The modern game dictates that we can't have our bigs chilling in the post clogging the lane.

If your big man is an unstoppable offense threat then you can do whatever you want, even a defensive shot blocker is fine to park in the paint. What you can’t have is big men that don’t have effective post moves that get taken off the dribble in defense because they’re too slow.

The Kansas big man got exposed on defense which would have been fine if they couldn’t stop him on offense but he was just a put back dunker more or less. I can see our bigs getting exposed against the right opponent, it’s up to Cal to change the lineup quickly and abandon them if it occurs.

If UK gets exposed with its bigs chasing shooters around the perimeter, I agree. Go with PJ, Johnson as your 5/4 and three guards.

Cal loves slopping it up in March/April with games in the 60s, but he's preached the Gospel of "You've got to be able to score" and "you can't let your opponent take you out of your game" lately. If he means it, go small and dictate tempo. Don't play into the opponents' scheme by slowing the game down and turning it into a grind it out. Speed the game up, maximize possessions, and let your skill advantage dictate the final outcome.
As one fan said, "You're just a space-eater!"

I was shocked and laughed a lot at that but I guess there is some truth to it.
Haven’t we been beaten a number of times recently by clogging the lanes? Pretty sure with our lack of consistent shooting the past couple of seasons that this has been the most effective strategy against us.
If your big man is an unstoppable offense threat then you can do whatever you want, even a defensive shot blocker is fine to park in the paint. What you can’t have is big men that don’t have effective post moves that get taken off the dribble in defense because they’re too slow.

The Kansas big man got exposed on defense which would have been fine if they couldn’t stop him on offense but he was just a put back dunker more or less. I can see our bigs getting exposed against the right opponent, it’s up to Cal to change the lineup quickly and abandon them if it occurs.
This... What ever scores more points than your opponent is the correct line up.
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This isnt the NBA. Dont get it twisted. Didnt a bigman UNC team just win 2 years ago? Is that modern enough.?
This gets thrown up all the time every time the need for shooting, etc comes up.

Here is the issue with it. It is revisionist at best. Anyone who watched that tournament saw back to back games in the Sweet 16 and the Elite 8 where UNC had to be saved by officials. Not just a call here or there but literally the 2 worse officiated games I've ever witnessed. The last 10 minutes of the Arkansas game to keep UNC alive (it was a mugging the last 2 minutes) and the first 30 minutes of the UK game, including literally removing 4 points from the board on bogus calls.

That was their "redemption season" and Jordan was way too visible all of that year for it to all be a coincidence. It was marketed as a redemption from losing the previous season in the finals as well as the end of the academic scandal. Jordan is too big of an egomaniac to not attempt to influence the rehabilitation of his University's image or to not care that he was synonymous with the crying Jordan meme for an entire year. The best way to fix all of it: Win. Winning solves everything and Jordan has about as much influence, power, and money as anyone could have in the game of basketball. Especially a league that is ran by a proven morally bankrupt organization. It would have taken an elite team playing the perfect game and a little luck to keep UNC from winning that year.

Your standard team doesn't get those breaks in back to back games. While it can be done if you have a 2 truly dominant big men like a KAT and Cousins front court combo. But the odds aren't in your favor when college teams can pack in a 2-3 and have 3-4 guys in the paint at all times. Now, Post oriented while having enough shooting to keep teams honest, ie:spacing, is a different story and similar to our 2015 teams approach in March.

The better example for average to below average shooting (32% from 3 on the season) is 2011 UConn in my opinion. They weren't a great shooting team and while it was still guard oriented, they won games 15 feet and in. But they had a generational college talent at guard who got hot at the right time.
I reread my original post and it appears I just gave my thoughts on what we need to do to play modern basketball. I never once said or implied that spreading the floor, having good spacing, and shooting was the only way to win. You're allowed to disagree with me without arguing against made up statements I didnt even make. @JonathanW said I was stupid to think that's the only way you can win. Where does that even come from?

You can win playing ball line defense, the Princton offense, 40 minutes of hell, and just about every other style in the game. I never said you couldn't. It is just my opinion that spacing and shooting gives you the best chance to win. No need to be offended if you think differently.
Offense wasn’t the problem. It was the worst defensive performance by a power 5 team in over a full season. (Duke scored 1.41 points per possession).
As a boy I saw a team spread the floor against Shaq, Stanley Roberts, and Chris Jackson and beat them 100-95. You spread the floor, get good looks, it's the best way to go if you have talent like we do.
Yeah they won a lot more than they lost. So stupid using the exception to explain a rule. That’s why shaq dominated in the NBA and Sean woods keeps getting fired as a coach.
Yeah they won a lot more than they lost. So stupid using the exception to explain a rule. That’s why shaq dominated in the NBA and Sean woods keeps getting fired as a coach.
So stupid watching this team lose by 30+ to Duke and struggle against Southern Illinois after last years struggle team and think there's not a problem. BTW, Shaq as a Center is the exception to the rule, 99.99% of centers aren't Shaq.
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If want to play that style then you better have the personnel who can pull it off. How's that system working for Villanova so far this early season?
If want to play that style then you better have the personnel who can pull it off. How's that system working for Villanova so far this early season?
You dont think we have the personnel to run that system on with our 9 McDonald's All Americans including 3 5 star PGs? You dont think we couldnt easily recruit to that system? You think Villanova has anywhere close to the talent we have this year?
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The reality is, this is a challenging roster for the offense Cal runs. And he is making adjustments based on his personnel. I think we will see it come together as the year progresses.
The far bigger concern right now is the lack of defensive toughness.
I'm bumping this every time that its evident that modern basketball is superior to the 90's basketball that we play.
It's infuriating to watch. And Matt Jones who only takes up for Cal is sitting on the post game show going well you know it's Cal and he's never going to change he plays a certain way and that's it we just have to live with it. If Matt Jones is kind of throwing shade at Cal, my god you know it's something.

Well, you know who else played a certain way and they literally invented the shot clock because of him? Dean Smith. You know who Cal is compared to all the time? Dean Smith. He's usually compared to him for doing the least with the most but honestly as they used to say about Michael Jordan the only guy who stop Jordan from scoring 30 was Dean Smith. He always wanted to slow it down against good teams and it cost him probably 7-8 titles over the years. You have better players you create tempo and play for maximum possessions because you want to create more opportunities to have your talent out maneuver theirs. I hate to say it but we are reaching that territory with our offense. Now tonight we scored 92 points or whatever but we have got to, got to, get modern players and run modern systems.
You dont think we have the personnelto run that system on with our 9 McDonald's All Americans including 3 5 star PGs? You dont think we couldnt easily recruit to that system? You think Villanova has anywhere close to the talent we have this year?

Depends on what type of talent is on your roster. Someone mentioned Duke's 2015 team but last season Coach K played his two 2 talented bigs, Bagley and Carter, on the court at the same time despite prior success using only one big at a time. I'm not trying to say our bigs are that close to being that good or talented but you have to shape your team around the talent you do have.

If you're going to run that one big system then you better have some shooters to put out of the floor or teams will still pack it in if you are without a perimeter threats. Villanova was successful running that system last season but Nova also shot 40% from three for the year. And I've always said I wish Cal would recruit better shooters.
Glad to see many getting it. Many way before me.

Ranking 330 or so in 3 pointers taken, grinding out games in the tourney, losing hope here.
All this talent and we can't score. Either our offense is broken or Seton Hall is one of the best defensive teams in the country. Yall can keep denying what's right in front of your face though.
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Just awful watching two guys stand on the blocks while another attempts to drive.

It isn’t possible.

Wake the F up and change this horrible scheme.
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I completely disagree with the OP.

You should play to your strengths, whatever they are. Shooting 3’s is not a strength of our bigs. But also by doing that, you are severely weakening your offensive rebounding.
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Modern basketball is about spreading the floor, having an open lane for cuts and drives, and shooting. I think a major problem with our offense last year besides shooting was having multiple guys on the low block, further clogging the lane. We shouldve played Knox at the 4 and PJ at the 5. That opens up the court and makes us a better shooting team.

This year, our 3 bigs should operate as face up guys and set screens instead of posting up. Our guards historically haven't been the best at feeding the post anyway.

I have been wanting and wanting a team that could spread the floor and play the more modern skill/small ball. After watching Wisconsin play elite basketball with 2 fringe NBA players and role players.... I thought - If Wisconsin can do it, Cal could do it better because we can get more talent.

Well... I think it's harder for a young team to emulate that style of basketball. These kids are just a year or two removed from high school and AAU basketball. Chemistry is huge and skill development isn't quite there yet. Whitney/Brooks will be versatile basketball players sometime in their career.... but will they be ready by March?

As long as Calipari is here we will have young teams. It makes November and December tough to watch sometimes. But, with the lack of experience and lack of time to build experience/chemistry/skill is offset if we have elite talent. Since 2015 we have had trouble getting those guys and we all know why.... Cal hasn't lost his touch but other schools have $tepped up in what they are offering. Next year and hopefully the next 10 years will be different.

Also, I sincerely believe we get a bad whistle... not in the early rounds of the tournament but definitely in the later rounds. If Cal got the Duke/UNC whistle, he would have at least 3 championships in the last 10 years. So... to make a LONG STORY short we need a SH!T TON of talent to win it all.
Cal went against all his instincts and tendencies to craft a role for Willis as a stretch 4. At least we know it can happen. It may take time for it to materialize.
Haven’t we been beaten a number of times recently by clogging the lanes? Pretty sure with our lack of consistent shooting the past couple of seasons that this has been the most effective strategy against us.

Lack of shooters is always a problem for Cal's teams. But even if they have a good big man they never get him the ball
Looking back on this, and seeing what PJ Washington is doing in the NBA, was 3-point shooting a weakness for PJ?
Looking back on this, and seeing what PJ Washington is doing in the NBA, was 3-point shooting a weakness for PJ?
Nope, not getting good looks was. He is an excellent shooter. Once he started stepping out and shooting 3's clearing the lane and creating better spacing our offense really improved.
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Modem game? Sounds like Nail in the Head or another PlayStation Strategist.

The is college basketball. Defense and skill set rule the roost not offensive ESPN highlights.
Our offense should run thru Richards and Maxey . I would love to see a 2 man game from them . Richards has a great mid range J and can score everytime in the post if he wants. We need to give him the ball much much more as the light has come on for him. Every game when he has been on the court he has been great. He didn't get to touch it against Evansville enough and we lost and that was a big reason for it .