A Good Read For Everyone

Why call me a Jackass ? I’m a loyal UK fan that watches or attends almost every game. I’m happy with Mark Pope and I think this team is full of great kids and good players considering with what we were left with. I don’t get mad if we lose … maybe a little disappointed though. But when Arkansas came to Rupp it was a huge game and from what the OP (you and he are the true Jackasses here) stated, everyone should have kissed Triple C’s ring and gave the former players a key to the city. The way the ex Calipari players jumped in his camp after the way he coached and talked about BBN the past five years or so is nuts. They played for UK and the fans supported them as always. Hell Reed made his brilliant statement ‘before’ the game even started and no one treated Reed better than BBN. Triple C didn’t even want him in the beginning. So, don’t lump me in with the so called crazies. Half of them are trolls anyway. But if you want to be a Cal / Arkansas fan you have every right. It’s not mandatory to pull for UK so if you don’t like it I support your choice if you want to make a switch. Louisville seems to be a hot commodity right now. Maybe give them a shot.
I have been a UK fan for well over 50 years. You making a determination that former players, great players, should be banned because they gave their honest opinions about their time here is silly. Those players love UK and they love their coach. They are simply pointing out what their experience was with many in the fanbase. I like every one of them as much as I did before this topic came up.

True BBN fans of Kentucky Sports - 100% Positivity Only - No Negativity

Aria Bota · eotornpsdS14mlau7u29uhh210i508h296h34mml49a4a46l440f2l8i5h5m ·

I got a message from Bob Arroyo who used to be in the group and is close to Cal and followed him to Arkansas.
He sent me a message about this tweet from TyTy Washington. - “Coach Cal understands it now

He said that is was pretty much the same message most of Cals former players were sending Cal privately.
While they all know BBN has some great fans and some True fans that support you Win or lose there is a large portion of the fan base that want to act like True fans but just support you if you are winning. These are not true fans. They are fair weather fans. They are bandwagon fans. They are fans with no lives. Thus are fans that have nothing but UK basketball in their lives and if UK loses you don’t want to be in their households. Wives and kids are probably beaten.
But TyTy sent the message to tell Cal what many of the players already knew. The fans don’t care about them. They only care about winning a championship so they can boast and brag to a coupe of the few friends they actually have or they can troll social media now.
This was made obvious also by tweets from AD and MKG and Darius Miller another Kentucky boy and all on a championship team and all congratulating Cal and then the fans turned on them. Calling them traitors. Saying they should never come to Rupp again. Calling Miller a Benedict Arnold.
Again this is known in the high school ranks and AAU circuit and all over college basketball. It was a reason no top coach wanted the job
It is a reason that UK has always struggled getting the elite players and it Took Cal
To get them and turn the program around and put UK back on the National map.
Pope unfortunately can’t do that on his name. He will continue to keep having to buy and outbid other coaches. Even that doesn’t always work as they had largest NIL offer for Wilson and he chose UNC then trolled Pope and UK afterwards.
UK fans are known as the worst fan base in college basketball by far as bad as Notre Dame and Ohio St in football. They are destroying and embarrassing the program little by little with their ridiculous tweets and social media comments. Bashing UK royalty like Sheppard and Miller and champions like AD and MKG.
The thing is this is not new. UK fans have been this way for years. Many still try to act like they are the greatest living off irrelevant wins in the 40’s and 50’s when basketball wasn’t even remotely competitive and players were being paid under the table. The only difference today is we now have Social media so instead of dealing with these fans locally and only at work you have them all over social media as the little keyboard warriors they are
They are disgusting and an embarrassment to BBN and how I wish there was a way to dis own them before they destroy the program
This reads like it was written by a tortured mind.
I have been a UK fan for well over 50 years. You making a determination that former players, great players, should be banned because they gave their honest opinions about their time here is silly. Those players love UK and they love their coach. They are simply pointing out what their experience was with many in the fanbase. I like every one of them as much as I did before this topic came up.
I have been a UK fan for well over 50 years. You making a determination that former players, great players, should be banned because they gave their honest opinions about their time here is silly. Those players love UK and they love their coach. They are simply pointing out what their experience was with many in the fanbase. I like every one of them as much as I did before this topic came up.
Are you even sane ? You certainly don’t have comprehension skills. You keep saying things that you claim I’ve said and I didn’t say any of your accusations. I’m not trying to ban anybody. I didn’t say they don’t like UK …. even though I would have to say guys like Ashton Hagans don’t like UK at all. Once again, it’s just a game but true BBN fans are passionate and when players like Reed Shepperd do what he did it’s really pathetic. You and Reed make a good pair. So .. I love UK basketball. I love our new coach, current players, and true UK fans. Clowns like you and those that turned against UK this past weekend can climb back into your holes. We’ll be fine without you.
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True BBN fans of Kentucky Sports - 100% Positivity Only - No Negativity

Aria Bota · eotornpsdS14mlau7u29uhh210i508h296h34mml49a4a46l440f2l8i5h5m ·

I got a message from Bob Arroyo who used to be in the group and is close to Cal and followed him to Arkansas.
He sent me a message about this tweet from TyTy Washington. - “Coach Cal understands it now

He said that is was pretty much the same message most of Cals former players were sending Cal privately.
While they all know BBN has some great fans and some True fans that support you Win or lose there is a large portion of the fan base that want to act like True fans but just support you if you are winning. These are not true fans. They are fair weather fans. They are bandwagon fans. They are fans with no lives. Thus are fans that have nothing but UK basketball in their lives and if UK loses you don’t want to be in their households. Wives and kids are probably beaten.
But TyTy sent the message to tell Cal what many of the players already knew. The fans don’t care about them. They only care about winning a championship so they can boast and brag to a coupe of the few friends they actually have or they can troll social media now.
This was made obvious also by tweets from AD and MKG and Darius Miller another Kentucky boy and all on a championship team and all congratulating Cal and then the fans turned on them. Calling them traitors. Saying they should never come to Rupp again. Calling Miller a Benedict Arnold.
Again this is known in the high school ranks and AAU circuit and all over college basketball. It was a reason no top coach wanted the job
It is a reason that UK has always struggled getting the elite players and it Took Cal
To get them and turn the program around and put UK back on the National map.
Pope unfortunately can’t do that on his name. He will continue to keep having to buy and outbid other coaches. Even that doesn’t always work as they had largest NIL offer for Wilson and he chose UNC then trolled Pope and UK afterwards.
UK fans are known as the worst fan base in college basketball by far as bad as Notre Dame and Ohio St in football. They are destroying and embarrassing the program little by little with their ridiculous tweets and social media comments. Bashing UK royalty like Sheppard and Miller and champions like AD and MKG.
The thing is this is not new. UK fans have been this way for years. Many still try to act like they are the greatest living off irrelevant wins in the 40’s and 50’s when basketball wasn’t even remotely competitive and players were being paid under the table. The only difference today is we now have Social media so instead of dealing with these fans locally and only at work you have them all over social media as the little keyboard warriors they are
They are disgusting and an embarrassment to BBN and how I wish there was a way to dis own them before they destroy the program
LOOK AT WHERE THIS IS COMING FROM. that fake account aria bota, and the group is the biggest joke around. if you say anything good about pope you will be banned its is a cover for calapari lovers. Bota has bashed pope in everything he post and praises calapari. yet they go by the fake group name WITH NO NEGATIVITY. JOIN THAT GROUP AND DISAGREE WITH ANYTHING ABOUT CALAPARI AND YOU WILL BE KICKED OUT. CHECK IT OUT AND YOU WILL SEE.

True BBN fans of Kentucky Sports - 100% Positivity Only - No Negativity

Aria Bota · eotornpsdS14mlau7u29uhh210i508h296h34mml49a4a46l440f2l8i5h5m ·

I got a message from Bob Arroyo who used to be in the group and is close to Cal and followed him to Arkansas.
He sent me a message about this tweet from TyTy Washington. - “Coach Cal understands it now

He said that is was pretty much the same message most of Cals former players were sending Cal privately.
While they all know BBN has some great fans and some True fans that support you Win or lose there is a large portion of the fan base that want to act like True fans but just support you if you are winning. These are not true fans. They are fair weather fans. They are bandwagon fans. They are fans with no lives. Thus are fans that have nothing but UK basketball in their lives and if UK loses you don’t want to be in their households. Wives and kids are probably beaten.
But TyTy sent the message to tell Cal what many of the players already knew. The fans don’t care about them. They only care about winning a championship so they can boast and brag to a coupe of the few friends they actually have or they can troll social media now.
This was made obvious also by tweets from AD and MKG and Darius Miller another Kentucky boy and all on a championship team and all congratulating Cal and then the fans turned on them. Calling them traitors. Saying they should never come to Rupp again. Calling Miller a Benedict Arnold.
Again this is known in the high school ranks and AAU circuit and all over college basketball. It was a reason no top coach wanted the job
It is a reason that UK has always struggled getting the elite players and it Took Cal
To get them and turn the program around and put UK back on the National map.
Pope unfortunately can’t do that on his name. He will continue to keep having to buy and outbid other coaches. Even that doesn’t always work as they had largest NIL offer for Wilson and he chose UNC then trolled Pope and UK afterwards.
UK fans are known as the worst fan base in college basketball by far as bad as Notre Dame and Ohio St in football. They are destroying and embarrassing the program little by little with their ridiculous tweets and social media comments. Bashing UK royalty like Sheppard and Miller and champions like AD and MKG.
The thing is this is not new. UK fans have been this way for years. Many still try to act like they are the greatest living off irrelevant wins in the 40’s and 50’s when basketball wasn’t even remotely competitive and players were being paid under the table. The only difference today is we now have Social media so instead of dealing with these fans locally and only at work you have them all over social media as the little keyboard warriors they are
They are disgusting and an embarrassment to BBN and how I wish there was a way to dis own them before they destroy the program
The truth hurts, especially those whom he described. My Dad used to say, "the truth will set you free but many don't want to be free so they try to make everyone just like they are".
The difference between the basketball program at UCLA , Florida, Indiana, Arkansas, Houston and the program at UK is the BBN !

Calipari won one championship at UK with a generational player in Anthony Davis. Adolph Rupp won 5, Pitino 1 (and if Derick Anderson had played 2) and Tubby 1 .

As Al McGuire described the UK program..."They had before you. They have it now. And they will have it long after your gone." Few programs have survived the test of time. Kansas, Duke, and UNC. More recently UCONN perhaps and that is it.
This reads like it was written by a tortured mind.
It reads like some more Calipari propaganda. He would still be here if he didn’t get so lazy his last 5-6 years and had a real staff that cared about winning games. That’s the only reason he’s not here. Sorry we won’t put up with so so teams year after year that win nothing. Same as every other sports university with the same type of historical success.
Last edited:
LOOK AT WHERE THIS IS COMING FROM. that fake account aria bota, and the group is the biggest joke around. if you say anything good about pope you will be banned its is a cover for calapari lovers. Bota has bashed pope in everything he post and praises calapari. yet they go by the fake group name WITH NO NEGATIVITY. JOIN THAT GROUP AND DISAGREE WITH ANYTHING ABOUT CALAPARI AND YOU WILL BE KICKED OUT. CHECK IT OUT AND YOU WILL SEE.
That’s obvious from the OP post. It’s a Cal fan group.
I don’t agree with the generalization in the article and especially the comments about beating wife and kids. That shows ignorance….

However, I also don’t understand the need to bash our former players for congratulating their former coach even if was against Kentucky. There are other more healthier ways to cool off and burn out steam. :)

I wonder If was possible for Rupp to come in Rupp arena and play against the Kentucky current squad , will he be booed or cheered….

We should still show respect to each other regardless of the result of a basketball game.
with the exception of the NBA rich ones I’ll bet most of these players will be begging for some fans remembering their time here long after Cal is retired and we are the only ones who remembered them playing here.
My fan card goes all the way back to the 1965-66 season. It’s been my experience that the players I best remember, for the most part, are guys that played on teams that had postseason success. I can recall the starting lineup against Duke in 1992, but I honestly can’t recall the starters against Oakland last year.🤷‍♂️
I’m not a fan of berating players on social media. I’ll make comments here about some players just like I would among my own friend groups, but God help these players if they ever plan on playing in the NBA. Try fans in Philly, Boston, NY, or LA.

That being said these former players could have easily called or texted their former coach to congratulate him. They CHOSE to go to social media where they knew what the optics would be. There’s a reason we said we wanted guys who play for the name on the front of the chest. Those that do are loved by fans despite any short comings they had. There’s an easy way around it and that’s to not search out social media looking for approval. The last place I’d look for self gratification is a place where people anonymously can talk about you and you have no idea who they really are.
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Players saying the fans don’t care about them—only if they win is ridiculous. While I don’t agree with going after players on their social media etc., it’s going to happen when former players tweet out obvious trolling posts like TyTy did.

The whole supporting their coach is fine by me. I just wonder why so many players only seem to give this support when the opponent was UK? I know PJ showed his support earlier. No issue with that, but the fans expect some loyalty to the University. If the former player has no loyalty to the University unless they need money etc (Rex) why would any fan of UK care about the player?

There is no reason to go after the player. Just be apathetic towards them. No replies on social media etc. They simply want engagement and to feel relevant. TyTy’s post was 100% a troll. Who cares? He is not supporting Cal. He is angry and wants a reaction. Don’t give it to them.

Honestly after their career at UK I only casually follow. I don’t like the NBA. I wish them well unless they are hostile towards UK and then I’m apathetic towards them. But when I see UK players that were warriors for UK like Tyler Ulis, I feel happy for them and their success regardless of where they are. I think 90%+ of BBN is like that.
I don't believe any of it. The guy wrote a hit piece because he knows it is a hot button issue. He has no idea who says what or to whom anything. Quote your source or it is just hearsay. And as far as the so called fans contacting and trolling moms and dads and players on social media. PROVE they are actually UK fans. They might be surprised at what some other teams fans will do just to cast any negativity on UK and it's fan base.
I'm convinced we've had our "fans" cause at least 1 player to quit the team in recent years.

True BBN fans of Kentucky Sports - 100% Positivity Only - No Negativity

Aria Bota · eotornpsdS14mlau7u29uhh210i508h296h34mml49a4a46l440f2l8i5h5m ·

I got a message from Bob Arroyo who used to be in the group and is close to Cal and followed him to Arkansas.
He sent me a message about this tweet from TyTy Washington. - “Coach Cal understands it now

He said that is was pretty much the same message most of Cals former players were sending Cal privately.
While they all know BBN has some great fans and some True fans that support you Win or lose there is a large portion of the fan base that want to act like True fans but just support you if you are winning. These are not true fans. They are fair weather fans. They are bandwagon fans. They are fans with no lives. Thus are fans that have nothing but UK basketball in their lives and if UK loses you don’t want to be in their households. Wives and kids are probably beaten.
But TyTy sent the message to tell Cal what many of the players already knew. The fans don’t care about them. They only care about winning a championship so they can boast and brag to a coupe of the few friends they actually have or they can troll social media now.
This was made obvious also by tweets from AD and MKG and Darius Miller another Kentucky boy and all on a championship team and all congratulating Cal and then the fans turned on them. Calling them traitors. Saying they should never come to Rupp again. Calling Miller a Benedict Arnold.
Again this is known in the high school ranks and AAU circuit and all over college basketball. It was a reason no top coach wanted the job
It is a reason that UK has always struggled getting the elite players and it Took Cal
To get them and turn the program around and put UK back on the National map.
Pope unfortunately can’t do that on his name. He will continue to keep having to buy and outbid other coaches. Even that doesn’t always work as they had largest NIL offer for Wilson and he chose UNC then trolled Pope and UK afterwards.
UK fans are known as the worst fan base in college basketball by far as bad as Notre Dame and Ohio St in football. They are destroying and embarrassing the program little by little with their ridiculous tweets and social media comments. Bashing UK royalty like Sheppard and Miller and champions like AD and MKG.
The thing is this is not new. UK fans have been this way for years. Many still try to act like they are the greatest living off irrelevant wins in the 40’s and 50’s when basketball wasn’t even remotely competitive and players were being paid under the table. The only difference today is we now have Social media so instead of dealing with these fans locally and only at work you have them all over social media as the little keyboard warriors they are
They are disgusting and an embarrassment to BBN and how I wish there was a way to dis own them before they destroy the program
Same Bob that was saying Cal to USC was a done deal? Lol, why keep posting this clown. He has a man-crush on Calipari.
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I mean it’s such a stupid thread. I live in columbus. You should see how Ohio State fans are towards their players. Kirk Herbstreit said it was a negative that the playoff game with UT and OSU was at OSU on gameday because the fans would start booing if OSU was losing 😂. Has anyone been to an NFL game? Philly fans are a treat. I mean this whole thing is so dumb. What a loser the OP is and the people that agree with him. “Passionate fans are a net negative” 🙄
Alabama fans were literally overjoyed when Saban left, calling him washed. I think these people need to get outside their UK bubble more. UK fans are no different than other fanbases. OSU, UT, UK, Philly sports fans, Boston fans, LA fans, etc etc...
Who on this board considers themselves part the Lunatic Fringe , as you say. Much of what I read here , including your post, points fingers at other fans as being the problem. The fact that you are calling out past players for simply giving an opinion of what they saw and heard while playing here makes it very obvious that you are part of that Lunatic Fringe. Reed Sheppard is unacceptable? Former players are unacceptable? You, Jackass, are unacceptable.
Yeah, but you root for Bama in football
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True BBN fans of Kentucky Sports - 100% Positivity Only - No Negativity

Aria Bota · eotornpsdS14mlau7u29uhh210i508h296h34mml49a4a46l440f2l8i5h5m ·

I got a message from Bob Arroyo who used to be in the group and is close to Cal and followed him to Arkansas.
He sent me a message about this tweet from TyTy Washington. - “Coach Cal understands it now

He said that is was pretty much the same message most of Cals former players were sending Cal privately.
While they all know BBN has some great fans and some True fans that support you Win or lose there is a large portion of the fan base that want to act like True fans but just support you if you are winning. These are not true fans. They are fair weather fans. They are bandwagon fans. They are fans with no lives. Thus are fans that have nothing but UK basketball in their lives and if UK loses you don’t want to be in their households. Wives and kids are probably beaten.
But TyTy sent the message to tell Cal what many of the players already knew. The fans don’t care about them. They only care about winning a championship so they can boast and brag to a coupe of the few friends they actually have or they can troll social media now.
This was made obvious also by tweets from AD and MKG and Darius Miller another Kentucky boy and all on a championship team and all congratulating Cal and then the fans turned on them. Calling them traitors. Saying they should never come to Rupp again. Calling Miller a Benedict Arnold.
Again this is known in the high school ranks and AAU circuit and all over college basketball. It was a reason no top coach wanted the job
It is a reason that UK has always struggled getting the elite players and it Took Cal
To get them and turn the program around and put UK back on the National map.
Pope unfortunately can’t do that on his name. He will continue to keep having to buy and outbid other coaches. Even that doesn’t always work as they had largest NIL offer for Wilson and he chose UNC then trolled Pope and UK afterwards.
UK fans are known as the worst fan base in college basketball by far as bad as Notre Dame and Ohio St in football. They are destroying and embarrassing the program little by little with their ridiculous tweets and social media comments. Bashing UK royalty like Sheppard and Miller and champions like AD and MKG.
The thing is this is not new. UK fans have been this way for years. Many still try to act like they are the greatest living off irrelevant wins in the 40’s and 50’s when basketball wasn’t even remotely competitive and players were being paid under the table. The only difference today is we now have Social media so instead of dealing with these fans locally and only at work you have them all over social media as the little keyboard warriors they are
They are disgusting and an embarrassment to BBN and how I wish there was a way to dis own them before they destroy the program
Totally garbage. I live in Tennessee and all fan bases are equal. Well maybe UT’s is the absolute worst.

True BBN fans of Kentucky Sports - 100% Positivity Only - No Negativity

Aria Bota · eotornpsdS14mlau7u29uhh210i508h296h34mml49a4a46l440f2l8i5h5m ·

I got a message from Bob Arroyo who used to be in the group and is close to Cal and followed him to Arkansas.
He sent me a message about this tweet from TyTy Washington. - “Coach Cal understands it now

He said that is was pretty much the same message most of Cals former players were sending Cal privately.
While they all know BBN has some great fans and some True fans that support you Win or lose there is a large portion of the fan base that want to act like True fans but just support you if you are winning. These are not true fans. They are fair weather fans. They are bandwagon fans. They are fans with no lives. Thus are fans that have nothing but UK basketball in their lives and if UK loses you don’t want to be in their households. Wives and kids are probably beaten.
But TyTy sent the message to tell Cal what many of the players already knew. The fans don’t care about them. They only care about winning a championship so they can boast and brag to a coupe of the few friends they actually have or they can troll social media now.
This was made obvious also by tweets from AD and MKG and Darius Miller another Kentucky boy and all on a championship team and all congratulating Cal and then the fans turned on them. Calling them traitors. Saying they should never come to Rupp again. Calling Miller a Benedict Arnold.
Again this is known in the high school ranks and AAU circuit and all over college basketball. It was a reason no top coach wanted the job
It is a reason that UK has always struggled getting the elite players and it Took Cal
To get them and turn the program around and put UK back on the National map.
Pope unfortunately can’t do that on his name. He will continue to keep having to buy and outbid other coaches. Even that doesn’t always work as they had largest NIL offer for Wilson and he chose UNC then trolled Pope and UK afterwards.
UK fans are known as the worst fan base in college basketball by far as bad as Notre Dame and Ohio St in football. They are destroying and embarrassing the program little by little with their ridiculous tweets and social media comments. Bashing UK royalty like Sheppard and Miller and champions like AD and MKG.
The thing is this is not new. UK fans have been this way for years. Many still try to act like they are the greatest living off irrelevant wins in the 40’s and 50’s when basketball wasn’t even remotely competitive and players were being paid under the table. The only difference today is we now have Social media so instead of dealing with these fans locally and only at work you have them all over social media as the little keyboard warriors they are
They are disgusting and an embarrassment to BBN and how I wish there was a way to dis own them before they destroy the program
Billy Madison Shut Up GIF
My fan card goes all the way back to the 1965-66 season. It’s been my experience that the players I best remember, for the most part, are guys that played on teams that had postseason success. I can recall the starting lineup against Duke in 1992, but I honestly can’t recall the starters against Oakland last year.🤷‍♂️
I know 2 that didn't start for sure and one of them wore an Arkansas shirt Saturday. 🤬

True BBN fans of Kentucky Sports - 100% Positivity Only - No Negativity

Aria Bota · eotornpsdS14mlau7u29uhh210i508h296h34mml49a4a46l440f2l8i5h5m ·

I got a message from Bob Arroyo who used to be in the group and is close to Cal and followed him to Arkansas.
He sent me a message about this tweet from TyTy Washington. - “Coach Cal understands it now

He said that is was pretty much the same message most of Cals former players were sending Cal privately.
While they all know BBN has some great fans and some True fans that support you Win or lose there is a large portion of the fan base that want to act like True fans but just support you if you are winning. These are not true fans. They are fair weather fans. They are bandwagon fans. They are fans with no lives. Thus are fans that have nothing but UK basketball in their lives and if UK loses you don’t want to be in their households. Wives and kids are probably beaten.
But TyTy sent the message to tell Cal what many of the players already knew. The fans don’t care about them. They only care about winning a championship so they can boast and brag to a coupe of the few friends they actually have or they can troll social media now.
This was made obvious also by tweets from AD and MKG and Darius Miller another Kentucky boy and all on a championship team and all congratulating Cal and then the fans turned on them. Calling them traitors. Saying they should never come to Rupp again. Calling Miller a Benedict Arnold.
Again this is known in the high school ranks and AAU circuit and all over college basketball. It was a reason no top coach wanted the job
It is a reason that UK has always struggled getting the elite players and it Took Cal
To get them and turn the program around and put UK back on the National map.
Pope unfortunately can’t do that on his name. He will continue to keep having to buy and outbid other coaches. Even that doesn’t always work as they had largest NIL offer for Wilson and he chose UNC then trolled Pope and UK afterwards.
UK fans are known as the worst fan base in college basketball by far as bad as Notre Dame and Ohio St in football. They are destroying and embarrassing the program little by little with their ridiculous tweets and social media comments. Bashing UK royalty like Sheppard and Miller and champions like AD and MKG.
The thing is this is not new. UK fans have been this way for years. Many still try to act like they are the greatest living off irrelevant wins in the 40’s and 50’s when basketball wasn’t even remotely competitive and players were being paid under the table. The only difference today is we now have Social media so instead of dealing with these fans locally and only at work you have them all over social media as the little keyboard warriors they are
They are disgusting and an embarrassment to BBN and how I wish there was a way to dis own them before they destroy the program
Yep I 💯believe that’s what Cal era players were told and how Cal handled business. I remember someone, maybe Matt Jones, saying that Cal and staff would pull the worst stuff said by fan off social media and read it to the players. It’s funny how it’s only Cal era players who feel this way. Maybe it’s the way Cal coached them and made it about himself and not the fans and university. Us against everyone including our fans. I’m the one who cares, they don’t love you. Be loyal to me. Not surprised at all. More reason IMOP that it was best to get away from him and if that’s how those players really feel, then them too.
One more thing, don’t remember all Pitino era players doing this while Pitino was at Louisville. Weird?
We spend more time being told to be positive and stop the negativity--than we do actually discussing stuff.

It's a message board. If you only want positivity, make a group chat with 3 of your most positive friends and stop coming here.

If you want to objectively discuss things and read opinions that differ from you own, this is the place to do it.

No one needs you to tell people how to post or behave.

People shouldn't tweet hateful things at players. That's also such a small fringe portion of the fan base, that you don't need to write an article about it.
(1) The lunatic fringe is the MINORITY.
(2) All fanbses have them, so do we.
(3) This was always going to be the outcome when we danced with the devil. We did it for 15 years.
(4) Simply ignoring the ex-players would have been best.
(5) People take shit too personal.
(6) Everyone has a forum now to vent.
(7) Time heals. The further we get away from the Cal years the better IMHO.
(8) Is there a new forum that can be started about CAL and the NBA guys, so people can post there? (Regardless of who they played for?)
(a.) I know, I know. Just scroll on down and don't read them. Fair enough, I do 100%.
(b.) We all have the internet. We don't need to know that SGA scored 30 the night before.
(c.) But the more we get away from what isn't Kentucky Basketball, the more the other stuff creeps in.

Glad that game is over.
We looked like a bunch of jackasses. (We win, none of this happens.)
Just my two cents.
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Are you even sane ? You certainly don’t have comprehension skills. You keep saying things that you claim I’ve said and I didn’t say any of your accusations. I’m not trying to ban anybody. I didn’t say they don’t like UK …. even though I would have to say guys like Ashton Hagans don’t like UK at all. Once again, it’s just a game but true BBN fans are passionate and when players like Reed Shepperd do what he did it’s really pathetic. You and Reed make a good pair. So .. I love UK basketball. I love our new coach, current players, and true UK fans. Clowns like you and those that turned against UK this past weekend can climb back into your holes. We’ll be fine without you.

The difference between the basketball program at UCLA , Florida, Indiana, Arkansas, Houston and the program at UK is the BBN !

Calipari won one championship at UK with a generational player in Anthony Davis. Adolph Rupp won 5, Pitino 1 (and if Derick Anderson had played 2) and Tubby 1 .

As Al McGuire described the UK program..."They had before you. They have it now. And they will have it long after your gone." Few programs have survived the test of time. Kansas, Duke, and UNC. More recently UCONN perhaps and that

Yeah, but you root for Bama in football
Sure do. I have never had a reason since I was six to have any faith whatsoever in UK football. If UK played Bama, I would pull for UK knowing it was silly to do so. Grew up with Bear.