Originally posted by Grumpyolddawg:
Originally posted by SanAntonioCat:
If this was Alabama, Auburn, LSU, Florida, Tennessee etc, it would be "boys will be boys" and dismissed with community service or internal punishment.
Oh Florida would have arrested them, check to see how valuable they were to the Gators and if they were good players the Bull Gator DA would have said not enough evidence and thrashed the reports. Short of loaded guns nothing is reported at AU or LSU. In Athens the Campus Police and Clark County police throw high fives when they arrest a football player, its front page of the AJC, the Atlanta paper,. But never a mention of the kids who give their weekends to the Boys Club or Speical Olympics. UK kids nor UGA kids are no worse than any other team's kids, we just happen to be the only 2 schools in the SEC who don't cover up incidents. We punish for the first failed drug test, other schools don't after 10, AU even had a coach walk in on a group of players smoking and they missed zero snaps. Some of us are playing on the down side of a slanted field.