My take. First, I started posting about UK basketball and particularly recruiting in 1995 with the old AOL boards. I at one time was a regular on here in the various evolutionary forms it has undergone. (I lost more than 6000 posts during one transition). Marc contacted me and asked if I would take on the challenge of heading up his FREE side of his new startup.....TrueBlueKentucky. I took it on and the site gathered about 3000 regular posters. It was extremely good and accurate recruiting information. Marc and I traveled to several sites to watch prospects, including Orlando AAU, Ft Wayne AAU, and U of Cincinnati AAU. We did several trips to Orlando. I drove one of those years and heard Marc constantly on the phone with the likes of Jim Calhoun and many others. His phone never stopped. His contact at UK was Orlando Antigua. He had direct acces to him as well as others on the staff at UK. His information was solid. Sometimes he would put out false information because he was ASKED to by the staff, and at other times the false information was to trap Jones, who had no solid contacts at that time. Marc is and probably always will be an asshole. He angered me more than a few times. It's all about him and his "My way or the highway" smugness and arrogance. I left TrueBlueKentucky when it started to unravel and have not really taken an active role in the last three years anywhere else. Ok, that's my take.