The call from last night if anyone missed it.

I don't mind the passion from this fan. Sports are supposed to mean something to the fan. I remember grown men ugly crying when our Chicago Cubs won the World Series. I remember families celebrating at cemeteries with loved ones who never got to experience the thrill of winning it all while they were alive. Look at the passion of the Argentina fans/players after winning the World Cup today.

The problem is Cal created a divide with "players first". The players and fans belong together. The fans cheer on the players and the players play passionately for the fans who support them. He may or may not mean so, but Cal has led many fans to believe he couldn't care less about the UK fans and many have finally said enough is enough.
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So if he had overlies it’s ok? Sexist much? With all due respect, Get lost.

And Matt would not have clowned him. Matt takes showers in the middle of tough games. He gets what it means to be a passionate fan.
Overlies? 🤣🤣
I don't mind the passion from this fan. Sports are supposed to mean something to the fan. I remember grown men ugly crying when our Chicago Cubs one the World Series. I remember families celebrating at cemeteries with loved ones who never got to experience the thrill of winning it all while they were alive. Look at the passion of the Argentina fans/players after winning the World Cup today.

The problem is Cal created a divide with "players first". The players and fans belong together. The fans cheer on the players and the players play passionately for the fans who support them. He may or may not mean so, but Cal has led many fans to believe he couldn't care less about the UK fans and many have finally said enough is enough.
“”But it’s just a sport”.

I get that. And there are things bigger than basketball of course. But we have these things because they’re supposed to be fun. And fill up our time as a distraction on this earth before we all kick it.

People get to choose what they enjoy and are deeply passionate about. I was the band nerd/computer nerd in middle school and high school. So yeah I was used to the jokes and being made fun of. But damn if I still don’t enjoy those things. So I get this guy’s passion and I’m glad he’s not afraid to show it. Nothing wrong with being deeply involved in a hobby; it means he cares.
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I think what we’ve all discovered in this thread, and from this call, is the difference in appreciation for UK basketball from fan to fan.

When I was growing up in the 90s it felt like every UK fan I knew was like that caller. But nowadays people are more like a lot of posters here. I don’t think being passionate about your favorite sports team makes you any less of a man. And anyone who suggests that it does is short sighted, narrow minded, and quite possibly, not intelligent.

I appreciate the caller’s words, his courage to put himself on that platform, and his passion. The things he said were what every coach I’ve ever had has said to me. That my Jersey means something. That the name on the front was more significant than the name on the back. And the name on the front being more important wasn’t my coach saying my school was more important than a person, they were trying to convey that we had to sacrifice our own pride for the good of each other and the team in order to succeed.

I’m not sure why his passion or words or controversial on a UK basketball message board. If that level passion turns you off, imo, you are on the wrong website. I should also note that I mean no disrespect.
I think what we’ve all discovered in this thread, and from this call, is the difference in appreciation for UK basketball from fan to fan.

When I was growing up in the 90s it felt like every UK fan I knew was like that caller. But nowadays people are more like a lot of posters here. I don’t think being passionate about your favorite sports team makes you any less of a man. And anyone who suggests that it does is short sighted, narrow minded, and quite possibly, not intelligent.

I appreciate the caller’s words, his courage to put himself on that platform, and his passion. The things he said were what every coach I’ve ever had has said to me. That my Jersey means something. That the name on the front was more significant than the name on the back. And the name on the front being more important wasn’t my coach saying my school was more important than a person, they were trying to convey that we had to sacrifice our own pride for the good of each other and the team in order to succeed.

I’m not sure why his passion or words or controversial on a UK basketball message board. If that level passion turns you off, imo, you are on the wrong website. I should also note that I mean no disrespect.
Becuae we have a toxic culture. And sadly a toxic counter-culture. Showing emotion is either soft at all times or you should be emotional about everything. And people have forgotten what the hell context is. That’s particularly obvious in this thread.

If you react like the caller did to not getting your fast food order right, you have issues. Reacting this way when you see something you love and care about should be normal. He didn’t fly off the handle cursing or crying about how he can’t get out of bed or anything. He just simply got a little bit loud.

And yes that jersey means something to every true child of the Commonwealth. I grew up shooting hoops with my dad and mom in our back yard. I sucked. I’ve struggled with weight issues all my life. I knew I’d never set foot on the floor at Rupp as a UK player. But it was fun to pretend I was.and to carry that pride of being a Kentuckian and that tradition of excellence with you everywhere. Every kid in Kentucky has done that. That’s what makes UK basketball special and different. Hell, that’s what makes America special and different. Or at least it used to.

Hell, I used Kentucky basketball as a motivator for my own struggles in my early life. When Rick and crew were out there giving people 40 minutes of hell I knew I couldn’t just quit in my own goals and projects. And that kind of attitude has helped me several times in life. I can remember several Sundays in the 90s when our pastors would have a watch on the pulpit to keep an eye on the time so their sermons wouldn’t run long. So people could at least catch the start of the game with Cawood as they droce home to watch.

And that magic is just fine. And some of that won’t ever be back. I’m not stupid. Society is different. But the culture of excellence should never be missing. And it sadly is now.
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The landscape of college basketball has changed and if UK brass isn’t careful, UK will fall behind a lot of other programs.

Is our history important? Heck yeah it is, but do we want to be UCLA?

Cal isn’t the guy, he still thinks NBA potential is what wins titles, it's not and right now, UK simply doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, nobody cares about titles won in the 60's, or even the 90's.

Barnhart needs to have a very difficult conversation with Cal and work out a deal for him to move on after next year if he can't make the changes that need to be made.
I think what we’ve all discovered in this thread, and from this call, is the difference in appreciation for UK basketball from fan to fan.

When I was growing up in the 90s it felt like every UK fan I knew was like that caller. But nowadays people are more like a lot of posters here. I don’t think being passionate about your favorite sports team makes you any less of a man. And anyone who suggests that it does is short sighted, narrow minded, and quite possibly, not intelligent.

I appreciate the caller’s words, his courage to put himself on that platform, and his passion. The things he said were what every coach I’ve ever had has said to me. That my Jersey means something. That the name on the front was more significant than the name on the back. And the name on the front being more important wasn’t my coach saying my school was more important than a person, they were trying to convey that we had to sacrifice our own pride for the good of each other and the team in order to succeed.

I’m not sure why his passion or words or controversial on a UK basketball message board. If that level passion turns you off, imo, you are on the wrong website. I should also note that I mean no disrespect.
For the record, it has NOTHING to do with his passion. It has everything to do with coming across like a little weenie crying about how a big bad meanie took his ice cream. Like it or not, I've already had a few rival fans send me the link laughing at this poor guy.
For the record, it has NOTHING to do with his passion. It has everything to do with coming across like a little weenie crying about how a big bad meanie took his ice cream. Like it or not, I've already had a few rival fans send me the link laughing at this poor guy.
You don’t get it. And that’s ok. UK basketball means something different to different people.

I don’t care what rival fans think of me, my fellow fans, or our passion. If a rival fan sent me that I’d just say our fans obviously care more than yours. For better or worse.
Nobody wants Cal gone more than me. Nobody. I wanted him gone years ago.But that call is an embarrassment. A grown man throwing a temper tantrum on ears ago?
Years ago?

Probably before he won a NC here, right?

I don't think Billy Clyde is available any more, but I am sure our AD could/would find his equivalent, Careful what you wish for.
Becuae we have a toxic culture. And sadly a toxic counter-culture. Showing emotion is either soft at all times or you should be emotional about everything. And people have forgotten what the hell context is. That’s particularly obvious in this thread.

If you react like the caller did to not getting your fast food order right, you have issues. Reacting this way when you see something you love and care about should be normal. He didn’t fly off the handle cursing or crying about how he can’t get out of bed or anything. He just simply got a little bit loud.

And yes that jersey means something to every true child of the Commonwealth. I grew up shooting hoops with my dad and mom in our back yard. I sucked. I’ve struggled with weight issues all my life. I knew I’d never set foot on the floor at Rupp as a UK player. But it was fun to pretend I was.and to carry that pride of being a Kentuckian and that tradition of excellence with you everywhere. Every kid in Kentucky has done that. That’s what makes UK basketball special and different. Hell, that’s what makes America special and different. Or at least it used to.

Hell, I used Kentucky basketball as a motivator for my own struggles in my early life. When Rick and crew were out there giving people 40 minutes of hell I knew I couldn’t just quit in my own goals and projects. And that kind of attitude has helped me several times in life. I can remember several Sundays in the 90s when our pastors would have a watch on the pulpit to keep an eye on the time so their sermons wouldn’t run long. So people could at least catch the start of the game with Cawood as they droce home to watch.

And that magic is just fine. And some of that won’t ever be back. I’m not stupid. Society is different. But the culture of excellence should never be missing. And it sadly is now.
Well said.
For the record, it has NOTHING to do with his passion. It has everything to do with coming across like a little weenie crying about how a big bad meanie took his ice cream. Like it or not, I've already had a few rival fans send me the link laughing at this poor guy.
Good. Tell them to piss off.
The landscape of college basketball has changed and if UK brass isn’t careful, UK will fall behind a lot of other programs.

Is our history important? Heck yeah it is, but do we want to be UCLA?

Cal isn’t the guy, he still thinks NBA potential is what wins titles, it's not and right now, UK simply doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, nobody cares about titles won in the 60's, or even the 90's.

Barnhart needs to have a very difficult conversation with Cal and work out a deal for him to move on after next year if he can't make the changes that need to be made.
UCLA may have passed the Cats already. UK is falling into an also ran, middle of the pack SEC school. The next coach the Cats hire should be a college coach, not an NBA wannabee. We tried that route and things went down hill.

Somewhere there is a young coach who will dedicate his career to the name on the front of the jersey and will be proud to be the Coach of the UK Wildcats. Then maybe, just maybe the Cats can rise to the top of the college basketball world. Cal has to go.
UCLA may have passed the Cats already. UK is falling into an also ran, middle of the pack SEC school. The next coach the Cats hire should be a college coach, not an NBA wannabee. We tried that route and things went down hill.

Somewhere there is a young coach who will dedicate his career to the name on the front of the jersey and will be proud to be the Coach of the UK Wildcats. Then maybe, just maybe the Cats can rise to the top of the college basketball world. Cal has to go.
Brad Stevens fits that description, but I doubt he leaves his cushy GM job for this.
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That feller needs to learn to vent better. Rants and vents should be inspirational and informative. Prove a point. Get a message across. That was more whiny than the other.
Nobody wants Cal gone more than me. Nobody. I wanted him gone years ago.

But that call is an embarrassment. A grown man throwing a temper tantrum on live radio.
Ok “Wonky”. Any more embarrassing than a grown man arguing anonymously on the internet, with a fake hidden nickname?
I only listened for a few minutes on two days last week of the ksr show and noticed that something happened that I have never heard
before: Ryan disagreed with matt on both days and either Ryan has a new GF that said stop being an embarrssment to all those who know you OR Ryan is sick of matt's lip just like we are for Cal.
I'm gonna need some proof of this.
Brad Stevens fits that description, but I doubt he leaves his cushy GM job for this.
Brad Stevens is not coming back to college basketball to deal with the NIL and a bunch of cry baby parents. If I was in position I sure would not. Money is not everything.
Brad Stevens is not coming back to college basketball to deal with the NIL and a bunch of cry baby parents. If I was in position I sure would not. Money is not everything.
Yeah, if I was in his position, there would be no way in hell I would go back to coaching a college basketball program.

No way. He didn't make it all the way to the top, just to take 2 steps down
When you have a pair of testicles that kind of behavior is pathetic. Dude was basically on the verge of tears because Cal has ruined his life.

Cal is not the answer for UK basketball. And as someone with a 3-year old son, I get what he said about not being able to pass the tradition on right now because the program is so putrid. And yeah that does suck. But it ain’t the end of the damn world. Some people really do need to get a life.

I don’t like Matt Jones but he would have clowned that dude, and rightly so.
Wrong. Matt had him on his radio show today and was all in with him.
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You don’t get it. And that’s ok. UK basketball means something different to different people.

I don’t care what rival fans think of me, my fellow fans, or our passion. If a rival fan sent me that I’d just say our fans obviously care more than yours. For better or worse.

I can't agree when someone acts like that on the radio. If that were a UL fan, this board would be bashing him with everything we have for being such a weenie.
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I can't agree when someone acts like that on the radio. If that were a UL fan, this board would be bashing him with everything we have for being such a weenie.
Maybe some of this board would bash a rival fan for doing that, but I wouldn’t and there are some others that would commend their passion.

It’s just a difference of opinion at the end of the day. I don’t think showing that kind of passion for something that has been a family bonding point for generations. For a lot of us it’s more than just a basketball team. For me, for example, it’s everything from watching the 2012 run with my grandpa to partying with my BBN brothers and sisters on state street.

Some UK fans may not have those kinds of memories (those aren’t my only 2 lol) and they won’t feel or understand that level of passion in other fan. And like I said, that’s ok. Maybe just try to be a bit more open minded? Not taking shots at you.

A man getting that upset or something as special as UK basketball doesn’t make him a weenie. I’m fact, by this thread’s tone it would appear to me that him getting on that public platform and ranting like that was a sign of courage.
That’s what a mom had for a kid with a skinned knee. Passion is what a person has for a favorite subject. What you heard was raving. That’s what a lunatic does when screaming at a radio show host.
I've heard FAR worse and called a true fan. To each their own. But that was pretty damn tame.
I've heard FAR worse and called a true fan. To each their own. But that was pretty damn tame.
Oh, I watch an idiot throw a half full shot glass threw an old style tv screen. Saw an even drunker one try to piss on a tv ref once. These are not fans. They are socio paths. Doing it on radio just makes it worse. The fact that we can each name worse just proves my point.
Oh, I watch an idiot throw a half full shot glass threw an old style tv screen. Saw an even drunker one try to piss on a tv ref once. These are not fans. They are socio paths. Doing it on radio just makes it worse. The fact that we can each name worse just proves my point.
Like I said, that was pretty tame.
So if he had overlies it’s ok? Sexist much? With all due respect, Get lost.

And Matt would not have clowned him. Matt takes showers in the middle of tough games. He gets what it means to be a passionate fan.
No it would be expected a little more from a woman to wear their emotions on their sleeves.
Look, that guy was just trying for attention and that's the only reason his drunk as* raised his voice. He thought it would sound cool.
It did, to others like him
No it would be expected a little more from a woman to wear their emotions on their sleeves.
Look, that guy was just trying for attention and that's the only reason his drunk as* raised his voice. He thought it would sound cool.
It did, to others like him
So when a man gets tired of seeing something he enjoys and cares about pissed on, and says something slightly louder (not cursing, or threatening, or browbeating) it’s now “wearing emotions in sleeves”. Got it.

Hey everyone. No more yelling at the TV during games. That’s too lady like. And don’t you dare celebrate or be happy if we win.

Lol. Amazing. Someone gets a littl loud in a phone call to express his opinion about the piss poor state our program is in and that’s a step too far.