The Ukraine war. (Yes, we'll mind our manners)

I've also heard reports that Egypt is going to do naval maneuvers with Russia in the Suez area this summer.

Those chickens are coming home to roost and we've got a big turkey in the oval office.
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Is there not a fleet of Russian warships off the coast of Florida?

Did the US not enter into an agreement with Japan for joint development, production and repair of military equipment?
Ignore all the buzzwords I guess…

“upcoming war”
“rogue submarine”
Nope... Everything is fine. Just US made f16's parked in nato countries shooting targets inside Russia.... It's all just a joke to you.
Putin already said that doesn't cross their nuclear red line. Quit being such a puss.
LOL. That source. LOL.
Putin said that he does not think such an ‘exceptional’ case has arisen, so “there is no such need for Russia to use nuclear weapons.”

“Our nuclear doctrine calls for the use of nuclear weapons in exceptional cases – either as a response to an aggression committed against Russia and its allies… or as a response to the use of other weapons of mass destruction against Russia.”
“But in this case, we don’t see any need for that, there is no such need so far,” he said
Is the Russian sub armed with nukes? I was under the impression it was only nuclear powered? It is concerning to me that the Russians can just casually cruise off our East coast. What if the Chinese decide to do the same off our West coast? I’m not sure our military in its current state is ready to defend. I know it’s all highly unlikely, but what if they decide now is the best opportunity they’re ever gonna have?
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Is the Russian sub armed with nukes? I was under the impression it was only nuclear powered? It is concerning to me that the Russians can just casually cruise off our East coast. What if the Chinese decide to do the same off our West coast? I’m not sure our military in its current state is ready to defend. I know it’s all highly unlikely, but what if they decide now is the best opportunity they’re ever gonna have?
No, the sub is not armed with Nukes. It's armed with hypersonic missles that carry conventional warheads.

Russia nuclear-powered submarine to visit Cuba amid rising tensions with US​

Russian sub – joined by three other naval vessels – will not be carrying nuclear weapons, authorities in Havana said as they announced the visit

And lol if you think Russia or China is gonna straight up attack the US homeland. That would be suicide for both of them and they know it.
No, the sub is not armed with Nukes. It's armed with hypersonic missles that carry conventional warheads.

Russia nuclear-powered submarine to visit Cuba amid rising tensions with US​

Russian sub – joined by three other naval vessels – will not be carrying nuclear weapons, authorities in Havana said as they announced the visit

And lol if you think Russia or China is gonna straight up attack the US homeland. That would be suicide for both of them and they know it.
Probably not. But i don’t share your overwhelming confidence in our current military leadership.
Is the Russian sub armed with nukes? I was under the impression it was only nuclear powered? It is concerning to me that the Russians can just casually cruise off our East coast. What if the Chinese decide to do the same off our West coast? I’m not sure our military in its current state is ready to defend. I know it’s all highly unlikely, but what if they decide now is the best opportunity they’re ever gonna have?
we don't know. RR is saying what he needs to say in order to feel good about pumping up the escalation at every point.... and it's not the only sub they've launched. They sent 2 last year armed with nukes and the "tsunami" weapon. It can supposedly take out NYC and DC with nukes detonated under the ocean miles away. The resulting wave would be 20 to 100 ft tall.

This is all unnecessary and it's ridiculous to keep pushing further just to cover up shady deals in Ukr under Obama/Biden.
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we don't know. RR is saying what he needs to say in order to feel good about pumping up the escalation at every point.... and it's not the only sub they've launched. They sent 2 last year armed with nukes and the "tsunami" weapon. It can supposedly take out NYC and DC with nukes detonated under the ocean miles away. The resulting wave would be 20 to 100 ft tall.

This is all unnecessary and it's ridiculous to keep pushing further just to cover up shady deals in Ukr under Obama/Biden.
No, they didn't. And lol at believing Russian hype about their weapons.

And thanks for finally coming clean about why you oppose Ukraine. It's not about saving lives, it's about pwning the libs. As usual with you partsians.
No, they didn't. And lol at believing Russian hype about their weapons.

And thanks for finally coming clean about why you oppose Ukraine. It's not about saving lives, it's about pwning the libs. As usual with you partsians.
Dang you are so tough.
HMT is pissing his pants over, a frigate, a sub (with no nukes onboard), a supply ship (with fuel) and a SALVAGE TUG.
HMT is pissing his pants over, a frigate, a sub (with no nukes onboard), a supply ship (with fuel) and a SALVAGE TUG.
Yea. I'm not as tough as you are. I guess I should ingore everything I read or hear that isn't just full blown pro Ukr propaganda that way I can pretend to be as tough as you.... typing on a computer.
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Yea. I'm not as tough as you are. I guess I should ingore everything I read or hear that isn't just full blown pro Ukr propaganda that way I can pretend to be as tough as you.... typing on a computer.
Sure thing, comrade.
Putin said that he does not think such an ‘exceptional’ case has arisen, so “there is no such need for Russia to use nuclear weapons.”

“But in this case, we don’t see any need for that, there is no such need so far,” he said

I wonder why he was asked. 🙄
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Is the Russian sub armed with nukes? I was under the impression it was only nuclear powered? It is concerning to me that the Russians can just casually cruise off our East coast. What if the Chinese decide to do the same off our West coast? I’m not sure our military in its current state is ready to defend. I know it’s all highly unlikely, but what if they decide now is the best opportunity they’re ever gonna have?

This is a great point and something the media often intentionally conflates to make things sound worse. The fact a Russian sub is anywhere near is bad enough. No need to lie and make it sound worse.

All that said, many said this escalation would happen. Surely the Ukraine energy checks to Hunter (and undoubtedly many others in Congress in both sides) were more than covered by now. Stop this stupidity before we're at actual war with people who would've left us alone.
This is fairly routine and has been going on for decades, Russian ships navigate in international waters 12 miles off the coast - let’s all freak out! I’m more concerned about the Chinese balloons that flew over military installations and all of the Chinese-owned farmland around sensitive military bases, that our feckless government allowed to happen.

The Russians on these ships are literally on a vacation to Cuba and soaking it all in, instead of being sunk or destroyed in Crimea which seems to now be common for the Russian navy. Can assure they don’t want to return to the Black Sea.
This is fairly routine and has been going on for decades, Russian ships navigate in international waters 12 miles off the coast - let’s all freak out! I’m more concerned about the Chinese balloons that flew over military installations and all of the Chinese-owned farmland around sensitive military bases, that our feckless government allowed to happen.

The Russians on these ships are literally on a vacation to Cuba and soaking it all in, instead of being sunk or destroyed in Crimea which seems to now be common for the Russian navy. Can assure they don’t want to return to the Black Sea.

Yeah, the Russians who we are supposed to believe want to conquer the West are just on a vacation to Cuba. Whew!
Is the Russian sub armed with nukes? I was under the impression it was only nuclear powered? It is concerning to me that the Russians can just casually cruise off our East coast. What if the Chinese decide to do the same off our West coast? I’m not sure our military in its current state is ready to defend. I know it’s all highly unlikely, but what if they decide now is the best opportunity they’re ever gonna have?
They're in international waters. That's further out than "casually cruising off our East coast". Talk about sensationalizing.
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I was being facetious, you dolt.

Yeah, sure:

“The Russians on these ships are literally on a vacation to Cuba and soaking it all in, instead of being sunk or destroyed in Crimea which seems to now be common for the Russian navy. Can assure they don’t want to return to the Black Sea.”

Literally facetious. Gotcha.
