Trilly update on Lanier visit

The only way I could see is if it came out that Lanier was just using UK to get a better NIL deal and never intended to come here.
That’s still a whiff. It meant Pope spent resources and, much more importantly, time on someone who was just using us. You would hope he would be able to sus out who’s serious about coming here and who’s not.
I think pope now has Robinson and has a specific idea of what he wants for the last scholarship. Pope has said in several interviews how fluid this process is. Maybe Lanier asked pope for higher nil and pope said 'no'. We just don't know now and may never know. For awhile everyone thought we were getting Great Osobor till that fizzled out. Maybe in last few days pope spoke to Robinson and is feeling better about that possibility, which in turn affected his thinking on Lanier. Possible or probable, you pick. I brink this up because of Sisk saying 'mutual decision'.
Seems to be the answer now, I’ll never forget those 2 days where he was Kentucky to lose. Good times
I think he was but maybe this just comes down to relationships he already had plus his family having more influence over his destination. Maybe he has family members that are Tennessee fans or connected to UT. Coach Pope could have done everything right but the prior relationships and family was just to much to overcome. I am just speculating of course.
How is he supposed to look or sound? He missed on a big target.
Oh please. Cal missed on a ton of guys while here ,so did Rick,especially when he first got here . Joe B missed on many players as did Rupp if we are being honest. Why are you holding Pope to a different standard especially since he hasn't even put a UK team on the floor yet. Your agenda is so transparent
It's strange he didn't want to spend on Osobor,Davis or Lanier. Who is he saving it for?
It’s not an unfair question at this point. It was publicly bragged how much NIL funding poured in after Pope was hired, but then we’re allegedly backing off of every transfer where outbidding another team might be part of the process. You definitely want to pick your battles and not end up in a bidding war your 10th man, but opening the wallet a bit for impact players is just going to be part of life going forward under the new rules. I’m not so sure passing on a couple of those guys (especially Davis in my opinion) wasn’t a mistake with the resources we supposedly had available.
Discord UK booster guy said we weren't recruiting him a week or two ago now. I don't care what Pilgram says. Doesn't mean I'm correct, however.
Fair enough, is it that CALs cult guy? He has been adamant Kentucky gets Lanier. But with the Lanier news I fell like they have to atleast try with poplar now
Non-descriptive bits like “Not a whiff by UK” and “Not a good fit for both sides” feel less like they’re grounded in any sort of actual info and more like it’s Sisk trying to soften the blow.

We lost. No need to sugarcoat it.
I agree. I am thrilled with the team Pope has been able to put together in such a short time. It’s incredible considering he was building from scratch.

But I don’t understand people who think this is a legit Final Four team as it is.
NO ONE that I know of has suggested that Pope's FIRST UK TEAM is anywhere near a Final Four team. In fact, no ones cares at this point, and shouldn't. We're having to undo the crap that Calipari forced upon UK for years. But like you said, Pope's doing everything right, and more. Even if he was making mistakes, that's perfectly fine. He's going to be great.
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He won't last long at UK if he goes that route.
Says the people wanting college basketball to be about "buying rosters". Pope's trying to change the crappy NBA-first, Money-second culture. I can't wait for this thing to implode, and college sports return to what it was for decades.
The only thing that will make these people happy is to have Cals culture back without Cal in it,something not possible. It is hilarious watching people who complained about Cal endlessly for years now demanding our new coach perpetuate that culture and absolutely refuse to give him TIME to create his own.
Uh, who’s asking for that?
I think we end up with Robinson and another under the radar type guy. The nil for Robinson will be more than his second round contract. Plus if he excels at UK he could go first round.
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May sounds like sour grapes but I never seen how Lanier ever fit in a Pope type offense. If you pay him twice as much as any other player you expect to use him for at least 35 min p/g and that is not Pope's offense. You expect him to dominate the ball and take more shots than anyone else. That is not how Pope coaches. You expect maybe dealing with some bad player chemistry as well. Pope seems to try to avoid that, ie the guy to wash. Lanier fits perfectly with the Tenn system. Guard heavy with one dominate player. Look at them last year. They can give him exactly what a player like Lanier is looking for.

Robinson, one other hand, fits what Pope seems to have recruited for perfectly. Better get him. JMO
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