The call from last night if anyone missed it.

I strongly disagree . Caller was the exact opposite of soft . it’s called a deep passionate love for something that is destroyed before your very eyes .
Caller needs a girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, dog, kids, hobbies or something if he was serious with that call. I have a hunch it was fake though. Lord, I hope so for his sake.
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If you are happy with Cal and the state of UK basketball that was an embarrassment.

If you are unhappy with Cal and the state of UK basketball is was the greatest thing ever said on radio.

Shows how divided this board (and BBN) is.

And Cal probably laughed about it and probably told his big time donor buddy who was sitting beside him on the luxury jet flying home, “listen to this guy, our fans are so crazy!”
The caller spoke for 90% of UK fans. The other 10% are cultural snowflakes like Cal who probably got participation trophies most of their lives and never won anything.

Come on TCFF, you have to admit that was more of a junior high girl meltdown than an intelligent fan expressing dissatisfaction with Cal. I mean the whole "Kentucky jersey" thing was cracking me up! I don't even hear that kind of goofy talk up here in Ohio State land.
Average lead was 6. UCLA: Kenpom 3, Sagarin 4, Bart Torvik 2. I’m sure almost any other analytical ranking you’ll find will show as much. Also the AP poll tomorrow they will be right there.
FOOL'S GOLD!! Keep believing that this team is something other than the mess you see and you will be looking for excuses for another early exit from the playoffs if this team even makes the playoffs.
Caller needs a girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, dog, kids, hobbies or something if he was serious with that call. I have a hunch it was fake though. Lord, I hope so for his sake.
You should save your hopes for Cal doing the right thing by stepping down.
Caller needs a girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, dog, kids, hobbies or something if he was serious with that call. I have a hunch it was fake though. Lord, I hope so for his sake.
To be honest, when we have such passion that a college coach makes 9 million a year, which he isn't worth minimum wage right now, maybe we all need some new hobbies.
I only listened for a few minutes on two days last week of the ksr show and noticed that something happened that I have never heard
before: Ryan disagreed with matt on both days and either Ryan has a new GF that said stop being an embarrssment to all those who know you OR Ryan is sick of matt's lip just like we are for Cal.
What??? I listed most of last week and I never hear Ryan disagree. Are you sure? I've never heard Ryan disagree with MJ, I've been waiting for that moment.
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Most things associated with sports are embarrassing. What are you talking about? Ok, let's start with coach's salaries, fans spending money they don't really have on tickets, grown people worshiping kids, etc. So, when did fans start worrying about embarrassing things associated with sports?
Athletes graduating school when they can even read, let’s keep going. This is far from the most embarrassing things about sports. Actually this call is why UK is UK because people really do care.
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Its a great message. However he doesn't care about our opinions. much like some political figures he has become rich and aloof. He has a contact that favors him and all that is hurt right now is his ego a bit. The kids are playing hard they just are not being led very well.
Agree with every damn word said and for those who are embarrassed of fans like this.
I’m embarrassed of what if fans like you.
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Losing a game where we were underdogs to a top 5 team. 1.5 point underdogs, 2 points down with 4:30 to play. Don’t think pride in a jersey was the reason we couldn’t throw it in the ocean from a boat.

Honest question for those upset. You think Cal stinks, you’ve watched how bad we’ve been offensively, you knew we were playing a great team. Did you expect us to win with that combination? The reaction strength would suggest so, but if you just listened to your own negativity you would’ve seen yesterday coming and been less bothered.
That's the problem.
The fans no longer expect to win those games.
In the past every fan would have expected the win.
The lousy offense and inept players are all on ccc.
He had the chance to bring more scoring options than toppin and Wheeler, but he refused and now look at the results. Even Oscar doesn't look as good as last year.
What if he just screamed "gooooooooooooo" at the top of his lungs incessantly?
Would we have to call a Catholic priest in for that?
You know that hater mantra got worn out in the Tubby days. And BCG days. And Calipari days. And every other coach. I heard a 3 year old kid yell Gooo. I heard a momma yell gooooo at her child in a foot race. I even heard a catholic nun yell go at a basketball game.

None of them sounded like a slavering possessed mad man screaming at a radio show host about a man that wasn’t even in the room.

I think I know who could benefit more from the priest.
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You know that hater mantra got worn out in the Tubby days. And BCG days. And Calipari days. And every other coach. I heard a 3 year old kid yell Gooo. I heard a momma yell gooooo at her child in a foot race. I even heard a catholic nun yell go at a basketball game.

None of them sounded like a slavering possessed mad man screaming at a radio show host about a man that wasn’t even in the room.

I think I know who could benefit more from the priest.
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You know that hater mantra got worn out in the Tubby days. And BCG days. And Calipari days. And every other coach. I heard a 3 year old kid yell Gooo. I heard a momma yell gooooo at her child in a foot race. I even heard a catholic nun yell go at a basketball game.

None of them sounded like a slavering possessed mad man screaming at a radio show host about a man that wasn’t even in the room.

I think I know who could benefit more from the priest.