Trilly update on Lanier visit

Back to the conversation about the Lord of the Rings.

I think I know what happened to the Tree Ent wives. I don't think Sauron destroyed them at all. I think there's a good chance they switched genders and began going to a nonbinary gender forest in eastern Middle Earth.

That was Sauron's plan the whole time. Turn Middle Earth into a nonbinary habitat. Saruman was already going the way of the cross dresser. He tried to turn Gandalf, but Gandalf wasn't having it.
I think they are just hiding from the Ents, one 1,700 year poem too many plus they Ents would get to talking about the texture of the dirt for half an age and forgot about their old ladies and didn't even notice they had bounced for so long the trail was past cold.

The good news is nobody wants the Entwives either so eventually they will come around before Iluvatar's last verses.
I think they are just hiding from the Ents, one 1,700 year poem too many plus they Ents would get to talking about the texture of the dirt for half an age and forgot about their old ladies and didn't even notice they had bounced for so long the trail was past cold.

The good news is nobody wants the Entwives either so eventually they will come around before Iluvatar's last verses.
Actually what happened was the Ents tried to institute Patriarchy and the Ent wives were like, "Oh, yeah? Watch this."
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