Things I appreciate in other people


Silver Member
Nov 2, 2022
1. People who can take the piss out of themselves. Nobody needs to be 100% serious all the time and the people who can have a few laughs at their own expense are the kind of people I want to be around.

2. People who have well reasoned, informed opinions about a variety of things even if I disagree.

People who say “all republicans are evil fascists out to create a dictatorship” turn me off. I have Republican friends. Most of them are disturbed by the direction their party has taken and being hijacked by lunatics. We disagree on some fundamental issues but they’re good people and we don’t hate each other.

Same with people who scream “All democrats are evil commie Marxist baby killers and want to turn all the children into trans gays” I disagree with a lot of Democratic policies but I’m not going to listen to lunatics.

3. People who help other people with their time more than their money. A lot of people can write a check and feel good about themselves. Pat themselves on the back. It’s the people who use their time to get out in their community and help that are the real ones to me.

My family and I all do homeless outreach. We give our time. We talk to the people struggling. Make sure they know they’re not invisible and they matter.

My daughter did a toy drive at her school last Christmas to help a local DV Shelter and we took the toys to the kids and she interacted and played with those kids just like they were her normal friends for hours. Didn’t treat them any different. It made a difference. Not just the toys but giving friendship to those kids. We all just do more of that in the world.

4. I’ve been blessed with a good life. My kids don’t want for anything. I’ve got a beautiful home. Great job. I’m married to the love of my life. People who can just stop for a moment and be thankful for what they do have instead of worrying about what somebody else has or how they can get that…yeah I appreciate those types of people.
1. People who can take the piss out of themselves. Nobody needs to be 100% serious all the time and the people who can have a few laughs at their own expense are the kind of people I want to be around.

2. People who have well reasoned, informed opinions about a variety of things even if I disagree.

People who say “all republicans are evil fascists out to create a dictatorship” turn me off. I have Republican friends. Most of them are disturbed by the direction their party has taken and being hijacked by lunatics. We disagree on some fundamental issues but they’re good people and we don’t hate each other.

Same with people who scream “All democrats are evil commie Marxist baby killers and want to turn all the children into trans gays” I disagree with a lot of Democratic policies but I’m not going to listen to lunatics.

3. People who help other people with their time more than their money. A lot of people can write a check and feel good about themselves. Pat themselves on the back. It’s the people who use their time to get out in their community and help that are the real ones to me.

My family and I all do homeless outreach. We give our time. We talk to the people struggling. Make sure they know they’re not invisible and they matter.

My daughter did a toy drive at her school last Christmas to help a local DV Shelter and we took the toys to the kids and she interacted and played with those kids just like they were her normal friends for hours. Didn’t treat them any different. It made a difference. Not just the toys but giving friendship to those kids. We all just do more of that in the world.

4. I’ve been blessed with a good life. My kids don’t want for anything. I’ve got a beautiful home. Great job. I’m married to the love of my life. People who can just stop for a moment and be thankful for what they do have instead of worrying about what somebody else has or how they can get that…yeah I appreciate those types of people.
So, you're a rich, virtue signalling, whiny liberal....
I appreciate honesty, especially when it's most difficult; simple humor; complex humor; people that don't take themselves too seriously; giving anonymously, or without expecting to recieve; blue collar workers; people who respect nature; and my friends/family that put up with me.

I’ve been married 17 years and now my wife just goes “you know you’re an idiot right?” And I just respond “yep, but I’m your idiot!”
An empathetic person in a situation that calls for it and it is genuine. Like seeing a unicorn now. Facebook and social media has created such a fake shallow culture that you might go 10 years without seeing one even in your peripheral vision.
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1. People who can take the piss out of themselves. Nobody needs to be 100% serious all the time and the people who can have a few laughs at their own expense are the kind of people I want to be around.

2. People who have well reasoned, informed opinions about a variety of things even if I disagree.

People who say “all republicans are evil fascists out to create a dictatorship” turn me off. I have Republican friends. Most of them are disturbed by the direction their party has taken and being hijacked by lunatics. We disagree on some fundamental issues but they’re good people and we don’t hate each other.

Same with people who scream “All democrats are evil commie Marxist baby killers and want to turn all the children into trans gays” I disagree with a lot of Democratic policies but I’m not going to listen to lunatics.

3. People who help other people with their time more than their money. A lot of people can write a check and feel good about themselves. Pat themselves on the back. It’s the people who use their time to get out in their community and help that are the real ones to me.

My family and I all do homeless outreach. We give our time. We talk to the people struggling. Make sure they know they’re not invisible and they matter.

My daughter did a toy drive at her school last Christmas to help a local DV Shelter and we took the toys to the kids and she interacted and played with those kids just like they were her normal friends for hours. Didn’t treat them any different. It made a difference. Not just the toys but giving friendship to those kids. We all just do more of that in the world.

4. I’ve been blessed with a good life. My kids don’t want for anything. I’ve got a beautiful home. Great job. I’m married to the love of my life. People who can just stop for a moment and be thankful for what they do have instead of worrying about what somebody else has or how they can get that…yeah I appreciate those types of people.
Before I read a single response, I'm going to tell you that I agree with what you wrote here. I hate the fact that people can't agree that we all want the same result, but disagree how to get there. And, are not willing to work together, compromise each position to work our way there. Instead, people say that liberals want this, or conservatives want that, when we all just want a great place to live. I also give time to homeless, and get pissed when people honk at me for stopping at a red light to hand a homeless person a bag of fast food. I'm old, but have lived a charmed life and really feel for the people that struggle. Bless you for your work and your understanding.

Having said that, I'll bet you that I can't get to comment 10 without someone making this thread political and calling you a liberal that wants to destroy everything sacred. I hope I'm wrong.
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Self awareness is another. I know my flaws (drinking gin and getting on this site is one of them). The whole "glass houses" thing is real. Also, if everyone just respected everyone else, despite the others' wealth, job, religion or race our state and country would be a much better place.
Sense of humor. People that make me laugh will get a lot more leeway for things that piss me off. I agree with above about being late. I've fired dudes for being late but I've let it slide a few times for people that were funny and worked well while they were there.
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