (except the treating the fanbase with respect thing). He's stated that. His #1 priority is to preach the word of Jesus to his team and put them on a road to get into heaven. The actual basketball is secondary.
Some quotes from Drew and you can judge for yourself.

"All that matters is when I get to those gates, God's not going to say 'What was your record?, How many players did you help get to the pros? How many championships did you win?' So at the end of the day I am making sure (the players) are winning the game of life."

"Everything we do around the program is Christ-centered. The great thing is we can prepare champions for life. And that's a spiritual, academic, and character formation in athletics. So for us to be able to incorporate the spiritual part has been so key and paramount to all our success and He's blessed us."

"Baylor University gives you that opportunity. Spiritually we're allowed to have an impact in our players' lives, so many of my coaching friends [that] are devout in their faith are at institutions where they can't...we will do coach's bible studies together and we start every meeting in prayer."
The problem with Drew is that none of that is a priority to him (except the treating the fanbase with respect thing). He's stated that. His #1 priority is to preach the word of Jesus to his team and put them on a road to get into heaven. The actual basketball is secondary.
where did he say this?
Some quotes from Drew and you can judge for yourself.

"All that matters is when I get to those gates, God's not going to say 'What was your record?, How many players did you help get to the pros? How many championships did you win?' So at the end of the day I am making sure (the players) are winning the game of life."

"Everything we do around the program is Christ-centered. The great thing is we can prepare champions for life. And that's a spiritual, academic, and character formation in athletics. So for us to be able to incorporate the spiritual part has been so key and paramount to all our success and He's blessed us."

"Baylor University gives you that opportunity. Spiritually we're allowed to have an impact in our players' lives, so many of my coaching friends [that] are devout in their faith are at institutions where they can't...we will do coach's bible studies together and we start every meeting in prayer."
yeah that’s horrible stuff😒
Some quotes from Drew and you can judge for yourself.

"All that matters is when I get to those gates, God's not going to say 'What was your record?, How many players did you help get to the pros? How many championships did you win?' So at the end of the day I am making sure (the players) are winning the game of life."

"Everything we do around the program is Christ-centered. The great thing is we can prepare champions for life. And that's a spiritual, academic, and character formation in athletics. So for us to be able to incorporate the spiritual part has been so key and paramount to all our success and He's blessed us."

"Baylor University gives you that opportunity. Spiritually we're allowed to have an impact in our players' lives, so many of my coaching friends [that] are devout in their faith are at institutions where they can't...we will do coach's bible studies together and we start every meeting in prayer."
not quite what you said he said, but I get your point. He never said basketball or winning is secondary. He did say that he would not be judged on High by his record, but that is different than saying that winning is secondary.
Because in today’s society people are more willing to accept a transgender, atheist, racist, anti American, wife beater, or someone who’d help cover up murder involvement over a guy who’s a Christian and speaks about it.
I want someone to come here and WIN. Put the program first and treat the fanbase with respect.
I don’t think you have to worry about a guy like Drew talking down to the fan base.
Some quotes from Drew and you can judge for yourself.

"All that matters is when I get to those gates, God's not going to say 'What was your record?, How many players did you help get to the pros? How many championships did you win?' So at the end of the day I am making sure (the players) are winning the game of life."

"Everything we do around the program is Christ-centered. The great thing is we can prepare champions for life. And that's a spiritual, academic, and character formation in athletics. So for us to be able to incorporate the spiritual part has been so key and paramount to all our success and He's blessed us."

"Baylor University gives you that opportunity. Spiritually we're allowed to have an impact in our players' lives, so many of my coaching friends [that] are devout in their faith are at institutions where they can't...we will do coach's bible studies together and we start every meeting in prayer."
None of that is anything close to winning isn’t his #1 priority.
not quite what you said he said, but I get your point. He never said basketball or winning is secondary. He did say that he would not be judged on High by his record, but that is different than saying that winning is secondary.
This is more context from another article:
Despite having led Baylor to its first championship win in the 2020-21 season, Scott stated his real joy comes from seeing players saved. “Seeing the spiritual growth, guys. Players who accept Christ, players who maybe prayed for the first time with the team, players who get baptized, players who come back and get Bible studies and go to church, and you know that’s what’s really exciting,” he said. “Sometimes those victories are not written and talked about in the newspapers or TV, but again, those are the ones that really matter.”

I dont know, to me a coach shouldn't be preaching that heavily to players. I don't give a crap if the guys on the team "accept Christ" I just want them to be good people and win games. And you don't need to accept Christ to be a good person. It's just too heavy handed to me, especially at a public university.
He runs a very Christ-centric program at Baylor, which is fine, but Baylor is a private religious school. I don’t know if that will fly at a public university like UK.

I have also heard rumblings about the family having some concerns with “bourbon culture,” in the state because of their faith, and, well, that’s not going away.
Yeah and our past coach never failed to mention he attends Catholic mass virtual every morning

Somehow the program survived such outlandish Christian Nationalism for 15 yrs. So I think we can handle Drew's front facing faith.
You should read the other quotes from him. I don't give two craps if he's religious and goes to mass every single day. I don't think it's his place to try to "save" his players or convince them to "accept Christ" as he says he likes to do. Coach basketball. That's it.
He runs a very Christ-centric program at Baylor, which is fine, but Baylor is a private religious school. I don’t know if that will fly at a public university like UK.

I have also heard rumblings about the family having some concerns with “bourbon culture,” in the state because of their faith, and, well, that’s not going away.
Public, liberal universities also accept everyone, and the one that Baylor has a loooong history of not accepting is the LGBTQ community. Gonna take a lot of praying to be able to handle Drew walking on campus and seeing dudes making out on campus and rainbow flags flying in dorm windows...
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I think he knows what he is or what he believes has absolutely nothing to do with what is needed at this university. Just win, baby.

all of this stuff is being put under a microscope right now, and it's probably because Drew and Mitch are aligned in their personal beliefs.
Cal literally went to mass every day and had players washing feet. People are just looking for a reason to attack the man because his isn’t flamboyant.
Did Cal explicitly preach to his team, try to convince them to accept Christ, and start every team meeting with a prayer? It's not that Drew is religious. It's that he requires his entire team to follow him.
I think he knows what he is or what he believes has absolutely nothing to do with what is needed at this university. Just win, baby.

all of this stuff is being put under a microscope right now, and it's probably because Drew and Mitch are aligned in their personal beliefs.
I think it's mostly because many think Mitch chose a coach for the wrong reasons. We can all talk about how he did what he did at poor little ole Baylor and UK will somehow make him explode, but Mitch doesn't see that. If he was looking at career resume and not his buddy and personal belief alignment, he'd never had put Drew on his top 5 list.

But alas, Mitch was going for this guy, first and foremost. This was his guy, and he was going to get him. For the WRONG reasons.
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So i assume that he will not recruit Muslim, Jewish, atheist, or agnostic bball players? Will there be a religious test for recruits?