Very good win but.....

This is much ado about nothing. The letdown was my fault, and I didnt say anything because we showed back up.

Due to the early game, I was doing my workout during the first half. No worries, I often multitask and do my regimen, post on here in between sets, and all is good. The alternative is I post up in the man chair and crack a brew and scream at the TV.

Well, what had happened was, I decided late at halftime to shave and shower and listen to Tom via bluetooth. That is highly irregular, and completely jacked up the Cayts mojo. I knew better but thought we were playing so good I could get cleaned up and it wouldnt matter. Normally Id just sit in my own filth after the workout and finish the game so as not to buck the mojo.

So, fear not BBN, the lapse we saw yesterday was completely my faultx and as soon as I got back to my chair, we took control again.

The mojo is real.