This should unequivocally be the end of Mitch

HTF do you know who he has and hasn't pursued ? Tell us ole great one ? You are just talking out of your ass because your mouth knows better. MAYBE, Drew turned it down because someone else has accepted it or is the choice before him ??? Difference in you and me is, I do not know this is the case, but also not stating it as FACT. Your type are the worst, posting with your feelings and not with your brain.

Yes. I'm sure we flew in his family because someone else accepted the job lol.
Also, there are reports out that Mitch and Hurley meet via Zoom yesterday. IF Hurley ends up being the hire, some of you are going to like pretty stupid, actually for some of you, it would be a normal circumstance.
Kneejerk, clueless, non thought provoked post, some of you live by it.
Yes. I'm sure we flew in his family because someone else accepted the job lol.
Exactly, just an example of someone who wants to call people stupid, then floats out the worst possible hypothetical you could imagine. We have someone else so he turned it down? In what world does that make any logical sense? Why would we fly his family out here just to have them check out what our new coach will be working with?
Yes. I'm sure we flew in his family because someone else accepted the job lol.
Maybe they hadn't when they family flew here, but after ? Very possible. There are reports that Mitch and Hurley meet via Zoom yesterday at 2PM, you know, about the time the family was coming / already here. You think Mitch just sat around all day from 7AM until Drew's family touched back down in Waco last night ? He is not JUST talking to one guy, then moving on to the next. He has talked to more than ONE candidate since his search began.
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Also, there are reports out that Mitch and Hurley meet via Zoom yesterday. IF Hurley ends up being the hire, some of you are going to like pretty stupid, actually for some of you, it would be a normal circumstance.
Kneejerk, clueless, non thought provoked post, some of you live by it.

Understand in the event we get a good result it doesn't mean it was well handled. Arkansas bailing us out of an awful contract is proof of that.

Even if we get Hurley, now the price just went up. Everyone that says no means our yes costs more. Leverage means everything and we just lost a bunch of it.
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Always the sky is falling / fire Mitch about EVERYTHING. Some of you, all you know is negative. it is a type of personality trait, too bad we have SEVERAL in our fan base.
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Understand in the event we get a good result it doesn't mean it was well handled. Arkansas bailing us out of an awful contract is proof of that.

Even if we get Hurley, now the price just went up. Everyone that says no means our yes costs more. Leverage means everything and we just lost a bunch of it.
BS. He already knows / has presented Hurley the number. Mitch is NOT just talking to one candidate at a time. Hurley already knows the $.
Always the sky is falling / fire Mitch about EVERYTHING. Some of you, all you know is negative. it is a type of personality trait, too bad we have SEVERAL in our fan base.
So you think getting turned down by the guy you’ve admired and groomed to be the next guy is a success from Mitch? Glass half full isn’t always the perspective, not everything in life is positive, participation trophies aren’t handed out in college athletics.
BS. We already know / have presented Hurley the number. Mitch is NOT just talking to one candidate at a time. Hurley already knows the $.

Yes. Because that totally fits flying in Drew's family to show them around.

One person reported that offer. Only one. No offense to that person but he never had scoop in his long history with this site. It's way more likely he was wrong than right.
Can’t say you’re the gold standard if the guy in charge of the whole program is getting turned down by most fans 3rd or 4th guy. Truly sad, to go all in on drew then to get burned for the second time this week is embarrassing to our university.
Maybe the "friendship" between Mitch and Drew was overstated.
Mitch could have been totally oblivious to how much the family would have been against a move.
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So you think getting turned down by the guy you’ve admired and groomed to be the next guy is a success from Mitch? Glass half full isn’t always the perspective, not everything in life is positive, participation trophies aren’t handed out in college athletics.
You do not know WTF is going on with the process. IF you really think Mitch has ONLY talked to Drew and hasn't reached out / had discussions with others, well I do not know what to tell you. Your mind is already made up on how this is going down, nothing can change your one track mind thinking. Just because you can't multitask, doesn't mean other people can't.
If Barnhart ends up going could the whole athletic department fall apart losing the BB coach and AD at the same time? May just be in the cards that the BB program may never be the same what we grew up with. Big part of life gone.
Yes. Because that totally fits flying in Drew's family to show them around.

One person reported that offer. Only one. No offense to that person but he never had scoop in his long history with this site. It's way more likely he was wrong than right.
I guess we will see in the end. I will not debate it with you any further, you have your mind made up how it is / went down. You will still shit on Mitch even if it comes out Hurley agreed to take the job BEFORE Drew declined. Your response will be "I don't believe it", your mind is made up, you hate Mitch so in your eyes he can't get it right no matter the outcome or how it actually went down.
You do not know WTF is going on with the process. IF you really think Mitch has ONLY talked to Drew and hasn't reached out / had discussions with others, well I do not know what to tell you. Your mind is already made up on how this is going down, nothing can change your one track mind thinking. Just because you can't multitask, doesn't mean other people can't.
Go off queen, while Mitch is at it maybe we bring you in to boost the universities intellect.
I guess we will see in the end. I will not debate it with you any further, you have your mind made up how it is / went down. You will still shit on Mitch even if it comes out Hurley agreed to take the job BEFORE Drew declined. Your response will be "I don't believe it", your mind is made up, you hate Mitch so in your eyes he can't get it right no matter the outcome or how it actually went down.
the level of love your showing to Mitch is awfully similar to Mitch’s love for Drew. See how that worked out for Mitch
Rondo revenge / Big Blue Insanity, no need quoting me or expect a response. You two are two peas in a pod, NOTHING Mitch can do will change your OPINION based on ZERO facts. Your mind is made up and Mitch can do no right no matter how it comes out this thing played out. Save your quotes and response.
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Ridiculous, nobody really has a clue about what is happening. Most everything we have heard has been conjecture, speculation and rumor. I personally think Mitch played Cal like a fiddle to get him out without paying him. I would be VERY surprised if he didn’t know that cal was shopping. He let him have enough rope to hang himself. Cal nullified his contract, then Mitch told him he couldn’t stay. I really feel like Hurley might actually be the guy but can’t announce yet. I think his ego wants him on the big stage, that’s never going to be UCONN. Hold on and wait to see what Mitch has.
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Ridiculous, nobody really has a clue about what is happening. Most everything we have heard has been conjecture, speculation and rumor. I personally think Mitch played Cal like a fiddle to get him out without paying him. I would be VERY surprised if he didn’t know that cal was shopping. He let him have enough rope to hang himself. Cal nullified his contract, then Mitch told him he couldn’t stay. I really feel like Hurley might actually be the guy but can’t announce yet. I think his ego wants him on the big stage, that’s never going to be UCONN. Hold on and wait to see what Mitch has.
Regardless Mitch embarrassed himself and the university with the drew love affair. Even if it is Hurley the push for Drew and flying him out here doesn’t just go away.
For years, it was a not so secret that Mitch had drew as essentially coach in waiting. How on earth can you not vet out these family concerns before now?

Now it's a colossal embarrassment and we are in a major pinch trying to get someone on board while probably overpaying because of our desperation.

What a pathetic display of leadership.
We will see, he better go balls to the wall with Hurley.
Drew saying no is not Mitch's fault. He is a Christian and puts weight in his relationship with God and his family didn't want to come here.

It would be the end of Mitch if we can't get Dan Hurley or Billy Donovan
Ridiculous, nobody really has a clue about what is happening. Most everything we have heard has been conjecture, speculation and rumor. I personally think Mitch played Cal like a fiddle to get him out without paying him. I would be VERY surprised if he didn’t know that cal was shopping. He let him have enough rope to hang himself. Cal nullified his contract, then Mitch told him he couldn’t stay. I really feel like Hurley might actually be the guy but can’t announce yet. I think his ego wants him on the big stage, that’s never going to be UCONN. Hold on and wait to see what Mitch has.
Nah, according to some, Mitch ONLY talked to Drew. He hasn't had discussions with ANYONE else, JUST Drew.
I'll say this... If they were really that close the decision should of been made privately between the two.

No need for this circus and to embarrass the University of Kentucky.

Interesting point. Are you suggesting they are not as close as some repeat? Can’t be!!

Maybe, Mitch told Scott that he knows Scott is staying at Baylor, but Mitch wanted to make Scott more money before landing his coach? BFFs!! :)
What are some of you miserable people going to complain about after Mitch moves on? You'll have to find another hobby rather than just screaming that he should be fired all the time.
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The Drew family that is the family of Baylor head coach Drew Scott doesn't get the fans attention. The Drew family of the potential head coach of Kentucky gets the attention.
Also, there are reports out that Mitch and Hurley meet via Zoom yesterday. IF Hurley ends up being the hire, some of you are going to like pretty stupid, actually for some of you, it would be a normal circumstance.
Kneejerk, clueless, non thought provoked post, some of you live by it.

Hurley, as in Danny, has to be an extreme long shot.

That said, I could see Mitch telling Danny, “I want to talk, but I don’t want to in any way detract from your historic victory.” Hitting on Danny while he is celebrating with his current love probably puts Danny in a tough position.
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Regardless Mitch embarrassed himself and the university with the drew love affair. Even if it is Hurley the push for Drew and flying him out here doesn’t just go away.

Apparently you haven't done a lot of interviews. This is so common that it isn't even funny. Even UK has had numerous candidates turn us down over the years.

In fantasyland the AD might have called Drew and said, "Hey, if Cal ever leaves would you come and coach at UK?'' Mitch was stuck with a contract. It would have been inappropriate for him to be shopping for a replacement with Cal under contract.

Interestingly, I just dealt with the same issue yesterday. Someone was seeking a replacement for an employee who is under contract. Needless to say, this was a mess.
Interesting point. Are you suggesting they are not as close as some repeat? Can’t be!!

Maybe, Mitch told Scott that he knows Scott is staying at Baylor, but Mitch wanted to make Scott more money before landing his coach? BFFs!! :)

No telling... my best guess is that Drew thought his family would be up for it and they said no.

Only thing that would make sense to me if these two were that close. Otherwise it looks really bad on Mitch.