The airsoft gun was ridiculous and really doesn't count imo. Due to the current times, Stoops had to ceremoniously suspend the players, else catch fire PR wise.
IF TRUE, this is a little different. Its the first strike, in a sense. But at the same time it shows incredibly poor judgment. One of your crew was shoved by a drunken loudmouth? Sure, if you have nothing to lose you can lay the guy out. Stomp him. Whatever. When youre major division 1 athletes, with at least 2 of the 3 having a chance at playing in the NFL - you walk away. No questions asked.
IF TRUE, my early predictions are that Baker is done. Just seems like hes been in the doghouse since early on, for whatever reason. Barker and Dubose each get a 3-6 game suspension. I just don't think Stoops cuts Barker loose; and for that reason keeps Dubose too (unless he was the one laying the wood). No info at all. Just a prediction.
IF TRUE, this is a little different. Its the first strike, in a sense. But at the same time it shows incredibly poor judgment. One of your crew was shoved by a drunken loudmouth? Sure, if you have nothing to lose you can lay the guy out. Stomp him. Whatever. When youre major division 1 athletes, with at least 2 of the 3 having a chance at playing in the NFL - you walk away. No questions asked.
IF TRUE, my early predictions are that Baker is done. Just seems like hes been in the doghouse since early on, for whatever reason. Barker and Dubose each get a 3-6 game suspension. I just don't think Stoops cuts Barker loose; and for that reason keeps Dubose too (unless he was the one laying the wood). No info at all. Just a prediction.