Trilly update on Lanier visit

It’s really simple with Pope. He’s either going to make it or he won’t. We’ll know in around 36 months which way it sways. I’m sure UK is already eyeballing the replacement in some way if he doesn’t work. But to bitch about him right now, at this point, is kind of absurd. He’s done well in the few months he’s had, and he’s looking like he’ll recruit well for next season. He’s highly intelligent too. So the few that are up in arms right now really make no sense.
Appreciate it, my mom gave me a gold star today. Honest question don’t you think it’s a little ridiculous to be nitpicking stuff this early with pope?
I'm just laughing at people who think people have nothing to be question. Pope still hasn't won a tournament game. His recruiting is still suspect. Until this season is over and he has a full recruiting cycle behind him they will remain. And people will continue to question until they're answered. Just my perspective on it.
I'm just laughing at people who think people have nothing to be question. Pope still hasn't won a tournament game. His recruiting is still suspect. Until this season is over and he has a full recruiting cycle behind him they will remain. And people will continue to question until they're answered. Just my perspective on it.
And people laugh right back at you for nitpicking a coach this early. The recruiting stuff is funny to me, go act like he hasn’t gotten better players than he had at BYU is crazy. But you’re free to be a fan however you choose, I’m not gonna tell you how to be a fan, that’s bs. I just think it’s crazy people are being over critical of the guy this early.
And people laugh right back at you for nitpicking a coach this early. The recruiting stuff is funny to me, go act like he hasn’t gotten better players than he had at BYU is crazy. But you’re free to be a fan however you choose, I’m not gonna tell you how to be a fan, that’s bs. I just think it’s crazy people are being over critical of the guy this early.
I don't see how I'm nitpicking. All I'm saying is he needs to stop missing on these big time recruits and get a scorer in here. I'm just defending people who are voicing concerns. Because they are valid. He is unproven, he hasn't won a tournament game, can he recruit against the big boys? This season will tell us a lot.
I don't see how I'm nitpicking. All I'm saying is he needs to stop missing on these big time recruits and get a scorer in here. I'm just defending people who are voicing concerns. Because they are valid. He is unproven, he hasn't won a tournament game, can he recruit against the big boys? This season will tell us a lot.
It’s the old 6 vs 9 argument. From your perspective you see a 6 from my perspective I see a 9. I don’t think it’s fair to look at his roster and over analyze it before they play a game and say he has missed on guys when he didn’t go after a chunk of the names I have seen. Hell he hasn’t even missed on Lanier yet. He still has time to get a guy, and will. My point is people need to be patient. We wanted a change from cal, we got it, now we have to give him time to set his team and culture up.
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I don't see how I'm nitpicking. All I'm saying is he needs to stop missing on these big time recruits and get a scorer in here. I'm just defending people who are voicing concerns. Because they are valid. He is unproven, he hasn't won a tournament game, can he recruit against the big boys? This season will tell us a lot.

I’m sort of watchful right now not really concerned. I already knew UK was not going to set a bad precedent by getting into bidding wars. We’re not that kind of program and shouldn’t be. They’re well aware that teams are about to get burned badly in those wars and it’s going to subside to a degree anyway. The last thing you want to be is a blue blood with a demanding fanbase that wants to win at the highest level, AND you’ll pay a ton to do it. Imagine the market you’d be setting yourself up for. You can clearly see our roster was put together with the best players at the best value.

Blue bloods should be paying less not more, you’re getting all the exposure and the brand - not to mention a lifelong invaluable experience of playing here. Being part of the UK family pays in other ways across the state. It should add value to our position.

We’re not missing on anyone we’re just not getting into bidding wars. And Lanier was always going to Tennessee it’s his home state and they’ve been on him for over a year. We obviously got involved to run the price up on Tennessee (and outside shot) which is smart too.
I'm just laughing at people who think people have nothing to be question. Pope still hasn't won a tournament game. His recruiting is still suspect. Until this season is over and he has a full recruiting cycle behind him they will remain. And people will continue to question until they're answered. Just my perspective on it.
Give him fkn time, hasn't even coached a damn game and it's bitch bitch bitch by the same few
I don't see how I'm nitpicking. All I'm saying is he needs to stop missing on these big time recruits and get a scorer in here. I'm just defending people who are voicing concerns. Because they are valid. He is unproven, he hasn't won a tournament game, can he recruit against the big boys? This season will tell us a lot.
What is he suppose to do, kidnap them? Dude I see now why people bitch at your posts
I get why some are concerned. This is UK and you’ve got Kansas surging right now and sitting pretty. Duke just got to the elite 8 in Schyers second year, their recruiting isn’t slowing down. North Carolina is on our heels and Hubert nearly won a title already. The SEC is surging. We’ve got records to maintain and it matters. Cal brought a mindset of “nothing matters until March”. This ain’t true never was true never will be. If being the best matters then Pope is a very important hire. At the same time we did it it’s over. We could have rolled the dice on a far more inferior guy. As some have said you’ve got to give him time, at least a full year and recruiting cycle. We’ll be fine because pope has the power of UK and he’s brilliant. He’s probably the smartest coach in college basketball just going by IQ. Can anyone name a coach who’s put together a roster then good in 2 weeks recruiting time? What happens when he gets the full year to recruit as a known?
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What I see with this roster is a team that can potentially stretch the floor at an elite level. But they need someone who can exploit that space. We have a couple guys who could develop and fill that role, but you can’t bank on it. We need more of a sure thing.

Then there’s defense, which is half the game but often overlooked. I don’t know what to expect there, even though about half of our current roster are regarded as good defenders. We’ve got to see how it translates at this level for Butler and Williams.
Butler I’m not worried about, he’s defended on the biggest stage in the sport multiple times. The rest though I share similar concerns.
His predecessor was there 14 years, so it’s not really fair comparison. A lot of you seem to have your minds made up about what pope is going to be before he coaches a game. These questions aren’t legit until he coaches a game first and has completed a season first. Not even 2 months In and there’s a portion nitpicking him.
That’s your opinion and worth as much as mine. I think these questions are legit until he outperforms his coaching resume.
You’re just talking out your ass and chiding others for their speculation.
The Kentucky coaching staff are evaluating these players personally. You are just reading a bunch of stat lines for players you never heard of a month ago.
Uhh no, im using common f’ing sense, which you clearly lack. A guy that’s averaged 7ppg over 4 years isn’t going to suddenly turn into Reeves or Jamal Murray. Especially when they averaged those 7ppg at a mid major and will now be at the top program in the country. Get real. He will do here about what he did at Dayton.
Brother you are quite literally saying this team isn’t going to be good because they don’t have a guy who is a perceived stud. You have complained about literally every add or and are saying a 50 percent shooter and one of best weapons in college ball isn’t a top rotation player. What I will say is
stop making overall assumptions before you see the final product and see the product in action together. You want the cal teams and the cal culture when you were In the group that complained about it while cal was here. Now you as you say not sugarcoating it because pope isn’t getting studs. He’s been here a month and a half. See his system and culture first before you make overall judgements.
You’re wrong everytime you reply to me.

I’m not saying the current roster isn’t “good” but I am saying it isn’t great and it’s not what it needs to be at UK. I said they’d finish 4th-5th in the league as the roster stands.

Brea couldn’t even start for Dayton. If he’s one of our top 2-3 players then we have issues. He’s a role player. Hes has the potential to be a good one though but that’s all he’s ever been.

You tell me to stop making assumptions just because you don’t like what I’m saying but that isn’t stopping you from making your assumptions as well.

And for the last time, I don’t want Kal teams/culture or anything resembling how he did things so get that through your thick skull. He didn’t invent recruiting great players and he certainly wasn’t the only one to get them. Just because I want rosters/players better than what was on Tubby teams doesn’t mean I want Kal’s way.
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funny if UK says I am willing to do x but not go to z because i do not feel you are worth z, it is a failure. When Chaz goes to UT, averages 8 to 10 points and is not the all start you think he is because he played 1 year of good basketball (not all star level, just good).

I hope when Pope is looking at portal players that fit his style, his system, what he wants, and says I am willing to pay this much and not a penny more, he sticks to it.

Out recruited, is laughable. Out payed maybe.

Man if you want a Hyundai at a Mercedes price go ahead.
The problem is he wouldn’t pay the Benz price for the Benz players weeks ago. Now what’s left out there are Hyundai’s with Benz price tags because they know teams are desperate. Beggars can’t be choosers.

We’ve been outbid by several non traditional basketball schools. Hopefully Pope learned this offseason to pay up on top guys early on instead of trying to make it out on the cheap only to have to spend top guy money on guys that aren’t as good as the ones you were on previously.
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The problem is he wouldn’t pay the Benz price for the Benz players weeks ago. Now what’s left out there are Hyundai’s with Benz price tags because they know teams are desperate. Beggars can’t be choosers.

We’ve been outbid by several non traditional basketball schools. Hopefully Pope learned this offseason to pay up on top guys early on instead of trying to make it out on the cheap only to have to spend top guy money on guys that aren’t as good as the ones you were on previously.
I do not have a problem with a coach making a decision on paying a player on x amount and not getting in bidding wars. I do not have a problem with Pope sticking to his guns. If it backfires it is on him. I think the man is extremely smart, smarter than most coaches (Rhodes Scholar Candidate) (Med School). I think he can evaluate talent and say they are worth x, I do not care what the fans think they are worth, and only pay up to x.

Once we are in the season and our talent (which is not chump change) plays others we will know.
I find it kinda funny some fans give Stoops a pass for taking 20+ years to rebuild, but Pope doesn’t even get to his first game.
You’re kidding, right? Not even comparable.

This is KENTUCKY BASKETBALL. 8 time National Champs - 100 years of history.

Football had … no history. There was also no portal. What reasons did elite football recruits ever have to come to UK? Basketball? Totally different story.
Brea couldn’t even start for Dayton. If he’s one of our top 2-3 players then we have issues. He’s a role player. Hes has the potential to be a good one though but that’s all he’s ever been.

Brea's last 5 games (tournament games)
Averaged 37.5 minutes per game , 15 pts per game, shooting 54% from three (20/37)

You paint an inaccurate picture of who Brea is
Bottomline, there are concerns with pope, but there were alot more with cal. So far I'm quite content with the change however we as fans should always call balls and strikes no matter who the coach is.
With that said, pope does deserve a certain amount of grace period before the arrows start flying.
I get why some are concerned. This is UK and you’ve got Kansas surging right now and sitting pretty. Duke just got to the elite 8 in Schyers second year, their recruiting isn’t slowing down. North Carolina is on our heels and Hubert nearly won a title already. The SEC is surging. We’ve got records to maintain and it matters. Cal brought a mindset of “nothing matters until March”. This ain’t true never was true never will be. If being the best matters then Pope is a very important hire. At the same time we did it it’s over. We could have rolled the dice on a far more inferior guy. As some have said you’ve got to give him time, at least a full year and recruiting cycle. We’ll be fine because pope has the power of UK and he’s brilliant. He’s probably the smartest coach in college basketball just going by IQ.
You’re wrong everytime you reply to me.

I’m not saying the current roster isn’t “good” but I am saying it isn’t great and it’s not what it needs to be at UK. I said they’d finish 4th-5th in the league as the roster stands.

Brea couldn’t even start for Dayton. If he’s one of our top 2-3 players then we have issues. He’s a role player. Hes has the potential to be a good one though but that’s all he’s ever been.

You tell me to stop making assumptions just because you don’t like what I’m saying but that isn’t stopping you from making your assumptions as well.

And for the last time, I don’t want Kal teams/culture or anything resembling how he did things so get that through your thick skull. He didn’t invent recruiting great players and he certainly wasn’t the only one to get them. Just because I want rosters/players better than what was on Tubby teams doesn’t mean I want Kal’s way.
If you did any research you would know brea choose to come off the bench at Dayton, but you didn’t because that doesn’t fit what you want. The roster isn’t great and it isn’t what it needs to be at UK. The irony in that statement. You don’t have a clue how this roster will play, how they will mesh, how they will do anything. Oh but they are 4th or 5th in the league. You don’t know that, it’s purely guessing. And I’m not making assumptions, if you’re nitpicking shit this early with a coach, then you don’t think they will be that good. Which again is crazy to me because you haven’t seen these guys play. You labeling them as tubby talent, when again you haven’t seen them play a game together is ridiculous, but it’s whatever man.
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You’re just talking out your ass and chiding others for their speculation.
The Kentucky coaching staff are evaluating these players personally. You are just reading a bunch of stat lines for players you never heard of a month ago.
He looked at the basketball reference page for all these players, and watched the 4 mins highlight video and made his assumptions of that.
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Brea's last 5 games (tournament games)
Averaged 37.5 minutes per game , 15 pts per game, shooting 54% from three (20/37)

You paint an inaccurate picture of who Brea is

Brea also has very good PER, BPR (Evan Miya), and PORPAGATU! (Bart Torvik) stats. Especially in comparison to Aiden Mahaney and Cade Tyson, whom some have alleged we missed out on.

I think Brea will be a key piece on the team next year. He'll end up being one of our top 2 scorers and likely one of our best 3 players overall - and that's not a bad thing.
What I see with this roster is a team that can potentially stretch the floor at an elite level. But they need someone who can exploit that space. We have a couple guys who could develop and fill that role, but you can’t bank on it. We need more of a sure thing.

Then there’s defense, which is half the game but often overlooked. I don’t know what to expect there, even though about half of our current roster are regarded as good defenders. We’ve got to see how it translates at this level for Butler and Williams.
What ? Butler has played against Elite talent. This level ? Go look up his games played while at San Diego State. He made it to the championship game, but I guess he played against all scrubs that year and his whole career. Oweh played in the Big 12, I know you didn't mention him, but he is another solid defender, same for Garrison. IF Williams can't hack it, and maybe even if he does turn out to be OK, I think Garrison eventually takes several minutes from him.
I don't see how I'm nitpicking. All I'm saying is he needs to stop missing on these big time recruits and get a scorer in here. I'm just defending people who are voicing concerns. Because they are valid. He is unproven, he hasn't won a tournament game, can he recruit against the big boys? This season will tell us a lot.
Again, Why are the recruits you want more important than the recruits Pope wants. It is amazing that since some website, some so called portal expert, says Homer Simpson is the best guard in the portal and Pope did not go after Homer Simpson he is horrible, he is not doing his job, he has got to fix himself.

I like guys in the portal that we did not go after, you have not seen one post from me discussing. I am not POPE, i am not picking guys to fit my system.

Difference in going for names over going for players that fit my system. Get out of the thought process of Cal.

Pitino did not get every guy he went for and missed more than he hit. Did not stop him from building teams and competing.
I may not know but I do know we are not a final four team this year or next with the level of talent that we will have this year. If you think we have final four talent, you don't know basketball. Year three before we can hope to compete for a SEC title. We need time to develop kids. We are not recruiting 5 or 6 5 star one and dune players going forward. If thatis what you want you should have cried and screamed to keep Cal. We are spoiled with Cal's recruiting. One and done will NOT win Championships. Player development with a team with 5 seniors that have been developed. We have not seen player development in so long most of our fans do not understand what it is.

name me the all conference players and let's review it end of season. I hope we have 5 but I don't see any.
Funny you say that. This team is LOADED with SR.'s and players who have already developed. But in the same breath you said we need veteran players who are already developed ???? Also, Kriisa will be your all SEC player. Maybe not 1st team, but he will be on the team. I do not think YOU know as much basketball as you think you do. This roster is full of players who played in top conferences / against top competition. SEVERAL averaged in the 12-15 points per game. Having a 20+ ppg player is NOT normal for a contending team. Real quick, who was UCONN's top scorer and what did he average ? I know, do you ? It sure as hell wasn't 20+ per game, not even close. BUT they did have 5/6 who averaged 10+. Balance and complete rosters win. Meaning scoring, rebounding, defense ALL matter. We may not make the Final 4, but I also know they are not a "rebuilding" 3 years away roster either. I would guess our floor would be Sweet 16, our ceiling Elite 8, depending on matchups. FAR from a rebuilding team. GTFO here with that noise.