You can try, but you would fail, as I've shown over and over and over in this thread. Fish eye = curve, non fish eye = no curve no matter how high you go.
We'll set up a Go Fund Me to fund a similar project if you'd be interesting in replicating the results. I'll let you unbox the GoPro and have full control of the data. You game?
You expose your ignorance with every post. What kind of lens does a GoPro have?
You didn't even watch 15 seconds of that video. And this has been fun and all but I'm kind of bored with you now. Also, you're doing yourself no favors with the insults and name calling--along with your horrid grammar.
What is blocking me in Kentucky from seeing the Southern Cross constellation in the night sky?
I can see other stars/constellations. Are theses stars closer to the southern hemisphere? Is the density of the atmosphere in the southern hemisphere less than in the north?
I probably need to see a model or meme of this to be convinced.
Assuming for a second Earth is flat, false. If you can't get far enough to see a curve from Earth, how in the hell is any type of elevation going to magically block out something in the sky even further away?Elevation and the density of the atmosphere.
Lift and thrust. Two things flattards know nothing about.