We can and will beat Arizona..

We may beat Arizona, but it won't be because of having the BBN there. That's 2000 miles; we haven't been that far away in the tournament since Anaheim in 2008. Even Tucson is 1000 miles distant. Fan support won't be a factor in this one.
We may beat Arizona, but it won't be because of having the BBN there. That's 2000 miles; we haven't been that far away in the tournament since Anaheim in 2008. Even Tucson is 1000 miles distant. Fan support won't be a factor in this one.

Yes, Tucson is like 900 miles closer to Boise than Lexington is..even still..I can't imagine Arizona or Davidson fans (for that matter) outnumbering BBN..even all the way in Boise. This game is the difference in a 2nd round finish and at least a Final 4, in my opinion. I hope BBN is there and making a difference. I'll be there.
I'd love an explanation for Arizona being a better seed than us. We are better in RPI and SOS.