The Ukraine war. (Yes, we'll mind our manners)

Why do we give a shit about Taiwan?

If the answer is chip manufacturing, we’d be a hell of a lot better off setting up manufacturing plants in the Midwest, than we are blowing hundreds of billions of dollars and goodwill funding Ukraine to prevent China from thinking they can take Taiwan.
You make it sound so simple. Typical of the anti-Ukraine support crowd here.


It’s in their Constitution. 🤦‍♂️
Am saddened to have forgotten what this conversation was about, my Big Blue Brother

BUT - i bet we could hash it out over a strong Shirley Temple Pilot or whatever

PS - Im on bereavement leave currently for two weeks

Lost my momma today
Hell of an Appalachian lady

Family gathering fm scattered locations now

Hug your loved ones
Its never too early to plan for elder care

peace, my people -

Sorry for you and your family’s loss. May her memory be a blessing.
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We SHOULD support Taiwan fm Communist takeover

But - I wont belabor that point - ive made it often enough here

What we are seeing is a much wider, global war erupting stage by stage -

What does it everyone think about the US moving in to assist with pending Israeli atrikes against Lebanon?

And the apparent union (anschlus?) of shiite and sunni elements against Israel (Hez - Yemen - Houthis - Taliban)

Pathetic thing is the ppl pushing and driving for war aren't going to do much dying in it. -

War Pigs

In May 2022, Sachs said that the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 would be hard to beat and that Finland's moves to join NATO would undermine a negotiated peace: "All of this talk of defeating Russia, to my mind, is reckless."[69] In June 2022, he co-signed an open letter calling for a "ceasefire" in the war, questioning Western countries' continuing military support for Ukraine.[70]

In 2022, he appeared twice on one of the top-rated shows funded by the Russian government, hosted by Vladimir Solovyov, to call for Ukraine to negotiate and step away from its "maximalist demands" of removing Russia from Ukrainian territory.[71]

Sachs has suggested that the U.S. was responsible for the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipeline. In February 2023, he was invited by the Russian government to address the United Nations Security Council about the topic.[72][26]
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Sick source!

Andrew Korybko​


I'm a Moscow-based American political analyst specializing in the global systemic transition to multipolarity.
In May 2022, Sachs said that the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 would be hard to beat and that Finland's moves to join NATO would undermine a negotiated peace: "All of this talk of defeating Russia, to my mind, is reckless."[69] In June 2022, he co-signed an open letter calling for a "ceasefire" in the war, questioning Western countries' continuing military support for Ukraine.[70]

In 2022, he appeared twice on one of the top-rated shows funded by the Russian government, hosted by Vladimir Solovyov, to call for Ukraine to negotiate and step away from its "maximalist demands" of removing Russia from Ukrainian territory.[71]

Sachs has suggested that the U.S. was responsible for the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipeline. In February 2023, he was invited by the Russian government to address the United Nations Security Council about the topic.[72][26]
In May 2022, Sachs said that the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 would be hard to beat and that Finland's moves to join NATO would undermine a negotiated peace: "All of this talk of defeating Russia, to my mind, is reckless."[69] In June 2022, he co-signed an open letter calling for a "ceasefire" in the war, questioning Western countries' continuing military support for Ukraine.[70]

In 2022, he appeared twice on one of the top-rated shows funded by the Russian government, hosted by Vladimir Solovyov, to call for Ukraine to negotiate and step away from its "maximalist demands" of removing Russia from Ukrainian territory.[71]

Sachs has suggested that the U.S. was responsible for the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipeline. In February 2023, he was invited by the Russian government to address the United Nations Security Council about the topic.[72][26]
I mean we did bomb Nord Stream.
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I mean we did bomb Nord Stream.

Unfortunately, that’s not how things work for the warhawks.

Facts, if said on Russian tv become untrue. So even if the US did play a major role in blowing up the pipeline, it’s only true if it’s allowed to be said on one of the US corporate media outlets. If it’s not a US government approved message funneled through one of their mouthpieces places at the major media outlets in the US, it’s propaganda.
Unfortunately, that’s not how things work for the warhawks.

Facts, if said on Russian tv become untrue. So even if the US did play a major role in blowing up the pipeline, it’s only true if it’s allowed to be said on one of the US corporate media outlets. If it’s not a US government approved message funneled through one of their mouthpieces places at the major media outlets in the US, it’s propaganda.
This is a wild take.
Reposting from Kim Dotcom is a new low, even for you.
"Shooting the messenger" (also "killing the messenger" or "attacking the messenger" or "blaming the bearer of bad tidings / the doom monger") is a metaphoric phrase used to describe the act of blaming the bearer of bad news, despite the bearer or messenger having no direct responsibility for the bad news or its consequences.[1]
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It's also a straw man.

It's not just you here on the catpaw who can't make your pro-war arguments without them, flavored by your stupid insults.
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And of course, people profiting from pushing Russian propaganda, are going to tell you what you want to hear.

No. Truth is the first casualty in war; if there's one thing you can be absolutely certain, the narrative presented to you is no better than what is served them.
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It’s war. There’s gonna be propaganda from each side. I really don’t see much about the actual fighting on the ground. What is the current situation? Who’s making gains? Or is it in a stalemate at the moment?
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It’s war. There’s gonna be propaganda from each side. I really don’t see much about the actual fighting on the ground. What is the current situation? Who’s making gains? Or is it in a stalemate at the moment?
Russians are getting slaughtered in Vochansk. A nato official said they're losing around 1,000 KIA a day. And they're currently pulling units out, because they're combat ineffective. And rotating fresh units in.
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It’s war. There’s gonna be propaganda from each side. I really don’t see much about the actual fighting on the ground. What is the current situation? Who’s making gains? Or is it in a stalemate at the moment?

The same experts media manipulation and brainwashing which strung the world along through Covid are now stringing it along to think Ukraine can win after 2 years where nothing has changed but hundreds of thouisands dead.

And it's propaganda 101, label the inconvenient facts you can't contend with as enemy propaganda, aiding the enemy.
The same experts media manipulation and brainwashing which strung the world along through Covid are now stringing it along to think Ukraine can win after 2 years where nothing has changed but hundreds of thouisands dead.

And it's propaganda 101, label facts you can't contend with as propaganda or aiding the enemy.
The ''facts'' have been contended. You simply wave them off. NATO and the US want to bleed Russia dry of manpower and armor. This is a war of attrition.
I'm sure you'll be posting the Russian Defense Ministry saying that the deaths and injuries came from Russian Air Defense engaging the missiles right over this beach area, causing the destroyed missile fragments to fall on the people, right?

Wrong, I don't know what happened.

That's the difference, one of many, between you and me: I'm not talking out of my ass all the time. All I care about it is that it happened and didn't need to.
Wrong, I don't know what happened.

That's the difference, one of many, between you and me: I'm not talking out of my ass all the time.
Yet you ran to post that tweet, because it fit your narrative? Ukraine was targeting the naval base near that beach with ATACMS. The russian's intercepted the missles and the fragments (cluster) fell on the beachgoers.

But you saw a tweet (shocking, what a free thinker) saying Ukraine bombed innocent russians and ran to post it here. SeverelyDevelopmentallyChallenged888 stikes again.
Yet you ran to post that tweet, because it fit your narrative? Ukraine was targeting the naval base near that beach with ATACMS. The russian's intercepted the missles and the fragments (cluster) fell on the beachgoers.

But you saw a tweet (shocking, what a free thinker) saying Ukraine bombed innocent russians and ran to post it here. SeverelyDevelopmentallyChallenged888 stikes again.

That wasn't the point of the tweet, nor why I posted it.
They'd already left or were/are rich and connected, but still. Given that their average aged infantryman is 40-something, I'm sure they're gonna win that war of attrition you're salivating for.

As long as you ignore all consequences on the global stage now and in the future. This is about more than Ukraine. This is about Taiwan and the Arctic and the future. Cave now and the next thirty years are a lot worse for all of us. Investment in the future is necessary whether you like the cost or not
The people who surrendered to the Taliban are still in charge. I'm not sure you appreciate how inept our leadership is. It's one thing to talk tough on the internet but people are going to be in harms way and most of the kids in our country will wave Palestinian flags and burn US flags. We need to take care of our country for a while and heal some stuff.
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