The Ukraine war. (Yes, we'll mind our manners)

As if the inevitable wasn't always inevitable. Russia is going to do what they want over there. We can accept it, support resistance, or inflame the globe. I'm betting the braniacs leading our show are regretting the second option, because it doesn't work and leaves only the other two.

They definitely don't regret it because it's lining their pockets. A large group of very smart people don't make mistakes of this magnitude. It's intentional.
Ukraine is done without a massive influx of soldiers. They are getting pushed on 4 front now and Ukraine just doesn't have any reserves left... They had to pull 3 brigades off the fronts in the south to help reinforce Kharkiv. I don't even think Russia would negotiate now.
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“Article 83 of the Ukrainian Constitution states that if the term of the Verkhovna Rada expires under martial law, it shall automatically be extended until a new Rada is seated following the end of martial law. Article 19 of Ukraine’s martial law legislation specifically forbids conducting national elections. Thus, for Ukraine to conduct elections while under martial law would be a violation of legal norms that predate Zelensky and the full-scale Russian invasion. “

Foreign Policy magazine if you want to look it up. Zelensky didn’t “suspend elections”.
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“Article 83 of the Ukrainian Constitution states that if the term of the Verkhovna Rada expires under martial law, it shall automatically be extended until a new Rada is seated following the end of martial law. Article 19 of Ukraine’s martial law legislation specifically forbids conducting national elections. Thus, for Ukraine to conduct elections while under martial law would be a violation of legal norms that predate Zelensky and the full-scale Russian invasion. “

Foreign Policy magazine if you want to look it up. Zelensky didn’t “suspend elections”.

Can you ban opposition political parties under martial law so that your extension of martial law is rubber stamped by supporters and you stay in power for ever?
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Can you ban opposition political parties under martial law so that your extension of martial law is rubber stamped by supporters and you stay in power for ever?
Are you saying you’re shocked that a Pro-Russia party would be banned by Ukraine after they were invaded?

Not saying it’s right or wrong, just pointing out that it’s in their Constitution and the current leader didn’t do this on a whim.
Reuters: Putin wants Ukraine ceasefire on current frontlines

MOSCOW/LONDON, May 24 (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin is ready to halt the war in Ukraine with a negotiated ceasefire that recognises the current battlefield lines, four Russian sources told Reuters, saying he is prepared to fight on if Kyiv and the West do not respond.

Three of the sources, familiar with discussions in Putin's entourage, said the veteran Russian leader had expressed frustration to a small group of advisers about what he views as Western-backed attempts to stymie negotiations and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy's decision to rule out talks.

I wonder what extent this played:

Reuters: Two more Russian officials arrested in widening military corruption probe
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I've heard it said that it was more trolling than a serious offer. Putin wasn't invited to the "peace talks" coming up so this is his way of throwing a turd in the punch bowl for those who are going. It would give China ammo to argue with and will futher divide nato by nations that want a war and those who do not.
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Are you saying you’re shocked that a Pro-Russia party would be banned by Ukraine after they were invaded?

Not saying it’s right or wrong, just pointing out that it’s in their Constitution and the current leader didn’t do this on a whim.

No I’m shocked any American would defend us sending money to support it while pretending we’re “protecting democracy” in the region.
I've heard it said that it was more trolling than a serious offer. Putin wasn't invited to the "peace talks" coming up so this is his way of throwing a turd in the punch bowl for those who are going. It would give China ammo to argue with and will futher divide nato by nations that want a war and those who do not.
You've heard? Are you an insider? Tight with Russia?
I’d like to think these are not our newest weapons. Supposedly they’re not. Otherwise we are foolishly showing the Chinese some weaknesses.
Everything we show off we already have new verisons ready to go or close to it. That no one knows about. If we show stuff off it's for a reason. You bet your ass all the top secret tech is hidden as a surprise for our enemies. Should war come.
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Nothing wrong with being skeptical. Pretending you know the total truth of the matter is the problem.

Yeah that's fair and advisable -

for the record I've always LOVED having a UK audience to post & interact with because I lived outside KY for a good 30 yrs - LOVE this connection

And i am a shitty liar
Zero poker face

I would be appalled if anyone thought i was trying to LARP or grandstand or whatever -

i DEFINITELY was wrong on how I thought the Eurasian conflict would escalate and at what rate

Go cats, Mfers!!!
I saw where we are funding Ukraine at a higher level than the United States Marine Corp. War pigs can explain how this is acceptable.

Embarrassing and an enormous waste of resources - further squandering of international good will

We could be doing MUCH more productive and helpful things with the resources this country had available

Does it make sense that while i was squarely an employee of the MIC for a couple of decades - I wasn't a war monger whatsoever

Hell, imma lover , cuz
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Everything we show off we already have new verisons ready to go or close to it. That no one knows about. If we show stuff off it's for a reason. You bet your ass all the top secret tech is hidden as a surprise for our enemies. Should war come.

It’s interesting that the public thinks our war machine is so incredibly advanced and that we have all this hidden tech that no one has yet seen. Because someone has round tabled various ideas and possibilities, we just think it’s already for play.
I saw where we are funding Ukraine at a higher level than the United States Marine Corp. War pigs can explain how this is acceptable.

It's almost like somewhere in the halls of establishment statism - theres an understanding that the current world economic order ..... is soon disappearing

Anywho - anybody here ever get gout?
That shit right there - is the devils work
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Funding the Ukraine war is literally the biggest no brainer in history. If you trust Peter Zeihan (a fellow Grehan alum along with myself and probably many others on here), if the Ruskies are successful in colonizing Ukraine, they are heading for Poland next. That would require the United States to fight a hot war with Russia -- something Putin may be banking on as that lunatic prepares to exit this mortal coil.

So I don't really know what you momos are raving about. We are killing the foot soldiers of the nearest thing to Hitler the world has seen in a while, getting to experiment with what happens when near peer nations fight, and doing it relatively cheaply.

I consider that to be about the only good part of a conflict that seems inevitably poised to expand and, potentially, become intertwined with the Israel/Gaza/Iran war. If Ukraine is run by crooked deviants or whatever, I don't really care. Their citizens are doing the Lord's rok and we ought to support the hell out of them, imo.
It’s interesting that the public thinks our war machine is so incredibly advanced and that we have all this hidden tech that no one has yet seen. Because someone has round tables various ideas and possibilities, we just think it’s already for play.

Yeah it cuts both ways I think

There's absolutely certain technology & applications that haven't been used and people generally wouldn't have any sense was "real@

And then there are examples of where the US went BACKWARDS regarding our capabilities vs RUS / CHi

our ICBMs - unilaterally removing our MIRV capabilities while obtaining zero reciprocation fm potential adversaries - that was a very poor decision IMO

But to your point - irrespective of what we are developing or fielding - a frightening number of ppl seem to have carte blanche faith in the US military to "win"

Not enough ppl seeing the over extended and ineffective characteristics of our armed services

Anyone here believe that we will see a military draft reinstated in the next 3-5 yrs?

Curious if anyone thinks about that?

Women & "non citizens" probably new categories of fresh meat for world peace
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Always good to see what I call the Putin paradox rear it's head.

That's where Putin is both a Hitler-esque evil genius hell bent on and capable of world domination while also not being able to defeat a rag tag bunch of scrubs, at least some of which actually want to be russian, who are apparently using guns that fire us dollars (maybe $20 bills given the amount).

So either they're incapable of any serious threat or their motives are mischaracterized by MSM and self serving politicians. Easy part is - it really doesn't matter because either path leads to the actual easiest answer which is to shut off the us money valve.
Always good to see what I call the Putin paradox rear it's head.

That's where Putin is both a Hitler-esque evil genius hell bent on and capable of world domination while also not being able to defeat a rag tag bunch of scrubs, at least some of which actually want to be russian, who are apparently using guns that fire us dollars (maybe $20 bills given the amount).

So either they're incapable of any serious threat or their motives are mischaracterized by MSM and self serving politicians. Easy part is - it really doesn't matter because either path leads to the actual easiest answer which is to shut off the us money valve.
He doesn't have to be a genius to have visions of Russian grandeur. Net, that's a red herring. As long as his vision exists he can cause trouble until stopped. How much is a matter of opinion. China/NK/Iran will continue helping him.

So the US drops out. What stops him from continuing on to wherever? Certainly us dropping out gives him reason to continue forward.
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Who has demonstrated more military incursions and aggression in the last 20 yrs?

The US / British alliance thingy

honest question that hopefully lessens the tendency to frame Russia as an unquestionable belligerent. - while ignoring all the military incursions , coups / color revolutions and economic sanctions that the "West" has launched

Do you think Russia has more cultural ties with Ukraine - or would you say the US has more cultural ties and cred?
Funding the Ukraine war is literally the biggest no brainer in history. If you trust Peter Zeihan (a fellow Grehan alum along with myself and probably many others on here), if the Ruskies are successful in colonizing Ukraine, they are heading for Poland next. That would require the United States to fight a hot war with Russia -- something Putin may be banking on as that lunatic prepares to exit this mortal coil.

So I don't really know what you momos are raving about. We are killing the foot soldiers of the nearest thing to Hitler the world has seen in a while, getting to experiment with what happens when near peer nations fight, and doing it relatively cheaply.

I consider that to be about the only good part of a conflict that seems inevitably poised to expand and, potentially, become intertwined with the Israel/Gaza/Iran war. If Ukraine is run by crooked deviants or whatever, I don't really care. Their citizens are doing the Lord's rok and we ought to support the hell out of them, imo.

Funding the war is the biggest no brainer in history?

Seems like not allowing Ukraine into NATO and high level US officials not discussing it openly would have been a bigger no brainer.

Given the track record over the past few decades, I don’t “trust” any “experts” in foreign policy when their positions align with exactly what makes US defense contractors and government officials the most money, and particularly when the position can’t withstand a single ounce of critical thought.

And if it’s so important for Russia to suffer defeat in Ukraine, why don’t we have US boots on the ground? Ukraine is losing.

Why haven’t we stepped in to take out Putin? If he’s the nearest thing we’ve seen to Hitler, allowing him to live and control a nuclear arsenal is irresponsible. Weapons that powerful should only be in the hands of the mentally incapacitated head of the US military.
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He doesn't have to be a genius to have visions of Russian grandeur. Net, that's a red herring. As long as his vision exists he can cause trouble until stopped. How much is a matter of opinion. China/NK/Iran will continue helping him.

So the US drops out. What stops him from continuing on to wherever? Certainly us dropping out gives him reason to continue forward.

If he can't defeat a ragtag group of skinheads, it doesn't matter what he dreams of.

If we're on to dreams and desires, the our focus should be on north Korea and absolutely china. Both of whom, especially china, show waaaaaay more intent on taking over the world. It's amazing china is literally taking over the world while everyone is conveniently focused on the Russian Boogeyman.

The reality is Russia is doing exactly what they said they would do if the West kept moving NATO resources closer. They're doing exactly that, no more no less. But that doesn't get the money flowing so that can't be discussed. Truth is Russia could easily flatten Ukraine if that's truly what they intended.

So either he is incompetent and incapable or he's capable but has no intent. Either way we should be out of it and stop spending money while also jeopardizing open war.
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Funding the Ukraine war is literally the biggest no brainer in history. If you trust Peter Zeihan (a fellow Grehan alum along with myself and probably many others on here), if the Ruskies are successful in colonizing Ukraine, they are heading for Poland next. That would require the United States to fight a hot war with Russia -- something Putin may be banking on as that lunatic prepares to exit this mortal coil.
Oh please, just stop with the domino theory. Our government used that during the Vietnam War & it was just as nonsensical then as it is now. All the US managed to do during Vietnam was kill off 58,000 lower & middle class Americans & believe me, they're now just itching to kill off a few million if they can, while enriching themselves along the way.
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If he can't defeat a ragtag group of skinheads, it doesn't matter what he dreams of.

If we're on to dreams and desires, the our focus should be on north Korea and absolutely china. Both of whom, especially china, show waaaaaay more intent on taking over the world. It's amazing china is literally taking over the world while everyone is conveniently focused on the Russian Boogeyman.

The reality is Russia is doing exactly what they said they would do if the West kept moving NATO resources closer. They're doing exactly that, no more no less. But that doesn't get the money flowing so that can't be discussed. Truth is Russia could easily flatten Ukraine if that's truly what they intended.

So either he is incompetent and incapable or he's capable but has no intent. Either way we should be out of it and stop spending money while also jeopardizing open war.
Sure. Russia has nukes. Net, they don't want to flatten, they want to rule. Not hard.

So you don't think Russia will seek to rule Ukraine when we pull out? Seriously?

I agree the focus should be on China. But why NK? They're less capable than your Russia.
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Sure. Russia has nukes. Net, they don't want to flatten, they want to rule. Not hard.

So you don't think Russia will seek to rule Ukraine when we pull out? Seriously?

I agree the focus should be on China. But why NK? They're less capable they your Russia.
NK is laughable. But they do have nukes. So it gets messy there.
Funding the Ukraine war is literally the biggest no brainer in history. If you trust Peter Zeihan (a fellow Grehan alum along with myself and probably many others on here), if the Ruskies are successful in colonizing Ukraine, they are heading for Poland next. That would require the United States to fight a hot war with Russia -- something Putin may be banking on as that lunatic prepares to exit this mortal coil.

So I don't really know what you momos are raving about. We are killing the foot soldiers of the nearest thing to Hitler the world has seen in a while, getting to experiment with what happens when near peer nations fight, and doing it relatively cheaply.

I consider that to be about the only good part of a conflict that seems inevitably poised to expand and, potentially, become intertwined with the Israel/Gaza/Iran war. If Ukraine is run by crooked deviants or whatever, I don't really care. Their citizens are doing the Lord's rok and we ought to support the hell out of them, imo.
At this point Poland would kick the shit out of Russia from a defensive position in a conventional war. No way Putin attempts that in the near future. He will be long dead before they’re capable.