UT TE transfer Kyle Oliver

A Kentucky player went before the grand jury. They brought back no true bill. Just one single player. Unfortunately, he was also kicked out of UK despite the no true bill. On the other hand, 6 Tennessee players have been accused of rape in less than a year. Just 2 of those ever went before any type of judge. If I'm not mistaken those were the only two charged. Only one of those 6 players was actually kicked out of school or suspended from school.

That's a very big difference between the two schools and situations. We are talking about one situation with UK and he was investigated by a grand jury and was still punished by the school. UT players rarely even get charged. Put another way, according to FBI research 8% of rape accusations are unfounded. For UT football players it's 66%. Yeah... sounds legit.
The difference here was there was not enough evidence to even arrest VP or take to grand Jury. The DNA test was voluntarily submitted and was negative. He was just cleared.

What do you want?

The other 2 players AJ Johnson and Michael Williams have trials coming up in September so they will face trial and will indeed go before a judge. I supposed if they are acquitted you will lump 12 jurors into that conspiracy. Neither will ever play a down again.

Rhyid Jones left the team in February 2014 and was off the team prior to being accused of rape. His case is still pending. So he wasn't even n the team.

Justice will happen contrary to your supposition.
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No he did fail multiple drug test. Tenn took him as a blue shirt because he is a good player but had issues off the field. Tenn gave him a chance to earn a spot in 2016 but couldn't stay away from the shrubbery. So Jones cut him loose. Word is he's headed to So Miss.

I'd feel better if Jones cut scholarship players who rape and sexually assault as opposed to grey shirts who piss MJ.

But he won't do that.
I'd feel better if Jones cut scholarship players who rape and sexually assault as opposed to grey shirts who piss MJ.

But he won't do that.

He has indefinitely suspended anyone accused of any serious crime pending their day in court. Innocent until proven guilty.

They are not on team, not in team meetings, not part of practice, not part of watching film, not part of travel, not on sidelines, etc.

Should he boot them off just for being accused? Don't you believe they have a right to justice?
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The only one I have a problem with is Fields...the rest is not that different from any other program in College Football...College Football IMO is like making might like it but you really don't want to see the process of making it

But if you don't like the process why do you back it?
He has indefinitely suspended anyone accused of any serious crime pending their day in court. Innocent until proven guilty.

They are not on team, not in team meetings, not part of practice, not part of watching film, not part of travel, not on sidelines, etc.

Should he boot them off just for being accused? Don't you believe they have a right to justice?
Mind blown
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But if you don't like the process why do you back it?

If I took that attitude I would not watch College Athletics; Professional Athletics etc..etc..

I just have one line I draw it at and that is off the field violence....the other stuff just doesn't really bother me...seen this from Barry Switzer through today.

If Kyle Oliver ends up at Louisville and his offense is a failed weed test I will not have a issue with him coming here
If I took that attitude I would not watch College Athletics; Professional Athletics etc..etc..

I just have one line I draw it at and that is off the field violence....the other stuff just doesn't really bother me...seen this from Barry Switzer through today.

If Kyle Oliver ends up at Louisville and his offense is a failed weed test I will not have a issue with him coming here

So your idea is that all of your transfers only failed ONE weed test and that is it? Are you a mental case? Don't you think that all of your transfers would still be at their old schools if this was the case. I take it reality isn't something that you think a lot about.
You can definitely cherry pick programs as examples of schools willing to represent themselves with little concern for what type of people they are allowing to represent their brand. But I believe many more schools choose to put integrity(both personal and as a University) above winning at all cost. I think it's pretty clear that UL's coachs(Petrino in particular) and AD are fine with the winning trumps ALL attitude and that is sad. I live in Louisville and can't bring myself to begin to cheer for UL football because of Petrino being the coach and Jurich being the AD to a lesser extent. I actually don't mind Pitino and will rout for the basketball team when not playing us.

Georgia and Mizzou(to name two) have coaches with integrity, dismiss players that have forfeited their right to represent their schools AND they still win. Petrino doesn't have that bone in his body... he is a intelligent football drone that knows he needs part A in slot A to be successful and will do whatever it takes to scrounge for Part A. And he doesn't give a shit about much else. Integrity, wife, lying to boss(es), or even being a decent human being to others around him. I'm certainly glad he's not our coach.

Minus that pesky DUI for Pinkel. I guess mistakes happen but he was old enough to know better. That diminishes his integrity in my opinion.
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Maybe Von Pearson is innocent, and that is fantastic if he is. Despite that, it remains unsurprising to me that a UT football player is accused of a crime and ends up facing little to no criminal punishment. Had this been an isolated incident, or if UT had an actual history of having players punished accordingly for committing crimes they commit, then I might be surprised about the results of this, but that is not the case (despite what UT football fans want to think). The only thing actually surprising about this case is that Pearson, unlike the other 5 players accused of sexual assault since last fall, was kicked out of school. I guess that isn't all that surprising considering the event happened not long after it was reported that the athletic department was being accused of and investigated for influencing the decisions on student-athlete discipline by school officials.

A couple factual corrections. I think being an innocent player falsely accused is pretty serious punishment but you say that he was kicked out of school. He was suspended, not expelled. It would be abhorrent to kick a player out of school (or any student) if they are in fact innocent. Also, the investigation that is underway is University wide, it may or may not have anything to do with athletics. Also, I'd point out that this is one case that is resolved, but two others are going through the the criminal process, I would not presume they are guilty, but they aren't just "facing little to no criminal punishment" even if they are acquitted, their lives are forever negatively affected. If they are guilty they should be punished harshly.
So your idea is that all of your transfers only failed ONE weed test and that is it? Are you a mental case? Don't you think that all of your transfers would still be at their old schools if this was the case. I take it reality isn't something that you think a lot about.

Why the insult-(Are you a mental case?)...not necessary I was just answering your question but whatever...again dont really care as to the reason why they left their particular school...i just have one line I just dont condone which again is off the field violence...the only one with a weed issue that is documented was JHC and his transfer doesnt bother me at all...Wiggins didnt apparently get along with Pruett, Staples the UAB program shut down and Savage playing time at Texas A& is what it is
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So the DA, KPD, UT administration are all in cahoots to let a football player go free of rape?

When a Kentucky player was charged for rape but was later exonerated justice was served.

A Tennessee player is accused of rape but is later cleared and it is corruption at the highest levels.

Maybe a little bit of hate clouding your thinking?

Just so I'm absolutely clear about my beliefs...YES, I think corruption and cover up is rampant and historically has been at Tennessee! With the big caveat of that player being GOOD enough. Von Pearson is a HUGe part of the UT offense this year and would absolutely qualify as good enough to look the other way. What do you want the bet that a Civil suit is on its way.

Before you start with the normal undercutting of a possible cover up. Who was that Safety of yours during right around the time Eric Berry was graduating? Freshman Five star guy, who was complete thug and later got booted off the team. I recall at the time seeing a video of him coming out of a Convenience store that just got robbed hidding something under his jacket. VIDEO TAPE...but he and the other players involved were never prosecuted. Tell me abou the DNA submitted for that one...
Just so I'm absolutely clear about my beliefs...YES, I think corruption and cover up is rampant and historically has been at Tennessee! With the big caveat of that player being GOOD enough. Von Pearson is a HUGe part of the UT offense this year and would absolutely qualify as good enough to look the other way. What do you want the bet that a Civil suit is on its way.

Before you start with the normal undercutting of a possible cover up. Who was that Safety of yours during right around the time Eric Berry was graduating? Freshman Five star guy, who was complete thug and later got booted off the team. I recall at the time seeing a video of him coming out of a Convenience store that just got robbed hidding something under his jacket. VIDEO TAPE...but he and the other players involved were never prosecuted. Tell me abou the DNA submitted for that one...

A civil suit could be on the way? Sure, but it could go the other way as the DNA and Rape kit both came back negative.

In that incident from 2009 when Kiffin was here, 6.0 rated 4* Nukeese Richardson (68 overall ranked player and 4* on 247 too) and 5.7 rated 3* Mike Edwards were dismissed from the you are incorrect about highly rated players not getting dismissed.

You are also incorrect about them not getting prosecuted. Both were prosecuted and plead guilty to reckless endangerment. They used a pellet gun and both maintained it was a stupid prank.

Janzen Jackson was a 5* on Rivals and 4 star on 247. charges against Jackson were dropped because a police investigation found that he had no prior knowledge of the attempted robbery. He later withdrew from school after the 2010 season.

Other high rated players booted-
5* DaRick Rogers indefinitely suspended then withdrew
4* Deion Bonner
4* (6.0) Lamarcus Coker
4* (6.0) Lennon Creer

So yes, high ranked players get the boot.
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A civil suit could be on the way? Sure, but it could go the other way as the DNA and Rape kit both came back negative.

In that incident from 2009 when Kiffin was here, 6.0 rated 4* Nukeese Richardson (68 overall ranked player and 4* on 247 too) and 5.7 rated 3* Mike Edwards were dismissed from the you are incorrect about highly rated players not getting dismissed.

You are also incorrect about them not getting prosecuted. Both were prosecuted and plead guilty to reckless endangerment. They used a pellet gun and both maintained it was a stupid prank.

Janzen Jackson was a 5* on Rivals and 4 star on 247. charges against Jackson were dropped because a police investigation found that he had no prior knowledge of the attempted robbery. He later withdrew from school after the 2010 season.

Other high rated players booted-
5* DaRick Rogers indefinitely suspended then withdrew
4* Deion Bonner
4* (6.0) Lamarcus Coker
4* (6.0) Lennon Creer

So yes, high ranked players get the boot.

Yep and Janzen Jackson was also the starting Safety as true frosh and supposed to be the next Eric Berry. ...."no prior knowledge of the attempted robbery...although he was with ON THE VIDEO TAPE coming out of the store with them. What a complete joke. Do you honestly think we wouldn't have been prosecuted if he wan't a stud football player? Don't bother answering... I already know your delusional answer. Thanks for coming make it that much easier to despise UT and wish them the worst.
Just so I'm absolutely clear about my beliefs...YES, I think corruption and cover up is rampant and historically has been at Tennessee! With the big caveat of that player being GOOD enough. Von Pearson is a HUGe part of the UT offense this year and would absolutely qualify as good enough to look the other way. What do you want the bet that a Civil suit is on its way.

Before you start with the normal undercutting of a possible cover up. Who was that Safety of yours during right around the time Eric Berry was graduating? Freshman Five star guy, who was complete thug and later got booted off the team. I recall at the time seeing a video of him coming out of a Convenience store that just got robbed hidding something under his jacket. VIDEO TAPE...but he and the other players involved were never prosecuted. Tell me abou the DNA submitted for that one...

Don't you think if any of what you say was true that you would never hear about any of the incidents that happen there? Don't you think if what you say is true they would have been able to keep AJ Johnson, the best player on the team last year, on the team and out of trouble? Tennessee has one of the deepest WR corps with or without Pearson. He isn't nearly as important to the offense this season as AJ Johnson was last season to the defense.
Yep and Janzen Jackson was also the starting Safety as true frosh and supposed to be the next Eric Berry. ...."no prior knowledge of the attempted robbery...although he was with ON THE VIDEO TAPE coming out of the store with them. What a complete joke. Do you honestly think we wouldn't have been prosecuted if he wan't a stud football player? Don't bother answering... I already know your delusional answer. Thanks for coming make it that much easier to despise UT and wish them the worst.

You are dealing with conspiracy theories and feelings. I am dealing with facts.

Nukeese was a very high rated starter too and he was booted.

I get you know what you know despite evidence to the contrary.
A couple factual corrections. I think being an innocent player falsely accused is pretty serious punishment but you say that he was kicked out of school. He was suspended, not expelled. It would be abhorrent to kick a player out of school (or any student) if they are in fact innocent. Also, the investigation that is underway is University wide, it may or may not have anything to do with athletics. Also, I'd point out that this is one case that is resolved, but two others are going through the the criminal process, I would not presume they are guilty, but they aren't just "facing little to no criminal punishment" even if they are acquitted, their lives are forever negatively affected. If they are guilty they should be punished harshly.

I'm sorry, you're right, he was just suspended. That still meant that he was kicked off the campus, not allowed back on, and not allowed to finish the semester. So, I was also right... he was, in a sense, kicked out of school. He was the only UT football player accused to actually be suspended from school. Johnson was allowed to finish the semester and graduate and Williams was actually able to return the following semester and even after being indicted he was allowed to remain in school.

I agree with you that being falsely accused of such a crime is horrible. In fact, everything about the crime is horrible. It is horrible that it happens, it is horrible that a female (or male) has to go through that sort of trauma and horrible when it is a false accusation. However, even more horrible is when a person commits a sexual assault and they walk free and the victim does not get their justice, and they have to live their lives with that fear and with the knowledge that their abuser walked free. That is not a statement about these UT players. That is a general statement.

In terms of the investigation, I was not referring to the sexual assault investigation. I was referring to the report by the Tennessean from March. You can find that article here:

In a later post you stated that UT is deep at WR... I listen to the CBS sports radio out of Knoxville almost every day to and from work, and I have heard them consistently talking about how UT's depth at WR is a huge concern. They do state that UT has a good corp of WRs, but that they need to stay injury free because they are not deep. They even mentioned the UT QB moving to the position to help with depth. They usually spoke about this in connection with Pearson's suspension. So, I would think Pearson would, at the very least, have a solid impact on UT by, if nothing else, being another body to add to the depth chart at what they have alleged is a group with not a lot of depth.
Does that professor who turned UT in still teach there, or did she hang around after all the death threats?

If you get kicked off the adULtery or UT football team, you better take a long look in the mirror.
So your defense is that it is inherited?
If I took that attitude I would not watch College Athletics; Professional Athletics etc..etc..

I just have one line I draw it at and that is off the field violence....the other stuff just doesn't really bother me...seen this from Barry Switzer through today.

If Kyle Oliver ends up at Louisville and his offense is a failed weed test I will not have a issue with him coming here

Yeah, I agree that he would probably be among the top ten percent of your transfers integrity wise.
I'm sorry, you're right, he was just suspended. That still meant that he was kicked off the campus, not allowed back on, and not allowed to finish the semester. So, I was also right... he was, in a sense, kicked out of school. He was the only UT football player accused to actually be suspended from school. Johnson was allowed to finish the semester and graduate and Williams was actually able to return the following semester and even after being indicted he was allowed to remain in school.

I agree with you that being falsely accused of such a crime is horrible. In fact, everything about the crime is horrible. It is horrible that it happens, it is horrible that a female (or male) has to go through that sort of trauma and horrible when it is a false accusation. However, even more horrible is when a person commits a sexual assault and they walk free and the victim does not get their justice, and they have to live their lives with that fear and with the knowledge that their abuser walked free. That is not a statement about these UT players. That is a general statement.

In terms of the investigation, I was not referring to the sexual assault investigation. I was referring to the report by the Tennessean from March. You can find that article here:

In a later post you stated that UT is deep at WR... I listen to the CBS sports radio out of Knoxville almost every day to and from work, and I have heard them consistently talking about how UT's depth at WR is a huge concern. They do state that UT has a good corp of WRs, but that they need to stay injury free because they are not deep. They even mentioned the UT QB moving to the position to help with depth. They usually spoke about this in connection with Pearson's suspension. So, I would think Pearson would, at the very least, have a solid impact on UT by, if nothing else, being another body to add to the depth chart at what they have alleged is a group with not a lot of depth.

Yeah I think they only have 16 WR right now. It could definitely be a little deeper. I misspoke, I meant one of the better WR Corps. Kentucky also has 16 I believe which is as deep as I've ever seen UK at that position.
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Yeah I think they only have 16 WR right now. It could definitely be a little deeper. I misspoke, I meant one of the better WR Corps. Kentucky also has 16 I believe which is as deep as I've ever seen UK at that position.

I am only saying what the Knoxville sports radio commentators are saying. They know more about the Vols than I do, and they have considered this a concern. Might be because many of the receivers are coming off of injuries.
He was kicked off the team as was the other players that had other off the field issues. Not sure what else a coach can do. Oliver is a player that has lots of upside but can't keep his nose clean.
So, what about Von Pearson? Shocker, the UT grad DA doesn't have enough evidence to bring charges against the #1 WR. Almost identical circumstances to Loyd Tubman situation. What will Jones do with this one and what do you think he should do?
The UK fans that care so much about UT crack me up. The guy saying "Team 119"...I feel like he watches Butch Jones press conferences under the covers at night and softly caresses himself. Is it just me?
Yes, it is just you who softly caresses themselves under the cover while thinking about Butchie. Just like all the other Vol fans slurping up his silly slogans and tolerating his losing record. My how the mighty have fallen. If you unfortunately have to live in TN you are constantly bombarded by every radio talk show, TV sports cast, and multiple Vol articles in EVERY SINGLE newspaper. The regurgitation of every word out of Jone's mouth is relentless around here. And the hipocracy and cover-ups are sickening to anyone who is in the middle of it and NOT A VOL FAN.
I am only saying what the Knoxville sports radio commentators are saying. They know more about the Vols than I do, and they have considered this a concern. Might be because many of the receivers are coming off of injuries.

Yeah I think Butch Jones would much rather have about 20 WR. Several were injured last season so it's always a good idea to keep as many as possible.
Yes, it is just you who softly caresses themselves under the cover while thinking about Butchie. Just like all the other Vol fans slurping up his silly slogans and tolerating his losing record. My how the mighty have fallen. If you unfortunately have to live in TN you are constantly bombarded by every radio talk show, TV sports cast, and multiple Vol articles in EVERY SINGLE newspaper. The regurgitation of every word out of Jone's mouth is relentless around here. And the hipocracy and cover-ups are sickening to anyone who is in the middle of it and NOT A VOL FAN.

California isn't big on college sports so I don't get too much unless I look for it (unfortunately). I do get things about UK basketball though like UK players being relieved to lose to Wisconsin, but only those kinds of things that make national headlines.
So, what about Von Pearson? Shocker, the UT grad DA doesn't have enough evidence to bring charges against the #1 WR. Almost identical circumstances to Loyd Tubman situation. What will Jones do with this one and what do you think he should do?

I'd say that healthy, Pig Howard is the number 1 WR, Marquez North healthy is probably number 2, and Pearson or Croom would be number 3, but Malone showed flashes in his freshmen campaign so that he might overtake that position if he can get it going this season.
Another Tight End AJ Branisel ask Butch Jones for a transfer Friday and he was granted.

Seems like a pretty strange time to transfer. Vols are less than a week into fall practice. Has there been any rumors as to why he wanted to transfer?
Seems like a pretty strange time to transfer. Vols are less than a week into fall practice. Has there been any rumors as to why he wanted to transfer?
No. This was out of the blue. I know he wasn't processed, very good player. Not a great athlete but was definitely being counted on to contribute. Depth at TE is now a concern, we moved a LB to TE at the end of last week. He's from Cincy BTW.
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Seems like a pretty strange time to transfer. Vols are less than a week into fall practice. Has there been any rumors as to why he wanted to transfer?

He was the 4th TE and Butch changed a former LB to TE.

I guess he didn't like the depth chart.

No issues or discipline if that is what you are asking
He was the 4th TE and Butch changed a former LB to TE.

I guess he didn't like the depth chart.

No issues or discipline if that is what you are asking

That is not what I was asking. I was simply asking because it was a weird time to ask for a transfer. I was not thinking that it was anything bad on the kid, or on the program in general.
That is not what I was asking. I was simply asking because it was a weird time to ask for a transfer. I was not thinking that it was anything bad on the kid, or on the program in general.

I thought it might be a question on whether Louisville would be interested if he was in trouble. lol.
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That is not what I was asking. I was simply asking because it was a weird time to ask for a transfer. I was not thinking that it was anything bad on the kid, or on the program in general.
I agree, it is a weird time after going through all summer and a week of practice. Don't know what to think.
He was the 4th TE and Butch changed a former LB to TE.

I guess he didn't like the depth chart.

No issues or discipline if that is what you are asking
In Butch and DeBoard's system, a 4th string TE is still going to get 15+ snaps a game. They like 2 TE sets or a TE/HB
That's what, 16 Jones has run off since season's end?
IDK if Butch ran him off or not. All I know is what Brent Hubbs of Volquest has reported in which AJ went to the coaches on Friday and ask for a release. As stated in my post before, AJ was a good player and I think he left on his own. Rumor is he's going to a MAC school.