It's really just the ramblings of a lonely old man.Z, it's time to pull back the curtain. marvelous troll job. i'm sure you are concocting a much bigger troll extravaganza in which this was just the first act. it has played out it's course, so move on to your act number 2. this one has become stale. i'm actually a little intrigued by what you have lined up next.
No friends and what little family he has avoids him. Sitting at home alone. Begging for some kind of interaction with other humans.
You see this phenomenon played out at the grocery store when an old lady pays for her groceries with a check. She waits until every item has been rang by the cashier to start writing her check. Surely she knows ahead of time that she could fill in the name of the store and the date. But she waits. It's not with the intent of pissing people off. No, she does this to seek attention. That human attention that she gets once a week when she takes the old folks shuttle to the store.
Bill wanted attention too. He came across the flat earth theory and thought he could make himself sound smart. He would demonstrate his superior intellect and engage in conversation with others. Only Bill doesn't understand the give and take of conversation. He only wants to pontificate the talking points that he has stumbled upon.
Bill did get a conversation going and for a while, it satisfied him. He had stumped all of us "ball earth" people. But then Bill realized that people weren't as much arguing with him as they were just making fun of him and laughing. This has made Bill angry and now he has resorted to name calling.
At the end of the day, the rest of us have our family, our friends, jobs, and hobbies. Bill has an empty house where no one visits. His parents are dead. His brother and sister disown him. He never married. Never had kids. Never held a meaningful job. He just sits. Alone. And waits.
Thanks for the laughs Bill.