Terrence Clarke

Can we come up with an animal thats actually cool to describe uniquely skilled players? I envision these ‘unicorns’ with a rainbow horn and glitter everywhere. Lord knows its not a dragon either bc we had one of those and just LOL
In the beer world unicorns are rare beers. Very good yes, but it’s the whale or white wale that is the most rare of all. For example;
White wale-Anithony Davis
For the sake of this ranking Dragons fall below chihuahuas
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By the way, Cal better have somebody on the phone that lets Clarke and Boston know that Kentucky matches any offer. No hesitation.

Brother man, on a personal level, it's wonderful to have you aboard the Good Ship of Reason on this issue.

You've always been a good poster; but man, I feel like it's going to take posters like you to help convince some of these old stalwarts of "college means academics first" crowd to eventually evolve on a philosophical level.

I'm glad you're thinking this way. Keep fighting the good fight. If college basketball is going to survive all this, we need to get ahead of the curve on the amateurism issue.
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I was talking about the endorsement deal.

FYI Bazley got a guaranteed $1 million with possibility up to $14 million without even playing in the g-league. And he wasn’t even that highly rated a prospect.
From what I can tell, there's no guarantee on that yet. The assumption is yes, but the NBA just recently guaranteed their most immediate game checks to players.

If we don't finish the current season and things are still on hold in the fall, there's a very real scenario where those guys don't see a check.

But even if that transpires, it likely means no college season either. In which case you're still much better off because a projected top 10 pick is going to be able to get plenty of money fronted from their agent.
When does the G league start or was it supposed to start already? I'm ignorant about it is why I am asking so many questions.
Does it run concurrent with NBA season? I guess what I'm asking is does it start before the college season, same time, or later? Just curious if the timing would be an advantage or not for CBB.
When does the G league start or was it supposed to start already? I'm ignorant about it is why I am asking so many questions.
Does it run concurrent with NBA season? I guess what I'm asking is does it start before the college season, same time, or later? Just curious if the timing would be an advantage or not for CBB.
This past season the G league regular season started November 8th
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@ralphdaltonfan from downtown, bang! (Mike Breen voice)

In all seriousness, thank you for the voice of reason. While that Twitter account could be connected to Team Unicorn, they could also be trying to increase followers. What better way to do that than to provoke the most passionate fan base in the sport? They said nothing definitive either and have an out if TC goes to college.

Not taking any shots at that Twitter Account. They, like many have good info/sources. I think many posters here are excellent regarding information. Don't want to leave anyone out but those I interact I with privately know who I'm referring to and some I don't provide excellent discussion/info as well.

The thing about Unicorn family has nothing to do with that account. It's just that info has been strong about them for over a year now. I think that account would even agree with that take. So it's not surprising but based on what I'd been told of Clarke I'd have been really surprised to see him go that route.

Doesn't make anyone bad/wrong to bring up discussion. The only inaccurate thing from this entire ordeal is the shots some took at Rod Strickland and just saw Kyle Tucker's commentary which is 100% incorrect take on this. This wasn't some heated discussion and it's not the first time they've spoken this Month either. My friend knows Rod well and never contacted me about Clarke and if something was going to happen, he'd have told me and allowed me to share/get word out.
Wow, everyone was bashing me for doubting an account with 2,000 followers that made a couple of lucky guesses. Funny how that works out.
Don’t be so gullible folks.

They said he and Suggs were possibilities.

If Cal and Clarke addressed it publicly and Cal called Strick, this wasn't made up.
Here's my two cents worth:
I won't sweat it if the g-league does start siphoning off the top 40 every year. I don't care, just so long as all colleges are pulling from the same pool of players; it doesn't bother me if it's not the elite of the elite. If that was what I was interested in watching, I'd be an NBA fan instead of college. In my mind, stripping college ball of those top 40 each year could lead to better basketball, since teams would actually have to run stuff to get people open looks. Teams won't be able to just give the ball to their stud and run iso. Then the kids who go to college do so with full intentions of staying around and earning their degree, since they have no guarantee of being able to make a living off basketball. The more I think about it, the more comfortable I am with the idea of g-league becoming a true minor-league to the nba and college getting back to being kids playing for the name across the front of the jersey.
I second this. As long as the competition across the board is fair, who cares if the top 40 don’t go to college. 41-100 can still dunk the ball, make open shots, knock down free throws, etc. They don’t have as much of a “wow” factor, but I do agree that it will lead to better basketball in the long run.

Now if the NCAA allows players to transfer freely, then forget it. Kids will transfer as soon as they hit hardships or adversity. There will be even more roster turnover than there is now. At some point, there has to be a consequence to backing out of a commitment. This is why I’m not on board with Cal giving guys like Green and Baker waivers to play immediately.
If that happens... college basketball is in trouble. They really need to entertain a 2-3 year baseball rule elite talent coming to CBB be damned.

no they need to let players go pro whenever they are good enough. Forcing kid to go to college is unamerican.
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Now if the NCAA allows players to transfer freely, then forget it. Kids will transfer as soon as they hit hardships or adversity. There will be even more roster turnover than there is now. At some point, there has to be a consequence to backing out of a commitment. This is why I’m not on board with Cal giving guys like Green and Baker waivers to play immediately.

So you think coaches should be allowed to move freely, but not players. Yeah, that seems fair. You all act like college basketball is something important, it's not. It is an extracurricular activity that you're a fan of. Players should only have the same restrictions that coaches do, which is none.
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Brother man, on a personal level, it's wonderful to have you aboard the Good Ship of Reason on this issue.

You've always been a good poster; but man, I feel like it's going to take posters like you to help convince some of these old stalwarts of "college means academics first" crowd to eventually evolve on a philosophical level.

I'm glad you're thinking this way. Keep fighting the good fight. If college basketball is going to survive all this, we need to get ahead of the curve on the amateurism issue.
I think we need to let the kids market themselves and get endorsements while in high school/college. That's where the money needs to come from
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So you think coaches should be allowed to move freely, but not players. Yeah, that seems fair. You all act like college basketball is something important, it's not. It is an extracurricular activity that you're a fan of. Players should only have the same restrictions that coaches do, which is none.
Coaches are considered employees of the school. The athletes aren’t filling out W-2’s or 1099’s at the end of the year. No one forces them to go to college. But if you do decide to commit to a school, you should have to honor that commitment or face a consequence. A coach is at a school for an indefinite amount of time while a player has a maximum of 4 years. They get compensated for their services in other ways. Comparing the players to the coaches is comparing apples to oranges.

And at the end of the day, there has to be some accountability for honoring commitments. If they can do whatever they want with no restrictions, what does that teach someone later in life when they encounter hardship? Take the easy way out? Having troubles with the wife and I’ve got another girl from work that has been wanting to get together. Should just go for it right? No restrictions and all. That’s just one example.
You insinuated they are connected by saying if there’s no college sports means no pro sports.

I also think you are being a bit misguided or short sighted by not realizing the revenue opportunities for professional sports with TV revenues alone. No matter what until there is a vaccine no venue is going to have much turn out. Would benefit pro sports to get out of the big stadiums and into smaller venues with less overhead and bank based on TV revenues. Pro leagues can change up their model to fit an economic downturn. It’s been done many times before.

No. I fkn didn't. You assumed and inferred incorrectly. Have someone read it to you
We’ve been missing a PG coach of his caliber though that’s for sure. I wish Wall would fill that role in the next 5-6 years

PG coach, yes. That could be the one thing missing from our PGs since he made himself get fired
In the beer world unicorns are rare beers. Very good yes, but it’s the whale or white wale that is the most rare of all. For example;
White wale-Anithony Davis
For the sake of this ranking Dragons fall below chihuahuas

Lmao at this. Thank you
Wow, everyone was bashing me for doubting an account with 2,000 followers that made a couple of lucky guesses. Funny how that works out.
Don’t be so gullible folks.

Don't be so ...drama queeny? Everyone wasn't bashing you. I didn't even know you posted. Didn't even get the chance to bash you.

I feel cheated
FYI Bazley got a guaranteed $1 million with possibility up to $14 million without even playing in the g-league. And he wasn’t even that highly rated a prospect.

THAT'S the American way! Forcing kids to line the NCAAs pocket and the networks' pockets is sht.

I loved college basketball before the NCAA decided to capriciously dk around with schools and favor others, before they rigged officiating and dropped any real oversight of it. They can go scrw themselves until they get a real president and a level playing field for all.
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Problem is, those 3-4 year guys are gone after 2 years at UK.

I'm not trying to poke the bear on that, it's a fact. You can average 4ppg and 2rpg at UK in year 2, but that doesn't matter.

How do you stop it? If the GL is going to pay these kids to play, why would the kids want to stay in school?

They stay in school at UVA, Nova, MSU etc… , but, for whatever reason, they don't stay here.
meh. we’ll just take 3rd and 4th year starters from other schools.
Or get some boosters to match the G-league offer.

It's either that (at least until the likeness issue is changed by state legislatures), or we can kiss our chances at sustaining high-level success here goodbye.

The game has already evolved to a point where going by the book won't allow UK to compete for titles consistently.

It's time to adapt or get left behind.

Cal is gonna have to start wining and dining these officials, ncaa execs, and kissing media ass to get things back to level. Trouble is no one wants UK to catch UCLA, period. They'll let people cheat to catch up to us, but that pro team Wooden had bought for him for a decade is their golden child

Just don't see it happening. He won't be liked until he leaves UK.
Because you're comparing apples to oranges. The NFL doesn't want kids at 18, there is no minor league for the NFL, so the kid doesn't have an option.

That and 18 year kids would be killed playing in the NFL. The NFL guys are too big, too strong and too fast for an 18 or 19 kid to compete against.
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Well this went from being the end of the world to basically a non story quickly if you pay attention to what those in the know are saying . Not many , if any top 30 recruit is going to do this as they would be losing money in the long run . This story was a great example of why it is better to stick to the HOB thread about it compared to the RR thread . You would think Clarke signed with the g league instead of everyone reporting the chances he does are slim to none .

In the end this turns out to be not much more then a PR stunt by Rod strickland basically to get the Gleague in the mouth of people who never talk about it .
I have a feeling this post will not age well.