Trending the right way


Jul 22, 2013
At the right time. This season has had some frustrating moments but I think we’re headed the right way at the right time. We’ve had other teams look like world beaters early only to fizzle out when it counts. Anybody else think we’re finally making the progress necessary to advance in the tournament and make some noise?
At the right time. This season has had some frustrating moments but I think we’re headed the right way at the right time. We’ve had other teams look like world beaters early only to fizzle out when it counts. Anybody else think we’re finally making the progress necessary to advance in the tournament and make some noise?
I’d rather be peaking heading into March than earlier.
at this point UK is trying to win 3 straight, so you can't even talk about 6.

its a roller coaster of highs and lows, and so far the team hasn't shown they can sustain the intensity needed to win. They can win on the big stage for one night. That's all they've proved.
I agree that the pieces are there to win it all, but did you forget who our coach is? Who will he allow to hijack the program in the name of improving their draft position? I have zero faith he will trim down his rotation, look at +\- and field the correct lineups when it matters most. More so, he will take the air out of the ball at some point and piss away a big lead.
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Let me revisit this after Tuesday night. I had this thought after Auburn, then LSU happened. If they can get out of Miss St with a win, they should be able take care of business vs Ark and Vandy at Rupp. Then the showdown with Tenn could have big stakes.
If we had won the LSU game then we could talk about trending and make a fair case for it. Win at Miss St, Ark and Vandy then get back to me on trending. These are all games we should win, take care of business first
At the right time. This season has had some frustrating moments but I think we’re headed the right way at the right time. We’ve had other teams look like world beaters early only to fizzle out when it counts. Anybody else think we’re finally making the progress necessary to advance in the tournament and make some noise?
NO, unless we play defense and rebound better. Obviously we can score a lot against other teams that don't defend well, but wait until we have to play a tough defensive team....8 losses speaks for itself.
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Nope. As long as Cal's stubbornness keeps him throwing out nonsense lineups, our chances of winning anything this season are 50% at best. Definitely not 6 in a row.
I actually agreed with all the lineups out there yesterday. Totally disagreed with the Burks experiment against LSU, but yesterday (aside from the starting lineups) looked good. And what happened to Cal's supposed vendetta against Z?? Thought you of all people would have been happy about that?
I can definitely see both sides of it and Cal has done himself no favors last couple seasons. Appreciate the perspectives. I think past bunch of years we peaked in January. I like the timing on this one as long as we get and stay healthy.
I actually agreed with all the lineups out there yesterday. Totally disagreed with the Burks experiment against LSU, but yesterday (aside from the starting lineups) looked good. And what happened to Cal's supposed vendetta against Z?? Thought you of all people would have been happy about that?
Cal likely lied to us yesterday with that malarkey about another coach pushing back on his desire to play Z. More than likely it was Cal pushing back on his staff and they convinced him. He just likes to take credit after a kid does well, and knew it look would be bad if he somehow (gasp!!!) let his staff do their jobs, and listened.
one game doesnt make a trend.......... not even 2. its not even been a week since we learned this lesson in pain staking fashion

I know , ya want to keep on to that hope. but dont go drowning in kool aid just yet, we really need to see how they play down at MSU and Tenn .....
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Cal likely lied to us yesterday with that malarkey about another coach pushing back on his desire to play Z. More than likely it was Cal pushing back on his staff and they convinced him. He just likes to take credit after a kid does well, and knew it look would be bad if he somehow (gasp!!!) let his staff do their jobs, and listened.
I don't really have an opinion on that... I know Cal says a lot of things in general. I do think this was a great matchup to play big Z. I actually like the versatility that both Ugo and Big Z provide depending on who we're playing.
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I don't really have an opinion on that... I know Cal says a lot of things in general. I do think this was a great matchup to play big Z. I actually like the versatility that both Ugo and Big Z provide depending on who we're playing.
Yes Z is great against teams that don’t play physical (or any) defense. But we saw how bad he was in 30 seconds against USC. He needs to get in there and be left in there against a tough defense or he’ll never learn.
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I think we have the easiest closing games compared to any of the top teams in the SEC.

No, auburn does. They only have one loseable game left.

They aren't losing at home to msu or uga and won't lose at Missouri. Ither than at UT They are almost assured of a 13 and 5 finish.
.that's bad news for UK and a shot at a double bye.
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Yes Z is great against teams that don’t play physical (or any) defense. But we saw how bad he was in 30 seconds against USC. He needs to get in there and be left in there against a tough defense or he’ll never learn.
I agree. But I haven't been one killing Cal for keeping his minutes low in certain matchups. There have been times he has looked absolutely lost on defense, and you just can't leave him in. Mannnnnn... just think if Big Z stayed another year. Not out of the realm of possibility he could turn into a player of the year candidate and a top 5 pick. The kid just needs time. Unfortunately, he's probably gone.
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One criteria I look for when making out my bracket is a team that has won 6 straight against tougher competition with at least two road games thrown in that mix. As of now, we haven’t proven that. This team always comes out lays a head scratching egg after a big win. They can’t keep up the intensity needed to get over the hump (yet). If they win out and they’re able to knock off TN in Knoxville, then I’ll be a believer. But we can’t come out and lose to a team like Mississippi St, a team we’ve already blown out once, and expect to be a contender.

That’s what is so frustrating about yesterdays game! If we can play with that kind of intensity, attention to detail, and even 80% of that execution level, we are the best team in the country. That is what this team is capable of. But then you also watch them go brain dead and give up a 15 point second half lead within 3 minutes just two days before that. Hopefully that loss was the final straw and the freshman have decided that was the last bitter taste of defeat they want to experience. If this team can stay focused for a whole 40 minutes, there aren’t many teams that can beat us.

I also really like the lineup of Shep, Dilly, Reeves, Edwards/Thiero, and Z. Idk where Mitchell falls into the rotation when he comes back from injury. I just think Thiero gives us so much more in terms of physicality, defense, and play making ability. But I have no doubt that Cal will force Mitchell back into the lineup with 25 mins per game and screw up the rotation that gives us the most versatility. I think this team can get to a final four, but I still expect to lose in the first weekend unfortunately.
One things for sure, with all the injuries and Z not being eligible, tinkering with lineups, this team has not been allowed to peak too early.

Maybe, this year with all the parody it doesn't matter as much what your seed is and it takes some of the pressure off when you're not a 1 or 2 seed.

This could be similar to 2014. The only team I really don't want to see us play is Houston.

I think if Edwards can continue to be the player he's been over the past few games and Z and Ugonna can make the 5 spot productive on both ends we're gonna make a deep run.

I believe we're gonna make a deep run, get ready.
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After the Gonzaga game this team was trash to many on the board going nowhere then after the Auburn game we were trending the right way then lost to LSU and was trending the wrong way then win vs Alabama back to the right way so if we lose to Miss State it be back to the wrong way ?
Matt Jones had us going to Final Four after Auburn, then 1 and out after LSU, then back to Final Four last night.
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The Alabama game yesterday made me think we were in the tourney, giving it our all, and we easily win.

Its going to take the same or greater effort in the tourney to win games.
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At the right time. This season has had some frustrating moments but I think we’re headed the right way at the right time. We’ve had other teams look like world beaters early only to fizzle out when it counts. Anybody else think we’re finally making the progress necessary to advance in the tournament and make some noise?
I thought we just lost to an unranked team less then one week ago.
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Getting better every game. Just like every Cal team always does.

It would be an aberration if we didn’t get better.

It’s not always a straight ascension. There’s step backs. LSU was a step back. But it didn’t stop the ascension. Just slowed it a little.

We actually did a lot of good things in that game. Except for winning.
I thought we just lost to an unranked team less then one week ago.

Sure. And it’s a fair point. But we’ve also beaten two teams that are very good the last two Saturdays and a lot of the glaring errors from early in the year seem to be less glaring now.
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Getting better every game. Just like every Cal team always does.

It would be an aberration if we didn’t get better.

It’s not always a straight ascension. There’s step backs. LSU was a step back. But it didn’t stop the ascension. Just slowed it a little.

We actually did a lot of good things in that game. Except for winning.
I don’t think we got better in 15 or 19 or 22. So I wouldn’t call it an aberration. But it’s true that many of Cal’s teams have put it together in February/March.
Just gotta let it play out. March will be about matchups. This team matches well against finesse teams. Now they have not proved to me that they can string 3 wins together thus far. But that doesn’t mean they are incapable of it.
We put together 4 solid wins (Bama win included) going into Tennessee and I will say we are heading in the right direction. With this young team we might come out again and be up by 15 at half on Miss State, be down 15 to Miss State and win or lose that game. It has been a team of 1 step forward and 1 or 2 steps back on defense this year. Offense has been steps forward most of the year with just a few hiccups. We have to play defense better or we will be out to a Dayton type of really good / solid team.

No way the selection committee wants us to move forward in the tourney. They will want another St Pete type of story. We will be matched up against any and every team that can play solid offense and great defense. Same for Bama. Duke and Carolina will get the small teams that want to run and gun and be run out of the gym by both teams.
At the right time. This season has had some frustrating moments but I think we’re headed the right way at the right time. We’ve had other teams look like world beaters early only to fizzle out when it counts. Anybody else think we’re finally making the progress necessary to advance in the tournament and make some noise?
We were trending the right way this time last week then had a bad loss. There is no trend now other than we have trouble winning consecutive games. Win the next 3 and then we can talk about trending the right way.
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Got to win the next 3 before I even begin to get excited about this team.

A road win against Miss St. is big, then we cannot let up and drop either of the Arky or Vandy games. Losing to either team is inexcusable.

With the UT game, all the pressure is on them. We aren’t suppose to win down there, so if we lose, that’s fine, shouldn’t hurt our seeding. Win down there and it really helps us. Might move us up a seed line.

The key is the next three games. Can’t lose those.
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Nope. As long as Cal's stubbornness keeps him throwing out nonsense lineups, our chances of winning anything this season are 50% at best. Definitely not 6 in a row.
This took the words right out of my mouth I would have added choke too if the game really means something he chokes